
Vocabulary (Review)

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Pim: Sawasdee Ka.
Ryan: Ryan here! Thai Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 24 - This Thai lesson is titled Are You Lost in Thailand Yet? In this lesson, we'll cover how to say "not yet" in Thai.
Pim: "ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)," "that's right!"
Ryan: So, "khruu" Pim, where does this conversation take place?
Pim: "ที่ไหนสักที่ใกล้ ๆ กับจุดนัดพบค่ะ(thîi-năi sàk thîi glâi glâi gàp jùt nát-phóp khâ)," which is "somewhere close to the meeting point." "สตีฟกำลังคุยโทรศัพท์อยู่กับคุณณัฐพงษ์ค่ะ(sà-dtíip gam-lang khui thoo-rá-sàp yùu gàp khun nát-thá-phong khâ)" means that "Steve is talking to Mr. Nattapong via his cell phone." "เอาล่ะค่ะ ไปฟังบทสนทนากันเลยดีกว่า(ao lâ khâ bpai fang bòt sŏn-thá-naa gan looei dii gwàa)" Let's listen to the conversation!

Lesson conversation

ณัฐพงษ์: สวัสดีครับ (sà-wàt-dii khráp)
สตีฟ: สวัสดีครับ นี่ผมสตีฟเองครับ (sà-wàt-dii khráp nîi phǒm sà-dtíip eeng khráp)
ณัฐพงษ์: คุณสตีฟ ตอนนี้คุณอยู่ที่ไหนครับ (khun sà-dtíip dtaawn-níi khun yùu thîi-nǎi khráp)
สตีฟ: ผมก็ไม่รู้เหมือนกันครับว่าผมอยู่ที่ไหนครับ (phǒm gâaw mâi rúu mǔuean-gan khráp wâa phǒm yùu thîi-nǎi khráp)
ณัฐพงษ์: พวกเรายังไม่เห็นคุณเลย (phûuak-rao mâi hěn khun looei)
สตีฟ: ครับ ผมก็ยังไม่เห็นพวกคุณเหมือนกัน (khráp phǒm gâaw yang mâi hěn phûuak-khun mǔuean-gan)
English Host: Once again slowly.
Pim: อีกครั้ง ช้า ๆ (ìik khráng cháa cháa)
ณัฐพงษ์: สวัสดีครับ (sà-wàt-dii khráp)
สตีฟ: สวัสดีครับ นี่ผมสตีฟเองครับ (sà-wàt-dii khráp nîi phǒm sà-dtíip eeng khráp)
ณัฐพงษ์: คุณสตีฟ ตอนนี้คุณอยู่ที่ไหนครับ (khun sà-dtíip dtaawn-níi khun yùu thîi-nǎi khráp)
สตีฟ: ผมก็ไม่รู้เหมือนกันครับว่าผมอยู่ที่ไหนครับ (phǒm gâaw mâi rúu mǔuean-gan khráp wâa phǒm yùu thîi-nǎi khráp)
ณัฐพงษ์: พวกเรายังไม่เห็นคุณเลย (phûuak-rao mâi hěn khun looei)
สตีฟ: ครับ ผมก็ยังไม่เห็นพวกคุณเหมือนกัน (khráp phǒm gâaw yang mâi hěn phûuak-khun mǔuean-gan)
English Host: Once again with the English.
Pim: อีกครั้ง พร้อมภาษาอังกฤษ (ìik khráng phráawm phaa-săa ang-grìt)
ณัฐพงษ์: สวัสดีครับ (sà-wàt-dii khráp)
Ryan: Hello.
สตีฟ: สวัสดีครับ นี่ผมสตีฟเองครับ (sà-wàt-dii khráp nîi phǒm sà-dtíip eeng khráp)
Ryan: Good morning. It's Steve.
ณัฐพงษ์: คุณสตีฟ ตอนนี้คุณอยู่ที่ไหนครับ (khun sà-dtíip dtaawn-níi khun yùu thîi-nǎi khráp)
Ryan: Steve, where are you now?
สตีฟ: ผมก็ไม่รู้เหมือนกันครับว่าผมอยู่ที่ไหนครับ (phǒm gâaw mâi rúu mǔuean-gan khráp wâa phǒm yùu thîi-nǎi khráp)
Ryan: I don't really know where it is that I am.
ณัฐพงษ์: พวกเรายังไม่เห็นคุณเลย (phûuak-rao mâi hěn khun looei)
Ryan: We don't see you.
สตีฟ: ครับ ผมก็ยังไม่เห็นพวกคุณเหมือนกัน (khráp phǒm gâaw yang mâi hěn phûuak-khun mǔuean-gan)
Ryan: Yes, I don't see you yet either.
Pim: "สวัสดีค่ะไรอัน(sà-wàt-dii khâ rai-ân)" "Hi, Ryan."
Ryan: "สวัสดีครับครูพิม(sà-wàt-dii khráp khruu phim)" "Hi, 'khruu' Pim."
Pim: Ummm…can I have a minute?
Ryan: Sure!
Pim: Could you please take a look at these catalogs and help me choose a new cell phone? I've been flipping back and forth through them for almost three hours and still can't make a decision.
Ryan: What? You are going to buy a new one again? Didn't you just buy one three months ago? Oh…you're so rich!
Pim: No, I'm not. Though it's really common for Thai people to change their cell phone when a new model arrives, we usually sell our current one to used cell phone buyers to get some money before buying a new one. And because in Thailand you don't need to register for a new contract when changing handsets, you just pop your SIM card into a new one. This makes it easy for people to change their phones all the time.
Ryan: So where can I find those used cell phone buyers?
Pim: You can easily find them at almost every shopping mall, especially at those in Bangkok. Some of the shopping malls even dedicate one whole floor to sell technology-related products like cell phones and computers. Ryan, if you want to see how Thai people are crazy for cell phones, you have to go there and see it for yourself.
Ryan: Okay. Now, on to the vocabulary! Let's take a look at the vocabulary and phrase list for this lesson. The first word is:
Pim: เอง (eeng) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Self.
Pim: เอง (eeng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. เอง (eeng) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: ผมเอง ดิฉันเอง (phǒm eeng, dì-chǎn eeng) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Myself.
