
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Thai Season 1, Lesson 25 - On the Phone. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to understand basic phone vocabulary in Thai.
Eric: Here's the way to say "Hello. in Thai, when you’re answering the phone.
Jay: [Normal] ฮัลโหล(han-loo)
Eric: You can also use this general greeting as a female speaker.
Jay: sà-wàt-dii khâ
Eric:.. when answering the phone. Listen again to the word meaning "Hello.” when answering the phone.
Jay: [Slow] ฮัลโหล [Normal] ฮัลโหล
Eric: Ok, now let's take a look at the way to say "This is Pafan." as a female speaker
Jay: [Normal] นี่ พาฝัน นะคะ(nîi phaa făn ná khá)
Eric: First is a pronoun meaning "This"
Jay: [Normal] นี่ [Slow] นี่ (nîi)
Eric: Next is the person’s name, "Pafan"
Jay: [Normal] พาฝัน [Slow] พาฝัน(phaa făn)
Eric: Next is the particle that makes the speech softer.
Jay: [Normal] นะ [Slow] นะ(ná)
Eric: Last is the sentence ending particle used to make requests polite if you are a female speaker.
Jay: [Normal] คะ [Slow] คะ(khá)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning "This is Pafan."
Jay: [Slow] นี่ พาฝัน นะคะ [Normal] นี่ พาฝัน นะคะ
Eric: Next up is the way to say "May I talk to Rawinporn?" as a female speaker
Jay: [Normal] ขอพูดสายกับรวินท์พรค่ะ()
Eric: First is a word meaning "May I”
Jay: [Normal] ขอ [Slow] ขอ(khǎaw)
Eric: Next is the phrase meaning “to talk to someone over the phone.”
Jay: [Normal] พูดสาย [Slow] พูดสาย(phûut săai)
Eric: Next is the word meaning “to” or “with.”
Jay: [Normal] กับ [Slow] กับ(gàp)
Eric: Next is the person’s name, "Rawinporn"
Jay: [Normal] รวินท์พร [Slow] รวินท์พร(rá-win phaawn)
Eric: Last is the sentence ending particle used to make requests polite if you are a female speaker.
Jay: [Normal] ค่ะ [Slow] ค่ะ(khâ)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning "May I talk to Rawinporn?"
Jay: [Slow] ขอพูดสายกับรวินท์พรค่ะ [Normal] ขอพูดสายกับรวินท์พรค่ะ
Eric: Finally, here is a way to say "I'll call again later." as a female speaker
Jay: [Normal] เดี๋ยวโทรไปใหม่ค่ะ(khǎaw phûut săai gàp rá-win phaawn khâ)
Eric: First is a word meaning “later”
Jay: [Normal] เดี๋ยว [Slow] เดี๋ยว(dǐiao)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning "to call on the phone.”
Jay: [Normal] โทร [Slow] โทร(thoo)
Eric: Next is the word meaning “to”
Jay: [Normal] ไป [Slow] ไป(bpai)
Eric: Next is the word meaning “again"
Jay: [Normal] ใหม่ [Slow] ใหม่(mài)
Eric: Last is the sentence ending particle used to make requests polite if you are a female speaker.
Jay: [Normal] ค่ะ [Slow] ค่ะ(khâ)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning "I'll call again later."
Jay: [Slow] เดี๋ยวโทรไปใหม่ค่ะ [Normal] เดี๋ยวโทรไปใหม่ค่ะ
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Jay: If you go to Thailand, a cellphone will be one of the things you need to get within your first week. There are three major cell phone carriers in Thailand—Dtac, AIS and True Move. Dtac is considered to be the most reasonably priced while AIS claims to have the best coverage. True Move is also a very large corporation with many store locations throughout the country. All of them offer prepaid SIM cards where you can buy a cell phone service very cheaply.


Eric: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in another series. Bye!
Jay:สวัสดี ค่ะ

