
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ryan:Hello, and welcome to ThaiPOD101.com, the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Thai!
Pim:I'm Pim, and thanks again for being here with us for this Absolute Beginner S1 lesson.
Ryan:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to count numbers in Thai.
Pim:"ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)" "That’s right!"
Ryan:So, "Khruu" Pim, where does this conversation take place?
Pim:"บนเครื่องบินค่ะ(bon khrûueang-bin khâ)" on an airplane. Steve is still talking to a passenger sitting next to him, "khun" Supanee. "เอาล่ะค่ะ ไปฟังบทสนทนากันเลยดีกว่า(ao lâ khâ bpai fang bòt sŏn-thá-naa gan looei dii gwàa)" "Let’s listen to the conversation!"
สุภาณี:คุณสตีฟ คุณอายุเท่าไหร่คะ (khun sà-dtíip khun aa-yú thâo-rài khá)
สตีฟ:ผมอายุสามสิบสองปีครับ แล้วคุณล่ะครับ (phǒm aa-yú sǎam-sìp-sǎawng bpii khráp. láaeo khun lá khráp)
สุภาณี:ดิฉันอายุยี่สิบเจ็ดปีค่ะ (dì-chǎn aa-yú yîi-sìp-jèt bpii khâ)
สตีฟ:ผมแก่กว่าคุณห้าปี (phǒm gàae gwàa khun hâa bpii)
Ryan: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
สุภาณี:คุณสตีฟ คุณอายุเท่าไหร่คะ (khun sà-dtíip khun aa-yú thâo-rài khá)
สตีฟ:ผมอายุสามสิบสองปีครับ แล้วคุณล่ะครับ (phǒm aa-yú sǎam-sìp-sǎawng bpii khráp. láaeo khun lá khráp)
สุภาณี:ดิฉันอายุยี่สิบเจ็ดปีค่ะ (dì-chǎn aa-yú yîi-sìp-jèt bpii khâ)
สตีฟ:ผมแก่กว่าคุณห้าปี (phǒm gàae gwàa khun hâa bpii)
Ryan: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
สุภาณี:คุณสตีฟ คุณอายุเท่าไหร่คะ (khun sà-dtíip khun aa-yú thâo-rài khá)
Ryan:Steve, how old are you?
สตีฟ:ผมอายุสามสิบสองปีครับ แล้วคุณล่ะครับ (phǒm aa-yú sǎam-sìp-sǎawng bpii khráp. láaeo khun lá khráp)
Ryan:I'm thirty-two years old. And you?
สุภาณี:ดิฉันอายุยี่สิบเจ็ดปีค่ะ (dì-chǎn aa-yú yîi-sìp-jèt bpii khâ)
Ryan:I'm twenty-seven years old.
สตีฟ:ผมแก่กว่าคุณห้าปี (phǒm gàae gwàa khun hâa bpii)
Ryan:I'm five years older than you.
Ryan:"สวัสดีครับครูพิม(sà-wàt-dii khráp khruu phim)." "สบายดีไหมครับ(sà-baai dii mái khráp)" means "How are you?"
Pim:"ดิฉันสบายดีค่ะ(dì-chăn sà-baai dii khâ)" means "I’m fine."
Ryan:Yesterday I went to a party at my friend’s place. He’s got a daughter. "เขาอายุห้าปี(khăo aa-yú hâa bpii)" means "she’s five years old."
Pim:Ryan, actually you should say "เขาอายุห้าขวบ(khăo aa-yú hâa khùuap)," using "ขวบ(khùuap)" instead of "ปี(bpii)."
Ryan:Hmm? But I know that when telling someone’s age in Thai, we usually say the number of years followed by the word "ปี(bpii)." Anyway, if you said so, it must be right. From now on when I tell my age, I’m going to say "ผมอายุสามสิบสามขวบครับ(phŏm aa-yú săam-sìp-săam khùuap khráp)."
Pim:Ha ha ha. Noooooooo! You can’t say that! "ขวบ(khùuap)" is used only when giving the age of small children, usually with an age of up to twelve. You are far older than that. So don’t use "ขวบ(khùuap)" to tell your own age, okay?
Ryan:Okay, I got it. By the way, how old are you, "khruu" Pim?
Pim:I won’t tell you my age.
Ryan:Why not? Come on, tell me your age so that I can address you properly when talking to you.
Pim:You know what? Because I’m your teacher, whether I’m older or younger than you, you have to call me "ครู." Ha ha ha… Okay. Let’s move on to the vocabulary.
Ryan:Let's take a look at the vocabulary and phrases list for this lesson.
