
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Thai Season 1, Lesson 24 - Offering an Invitation. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to invite someone out in Thai.
Eric: Here's the way to say "Do you have plans on Friday night?" in Thai.
Jay: [Normal] คืนวันศุกร์ มีแผนหรือเปล่า(khuuen wan sùk mii phǎaen rǔe bplàao)
Eric: First is a word meaning “night”
Jay: [Normal] คืน [Slow] คืน (khuuen)
Eric: Next is the word meaning "Friday"
Jay: [Normal] วันศุกร์ [Slow] วันศุกร์(wan sùk)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning "to have"
Jay: [Normal] มี [Slow] มี(mii)
Eric: Next is the word meaning “plan”
Jay: [Normal] แผน [Slow] แผน(phǎaen)
Eric: Last is the phrase meaning “or not?"
Jay: [Normal] หรือเปล่า [Slow] หรือเปล่า(rǔe bplàao)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning "Do you have plans on Friday night?"
Jay: [Slow] คืนวันศุกร์ มีแผนหรือเปล่า [Normal] คืนวันศุกร์ มีแผนหรือเปล่า
Eric: Next up is the way to say "I'm going to the movies."
Jay: [Normal] ฉันจะไปดูหนัง(chǎn jà bpai duu nǎng)
Eric: First is a word meaning "I"
Jay: [Normal] ฉัน [Slow] ฉัน(chǎn)
Eric: Next is the word meaning "will” or “to be going to"
Jay: [Normal] จะ [Slow] จะ(jà)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning "to go"
Jay: [Normal] ไป [Slow] ไป(bpai)
Eric: Next is the verb meaning "to watch”, “to see” or “to look.”
Jay: [Normal] ดู [Slow] ดู(duu)
Eric: Last is the noun meaning “movie” or “film.”
Jay: [Normal] หนัง [Slow] หนัง(nǎng)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning "I'm going to the movies."
Jay: [Slow] ฉันจะไปดูหนัง [Normal] ฉันจะไปดูหนัง
Eric: Finally, here is a way to say "Will you join?"
Jay: [Normal] ไปด้วยกันไหม(bpai dûuai gan máai)
Eric: First is a verb meaning "to go"
Jay: [Normal] ไป [Slow] ไป(bpai)
Eric: Next is the word meaning “together"
Jay: [Normal] ด้วยกัน [Slow] ด้วยกัน(dûuai gan)
Eric: Last is the particle indicating a yes or no question.
Jay: [Normal] ไหม [Slow] ไหม(máai)
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning "Will you join?"
Jay: [Slow] ไปด้วยกันไหม [Normal] ไปด้วยกันไหม
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Jay: I have a useful phrase for when you invite someone to enter a room. It’s “khâo maa dâai” This is an informal Thai phrase meaning “come in.” Once again, “khâo maa dâai.” “khâo” means “to enter” “maa” is “to come” and finally “dâai” means “to be able to”


Eric: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Jay: สวัสดี ค่ะ

