Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello, everyone, I’m Jay! Welcome to Thai Top Words. Today, we are going to do 10 Ways to Save the Planet in Thai. Let’s begin!
1. รีไซเคิล (rii-sai-khôoen) “recycle”
รีไซเคิล (rii-sai-khôoen), or “recycle”
ฉันมักรีไซเคิลของใช้ต่างๆ (chăn mák rii-sai-khôoen khǎawng chái dtàang dtàang) “I usually use recycled things.”
This word is very similar, not very similar, actually it’s the same as the word “recycle” in English. We can use it as a verb and also as an adjective. So if it’s a verb, it would be,
ฉันมักรีไซเคิลของใช้ต่างๆ (chăn mák rii-sai-khôoen khǎawng chái dtàang dtàang), as the example that I told you before.
But if we are going to use it as an adjective, it would be, ฉันมักใช้บองรีไซเคิล (chăn mák chái khǎawng rii-sai-khôoen).
2. อาสาสมัคร (aa-săa-sà-màk) “volunteer”
In English, volunteer, you can use this as a verb, like, you volunteer to do something. But อาสาสมัคร (aa-săa-sà-màk) means as a volunteer, as a noun.
เขาเป็นอาสาสมัครเก็บขยะ (khăo bpen aa-săa-sà-màk gèp khà-yà) “He is a volunteer to collect trashes.”
If you want to use this word as a verb, then you cut the word (sà-màk) at the end, so it would be อาสา (aa-săa). For example, ฉันอาสาไปเก็บขยะ (Chăn aa-săa bpai gèp khà-yà) “I volunteer to collect trash.”
3. นำกลับมาใช้ใหม่ (nam glàp maa chái mài) “reuse”
นำกลับมาใช้ใหม่ (nam glàp maa chái mài), “to reuse”
Actually the word นำกลับมาใช้ใหม่ (nam glàp maa chái mài), literally it means to bring something back to use it again.
แม่มักนำของเก่ากลับมาใช้ใหม่ (mâae mák nam khǎawng gào glàp maa chái mài) “Mom usually reuses things.”
So there are many things that you can reuse. For example, for me, I always reuse plastic bottle. How about you?
4. อนุรักษ์ (à-nú-rák) “conserve”
เราควรช่วยกันอนุรักษ์ป่าไม้ (rao khuuan chûuai gan a-nú-rák bpàa máai) “We should help conserve forests.”
Actually this word อนุรักษ์ (à-nú-rák), we usually use it with nature. For example, forest, mountain, ocean, and so on. And also we use it with tradition like conserve the tradition, I’m not sure if you use it in English, but in Thai, we use it as อนุรักษ์วัฒนธรรม (à-nú-rák wát-thá-ná-tham), “to preserve our tradition.”
5. ลดขยะ (lót khà-yà) “reduce trash”
การลดขยะช่วยลดมลภาวะ (gaan lót khà-yà chûuai lót mon-lá-phaa-wá) “Reducing trash helps reduce pollution.”
6. ใส่ใจสิ่งแวดล้อม (sài-jai sìng-wâaet-láawm) “care for the environment”
Okay, for example, เขาเป็นคนใส่ใจสิ่งแวดล้อม (khăo bpen khon sài-jai sìng-wâaet-láawm) “He cares for the environment.”
You can use the old, the previous word, that I taught you just now. So I could say,
ฉันใส่ใจสิ่งแวดล้อมโดยการลดขยะ (chă sài-jai sìng-wâaet-láawm dooi gaan lót khà-yà)
“I care for the environment by reducing trash.”
7. ใช้ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่เป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม (chái phà-lìt-dtà-phan thîi bpen mít dtàaw sìng-wâaet-láawm) “use eco-friendly products”
This word is a bit long but we can try.
ใช้ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่เป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม (chái phà-lìt-dtà-phan thîi bpen mít dtàaw sìng-wâaet-láawm) “use eco-friendly products”
คุณครูสอนให้เด็กๆ ใช้ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่เป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม
(khun-khruu sǎawn hâi dèk dèk chái phà-lìt-dtà-phan thîi bpen mít dtàaw sìng-wâaet-láawm)
“Teacher teaches children to use eco-friendly products.”
The reason why it is so long because we don’t have the exact word for eco-friendly. So if you literally translate this Thai word into English, it would be “use a product that is very friendly toward the environment.”
8. ลดการใช้ถุงพลาสติก (lót gaan chái thŭng pláat-dtìk) “reduce using plastic bags”
(hâang-sàp-pha-sĭn-kháa ron-ná-rong hâi khon lót gaan chái thŭng pláat-dtìk)
“Department store encourages people to reduce using plastic bags.”
Ok, actually it’s a good thing to reduce using plastic bags, like, for me. Nowadays, I don’t really use plastic bags as many as before, so what I do is I always bring my eco bag when I go to grocery shopping. So, yeah, that kind of made me feel good about myself.
9. ปลูกต้นไม้ (bplùuk dtôn máai) “grow trees”
For example, พ่อชอบปลูกต้นไม้ (phâaw châawp bplùuk dtôn máai) Dad likes growing trees.
Really? I mean like, just my opinion, I just feel like people is very hard to grow trees nowadays because we don’t have space to do; and even though if we do, normally people grow vegetables or fruits, not trees, no but it’s always good to grow some trees for the environment.
Oh! I know why, okay. Maybe, this word ปลูกต้นไม้ (bplùuk dtôn máai) when you translate it back to English is “to grow trees,” but I think it has a hidden meaning that it can also imply that you’re growing some kind of plants as well. For example, flowers or maybe even like vegetables or fruits. If you don’t want to be specific you can use this word. Actually, that kind of makes more sense.
10. ใช้รถสาธารณะ (chái rót săa-thaa-rá-ná) “use public transportation”
In Thailand, we have many public transportation such as bus, train, and taxi.
(rát-thà-baan sà-nàp-sà-nŭn hâi bprà-chaa-chon chái rót săa-thaa-rá-ná)
“Government supports the citizen to use public transportation.”
Okay, thank you for watching today’s lesson. Please don’t forget to like our video and also subscribe to our channel. If you have any question regarding this lesson, or you have any tips for me to be a better person to save the environment, just let me know in the comment below. Please don’t forget to check out our website. See you next time. Bye bye!