:First we have a phrase:
Pim:คุณอายุเท่าไหร (khun aa-yú thâo-rài) [natural native speed]
Ryan:How old are you?
Pim:คุณอายุเท่าไหร (khun aa-yú thâo-rài) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Pim:คุณอายุเท่าไหร (khun aa-yú thâo-rài) [natural native speed]
Pim:อายุ (aa-yú) [natural native speed]
Pim:อายุ (aa-yú) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Pim:อายุ (aa-yú) [natural native speed]
Pim:ปี (bpii) [natural native speed]
Pim:ปี (bpii) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Pim:ปี (bpii) [natural native speed]
Pim:แก่ (gàae) [natural native speed]
Ryan:old, elderly
Pim:แก่ (gàae) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Pim:แก่ (gàae) [natural native speed]
Pim:กว่า (gwàa) [natural native speed]
Ryan:more than
Pim:กว่า (gwàa) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Pim:กว่า (gwàa) [natural native speed]
Pim:ยี่สิบเจ็ด (yîi-sìp-jèt) [natural native speed]
Ryan:twenty-seven (27)
Pim:ยี่สิบเจ็ด (yîi-sìp-jèt) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Pim:ยี่สิบเจ็ด (yîi-sìp-jèt) [natural native speed]
Pim:สามสิบสอง (sǎam-sìp-sǎawng) [natural native speed]
Ryan:thirty-two (32)
Pim:สามสิบสอง (sǎam-sìp-sǎawng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Pim:สามสิบสอง (sǎam-sìp-sǎawng) [natural native speed]
Pim:ห้า (hâa) [natural native speed]
Ryan:five (5)
Pim:ห้า (hâa) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Pim:ห้า (hâa) [natural native speed]
Ryan:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Pim:The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
Ryan:Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. First we have a sentence.
Pim:"คุณอายุเท่าไหร่(khun aa-yú thâo-rài)"
Ryan:"How old are you?"
Pim:The usage of this sentence is straightforward. You use it when you ask the age of someone. "อายุ(aa-yú)" means "age" and "เท่าไหร่(thâo-rài)" is "how much."
Ryan:Can we hear this sentence again? Listeners, please repeat after "khruu" Pim. "How old are you?"
Pim:"คุณอายุเท่าไหร่(khun aa-yú thâo-rài)" [pause]
Ryan:Next, we have a word.
Pim:"แก่(gàae)" is an adjective meaning "old." However, we only use it for living things, such as humans and animals. For example, you can say "แมวของฉันแก่มาก(maaeo khǎawng chăn gàae mâak)," which means "my cat is very old," but you can’t say "โต๊ะตัวนี้แก่มาก(dtó dtuua níi gàae mâak)," which means "this table is very old," where "แมว(maaeo)" means "cat," "โต๊ะ(dtó)" means "table," and "มาก(mâak)" is "very."
Ryan:So you mean that there’s a different word for "old" used with inanimate objects?
Pim:That’s right. In that case, we use "เก่า(gào)" instead. So you should say "โต๊ะตัวนี้เก่ามาก(dtó dtuua níi gào mâak)."
Ryan:Listeners, please repeat the word after "khruu" Pim…"old."
Pim:"แก่(gàae)" [pause] or "เก่า(gào)" [pause]
Ryan:Next, we have another adjective.
Ryan:"more than"
Pim:"กว่า(gwàa)" is put after other adjectives to form comparative adjectives used to compare two nouns. For example, "รถยนต์(rót yon)" means "car," "รถจักรยาน(rót jàk-grà-yaan)" means "bicycle," and "ราคาแพง(raa-khaa phaaeng)" is "expensive." "รถยนต์ราคาแพงกว่ารถจักรยาน(rót yon raa-khaa phaaeng gwàa rót jàk-grà-yaan)" means "A car is more expensive than a bicycle."
Ryan:Listeners, please repeat the word after "khruu" Pim..."more than."
Pim:"กว่า(gwàa)" [pause]
Ryan:Okay, let’s move on to the grammar section.
Ryan:In this lesson, we’ll learn how to count numbers in Thai.
Pim:"ใช่ค่ะ(châi khâ)" "Right." Counting numbers in Thai is quite easy once you know the numbers from zero to nine and all the units from tens to millions, which are listed in the grammar point of this lesson. Then you can say the number in any unit by putting a numeral in front of that unit.