Pim: ผมเอง ดิฉันเอง (phǒm eeng, dì-chǎn eeng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. ผมเอง ดิฉันเอง (phǒm eeng, dì-chǎn eeng) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: ตอนนี้ (dtaawn-níi) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Now.
Pim: ตอนนี้ (dtaawn-níi) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. ตอนนี้ (dtaawn-níi) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: ก็ (gâaw) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Also or um...
Pim: ก็ (gâaw) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. ก็ (gâaw) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: รู้ (rúu) [natural native speed]
Ryan: To know.
Pim: รู้ (rúu) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. รู้ (rúu) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: เหมือนกัน
Ryan: The same, to or either.
Pim: เหมือนกัน [slowly - broken down by syllable] เหมือนกัน [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: ยัง (yang) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Still or not yet.
Pim: ยัง (yang) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. ยัง (yang) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: เห็น (hěn) [natural native speed]
Ryan: To see.
Pim: เห็น (hěn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. เห็น (hěn) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: พวกคุณ (phûuak-khun) [natural native speed]
Ryan: All of you.
Pim: พวกคุณ (phûuak-khun) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. พวกคุณ (phûuak-khun) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: สวัสดีครับ สวัสดีค่ะ (sà-wàt-dii khráp) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Hello (when answering a telephone).
Pim: สวัสดีครับ สวัสดีค่ะ (sà-wàt-dii khráp) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. สวัสดีครับ สวัสดีค่ะ (sà-wàt-dii khráp) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Next.
Pim: คุณอยู่ที่ไหน (khun yùu thîi-nǎi) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Where are you?
Pim: คุณอยู่ที่ไหน (khun yùu thîi-nǎi) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. คุณอยู่ที่ไหน (khun yùu thîi-nǎi) [natural native speed]
Ryan: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is?
Pim: "ผมเอง(phǒm eeng)"
Ryan: "It's me." "ผมเอง(phǒm eeng)" is for males, right?
Pim: "ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)," that's right!
Ryan: What about females?
Pim: "ดิฉันเอง(dì-chǎn eeng)." When using this phrase, you can also add your own name in between as in "ดิฉันพิมเอง(dì-chǎn phim eeng)" or "ผมไรอันเอง(phǒm rai-ân eeng)" to place more emphasis on the fact that this is me, not someone else.
Ryan: Okay, listeners, please repeat after "Khruu" Pim." "It's me."
Pim: [for male speakers] "ผมเอง(phǒm eeng)" [pause] [for male speakers] "ดิฉันเอง(dì-chǎn eeng)" [pause]
Ryan: The next phrase is?
Pim: "สวัสดี(sà-wàt-dii)"
Ryan: "Hello" or "good-bye." As we've already learned, "สวัสดี(sà-wàt-dii)" is the standard Thai greeting. Also, it is appropriate to use when answering a telephone call or for saying "good-bye" before hanging up the phone.
Pim: "ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)," "that's right!" "สวัสดี(sà-wàt-dii)" is preferable in formal situations. However, there's also one popular informal phrase that is used to say "hello" when answering the phone…that is "ฮัลโหล(han-lŏo)."
Ryan: I see. "ฮัลโหล(han-lŏo)" comes from "hello" in English. Okay, listeners, please repeat after "khruu" Pim. "Hello" or "good-bye."
Pim: "สวัสดี(sà-wàt-dii)" [pause]
Ryan: and "Hello" (when answering the phone in casual conversation)
Pim: "ฮัลโหล(han-lŏo)" [pause]
Ryan: The last phrase of today is?
Pim: "คุณอยู่ที่ไหน(khun yùu thîi-nǎi)"
Ryan: "Where are you?" "อยู่ที่ไหน(yùu thîi-nǎi)" means "where is?" or "where are?" So if you want to know where someone or something is located, you use the structure "blah blah blah อยู่ที่ไหน(yùu thîi-nǎi)."
Pim: "ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)" That's right! For example, "Where is Ryan?" is "ไรอันอยู่ที่ไหน(rai-ân yùu thîi-nǎi)" "Where is your house?" is "บ้านของคุณอยู่ที่ไหน(bâan khǎawng khun yùu thîi-nǎi)." However, when it comes to casual conversation, the word "ที่" is usually omitted. For example…"ไรอันอยู่ไหน(rai-ân yùu nǎi)."
Ryan: Okay. Repeat after "khruu" Pim. Where are you?
Pim: "คุณอยู่ที่ไหน(khun yùu thîi-nǎi)" [pause]

