Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to Thai Top Words. I'm Jay, and today we'll be doing Top 10 Phrases Your Parents Always Say. Ok, let's get started.
The first one,
1. ระวังตัวด้วยนะ (rá-wang dtuua dûuai ná) "Be careful."
For example, ตอนกลับบ้าน ระวังตัวด้วยนะ (dtaawn glàp bâan rá-wang dtuua dûuai ná) “When you are going home, please be careful.”
So this is something my parents always say, because it's quite dangerous like when you are a kid – if you are a kid and you have to go back home by yourself, in Thailand, it might get dangerous sometimes. So ระวังตัวด้วยนะ (rá-wang dtuua dûuai ná)
2. เงียบๆ (ngîiap ngîiap) "Be quiet."
I know the sound is quite difficult to pronounce because this is the ng- sound like ง-งู (ngaaw nguu) เงียบ เงียบ (ngîiap ngîiap) You don’t have this sound in English. Maybe you do like, you know, like singing the ng- like singing. That is the sound that I used just now. You know, like in English, if you want people to be quiet or you want a little kid to be quiet, you can say like sshh. Can you guess what is it? Like sshh. In Thai, how do we do it? How do we say it? If in Thai for sshh, we will say this จุ๊ จุ๊ (jú jú) like that and people will understand that we have to be quiet.
3. ทำตัวดีๆ (tham dtuua dii dii) "Behave."
If you want to say, please behave like to make it softer, more polite, you can add the word หน่อย (nàauy) at the end. Actually, it is applied to many words or phrases in Thai as well. So, ทำตัวดีๆ (tham dtuua dii dii) or ทำตัวดีๆหน่อยนะคะ (tham dtuua dii dii nàauy na khá) for girls and ทำตัวดีๆหน่อยนะครับ (tham dtuua dii dii nàauy na khráp) for guys.
4. ทำการบ้านซะ (tham gaan bâan sá) "Do your homework!"
This gives the feeling as if you are ordering someone to do something like commanding someone to do something. So ทำการบ้านซะ (tham gaan bâan sá) Do your homework กินซะ (gin sá) eat now, eat.
5. ไปนอนได้แล้ว (bpai naawn dâi láaeo) "Go to bed."
When I was very young, my mom always asked me to go to bed, like, at around, like, 9 PM. I don’t know if it’s universal but yeah. So, how about you guys? When you were kid, so, what time do you go to bed?
6. จะนับถึง 3 นะ (jà náp thǔeng săam ná) "I'm going to count to three."
Okay. So, do you guys know how to count to three, like one, two, three in Thai. It will be like หนึ่ง สอง สาม (nùeng sǎawng sǎam)
7. หยุด (yùt) "Stop."
This is very common word. I mean, it’s not only parents that use it with kids but you can use it in many situations.
หยุด (yùt) Stop, stop doing that. หยุดทำอันนั้นเดี๋ยวนี้ (yùt tham an-nán dǐiao-níi) “Stop doing that now.”
หยุดเล่น (yùt lêen) “Stop playing.”
8. พูดอะไรนะ (phûut à-rai ná) "What did you say?"
Or you can just say like อะไรนะ (à-rai ná) “Excuse me, what?” If your kid is being, you know, naughty or stubborn or mumbling something negative, you can use this word.
9. ไม่ได้ล้อเล่นนะ (mâi dâi láaw lêen ná) "I'm not kidding."
Actually the Thai word ล้อเล่น (láaw lêen) means kidding in English. It also can mean joking as well. So if you want to say like stop joking around, หยุดล้อเล่นได้แล้ว (yùt láaw-lêen dâi láaeo) Just now the word that we learned right. Stop หยุด (yùt)
So หยุดล้อเล่นได้แล้ว (yùt láaw-lêen dâi láaeo) “Stop joking around” or ไม่ได้ล้อเล่นนะ (mâi dâi láaw lêen ná) “I am not kidding.”
10. ปิดทีวีเดี๋ยวนี้ (bpìt thii-wii dĭiao níi) "Turn the TV off now."
Okay everyone. Thank you for watching our videos. So what did your parents say when you were little. Let us know in the comments below. See you next time. Bye-bye!