Ryan:Okay, listeners. We’ll start with the pronunciation. Let’s repeat the numbers from zero to nine after "khruu" Pim…"zero"
Pim:"ศูนย์"(sǔun) [pause]
Pim:"หนึ่ง(nùeng)" [pause]
Pim:"สอง(sǎawng)" [pause]
Pim:"สาม(săam)" [pause]
Pim:"สี่(sìi)" [pause]
Pim:"ห้า(hâa)" [pause]
Pim:'หก(hòk)" [pause]
Pim:"เจ็ด(jèt)" [pause]
Pim:"แปด(bpàaet)" [pause]
Pim:"เก้า(gâao)" [pause]
Ryan:Then the units from tens to millions…"tens."
Pim:"สิบ(sìp)" [pause]
Pim:"ร้อย(ráauy)" [pause]
Pim:"พัน(phan)" [pause]
Ryan:"ten thousands"
Pim:"หมื่น(mùuen)" [pause]
Ryan:"hundred thousands"
Pim:"แสน(săaen)" [pause]
Pim:"ล้าน(láan)" [pause] Now that we’ve got all the vocabulary, let’s have an example of how they come together. "ห้า(hâa)" is "five" and "สิบ(sìp)" is the unit "tens," so how would you say "fifty" in Thai? Here’s a hint, it’s just like saying "five tens."
Pim:That’s right. Let’s look at some more examples. Please also refer to the lesson notes. "หก(hòk)" is "six" and "แสน(săaen)" is the unit "hundred thousands." So "six hundred thousand" is?
Pim:Very good. For numbers with units beyond "millions," we can just put additional units in front of the unit "millions." For example, "เก้า(gâao)" is "nine" and "ล้าน(láan)" is the unit "millions." Guess what "เก้าร้อยล้าน(gâao-ráauy-láan)" is?
Ryan:"Nine hundred million?"
Pim:That’s correct. Now let’s have an example of complex numbers. Complex numbers are formed by stringing together the units, and the "ones" units comes last. So "7,654,321" would be said as "เจ็ดล้านหกแสนห้าหมื่นสี่พันสามร้อยยี่สิบเอ็ด(jèt-láan-hòk-săsen-hâa-mùuen-sìi-phan-săam-ráauy-yîi-sìp-èt)."
Ryan:Hmm, "khruu" Pim. What are "ยี่(yîi)" and "เอ็ด(èt)?" I don’t remember seeing them in the list of number vocabulary that we covered just before.
Pim:Yes, you’re right. They are the only two exceptions in the counting system. First, for any numbers ending in a "one," we use the word "เอ็ด(èt)" instead of "หนึ่ง(nùeng)." The other irregularity is that the word used for "twenty" is "ยี่สิบ(yîi-sìp)," not "สองสิบ(sǎawng-sìp)." That’s why "twenty-one" is "ยี่สิบเอ็ด(yîi-sìp-èt)," not "สองสิบหนึ่ง(sǎawng-sìp-nùeng)."
Ryan:Now, let’s review. Listeners, how would you say the number "59,861?" [pause] "Khruu" Pim, the answer is?
Ryan:Okay, that’s kind of a big number, so let’s hear it again with a pause after each unit so the listeners can practice. Everyone please repeat after "khruu" Pim…"59,861"
Pim:"ห้าหมื่น(hâa-mùuen)" [pause] "เก้าพัน(gâao-phan)" [pause] "แปดร้อย(bpàaet-ráauy)" [pause] "หกสิบ(hòk-sìp)" [pause] "เอ็ด(èt)" [pause]
Ryan:Okay, next. How would you say the number "3,428,520?" [pause] "Khruu" Pim, the answer is?
Ryan:Let’s break this one down too. Listeners, please repeat.
Pim:"สามล้าน(săam-láan)" [pause] "สี่แสน(sìi-săaen)" [pause] "สองหมื่น(sǎawng-mùuen)" [pause] "แปดพัน(bpàaet-phan)" [pause] "ห้าร้อย(hâa-ráauy)" [pause] ยี่สิบ(yîi-sìp)" [pause]
Ryan:Okay, that’s all for today’s lesson.
Pim:"มีคำถามอะไรไหมคะ(mii kham thăam a-rai mái khá)"
Ryan:"Do you have any questions?"
Pim:If you do, please ask us in the comment section. "แล้วพบกันใหม่ค่ะ(láaeo phóp gan mài khâ)"
Ryan:"See you next time!"
Ryan:That just about does it for today.
Ryan:Before we go, we want to tell you about a way to improve your pronunciation drastically.
Pim:The voice-recording tool!
Ryan:Yes, the voice-recording too...
Pim:Record your voice with a click of a button,
Ryan:...and then play it back just as easily.
Pim:Record and listen. Then...
Ryan:Compare it to the native speakers...
Pim:...and adjust your pronunciation!
Ryan:This will help you improve your pronunciation fast!


Pim:สวัสดีค่ะ(sà-wàt-dii khâ)