Lesson focus

Ryan: Okay. Let's move on to the grammar section. In this lesson, we'll focus on the using the word combination "ยังไม่(yang mâi)," which means "not yet."
Pim: "ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)," "right."
Ryan: "ยังไม่(yang mâi)" is placed before verbs to indicate that an action hasn't occurred.
Pim: Exactly. For example, "หิว(hĭu)" is a verb meaning "to be hungry," so "ยังไม่หิว(yang mâi hĭu)" means?
Ryan: "Not yet hungry" or "I'm not hungry yet." Okay. Repeat after "khruu" Pim. "I'm not hungry yet."
Pim: "ยังไม่หิว(yang mâi hĭu)"
Ryan: So, "khruu" Pim, how do you say "not yet sleeping?"
Pim: "นอน(naawn)" is a verb meaning "to sleep." Therefore, "not yet sleeping" is "ยังไม่นอน(yang mâi naawn)."
Ryan: "Not yet taking a bath" is?
Pim: "ยังไม่อาบน้ำ(yang mâi àap-náam)"
Ryan: What about "not yet coming?"
Pim: "ยังไม่มา(yang mâi maa)"
Ryan: Listeners, please repeat after "khruu" Pim. "Not yet hungry."
Pim: "ยังไม่หิว(yang mâi hĭu)" [pause]
Ryan: "Not yet sleeping."
Pim: "ยังไม่นอน(yang mâi naawn)" [pause]
Ryan: "Not yet taking a bath"
Pim: "ยังไม่อาบน้ำ(yang mâi àap-náam)" [pause]
Ryan: "Not yet coming."
Pim: "ยังไม่มา(yang mâi maa)" [pause]
Ryan: Okay."Khruu" Pim, could you please tell me how you say "girlfriend" in Thai?
Pim: In Thai, we use the word "แฟน(faaen)" for both "girlfriend" and "boyfriend."
Ryan: So if I want to say "I don't have a girlfriend yet," I would say "ผมยังไม่มีแฟนครับ(phŏm yang mâi mii faaen khráp)," right?
Pim: Yes, that's right! Okay. Now, let's combine the phrase "ยังไม่(yang mâi)" with the word "อยาก(yàak)," which means "to want," so it becomes "ยังไม่อยาก(yang mâi yàak)," meaning "not yet wanting." This phrase is going to be used a lot in your daily life.
Ryan: So, "khruu" Pim, tell us how to use it.
Pim: It's very easy. If you want to express that you don't want to do something yet, you can just place verbs after "ยังไม่อยาก(yang mâi yàak)." Okay, let me give you an example. "To go home" is "กลับบ้าน," so "I don't want to go home yet" is "ดิฉันยังไม่อยากกลับบ้านค่ะ(dì-chăn yang mâi yàak glàp bâan khâ)." Okay, now it's your turn. "To meet Mr. Andrew" is "พบคุณแอนดรูว์(phóp khun aen-druu)," so tell me how you would say "I don't want to meet Mr. Andrew yet."
Ryan: "ผมยังไม่อยากพบคุณแอนดรูว์ครับ(phŏm yang mâi yàak phóp khun aen-druu khráp)"
Pim: Perfect!
Ryan: Now, it's time to review. Assume that you just got back from lunch and feel quite sleepy. What would you say to your friend who is going to give you loads of work? Okay, "to work" is "ทำงาน" in Thai. [pause] "Khruu" Pim, the answer is?
Pim: "ผมยังไม่อยากทำงานครับ(phŏm yang mâi yàak tham-ngaan khráp)" or "ดิฉันยังไม่อยากทำงานค่ะ(dì-chăn yang mâi yàak tham-ngaan khâ)"
Ryan: Okay. That's all for this lesson.
Pim: "มีคำถามอะไรไหมคะ(mii kham-thăam a-rai mái khá)"
Ryan: "Do you have any questions?"
Pim: If you do, please let us know in the comment section. "แล้วพบกันใหม่ค่ะ(láaeo phóp gan mài khâ)"
Ryan: See you next time.

