Lesson Transcript

Hello, guys! Welcome back to Thai Top Words. I’m Jay and today, we’ll be doing something very fun. It is the 10 animal sounds in Thai. Okay, let’s get started!
1. นกร้องจิ๊บๆ (nók ráawng jíp jíp) “bird's chirp, tweet tweet”
Okay, so I think the Thai birds and English birds chirp different things because they sound so different. In English, it’s tweet tweet , in Thai it’s จิ๊บๆ (jíp jíp). Normally, some animals, they kind of roar or they kind of...This is like birds in general. So birds in general say จิ๊บๆ (jíp jíp). However, some birds like owl, it will say, ฮูกๆ (hûuk hûuk). If it’s a crow then it will say กาๆ (gaa gaa).
2. ผึ้งร้องหึ่งๆ (phûeng ráawng hùeng hùeng) “bee's buzz, bzzzz)
. To be honest, I have never heard how bees actually sound like so I guess this is how it is.
3. สิงโตคำรามโฮก (sǐng-thoo kham-raam hôok) “lion's roar, roarrr”
I think it sounds like the Thai way of what animal sounds like, like โฮก (hôok). I kind of feel like it sounds like that more than roar for some reason. โฮก Hôooook!
4. สุนัขเห่าโฮ่งๆ (sù-nák hào hôong hôong) “dog's bark, bo-wow”
Actually, there are two ways of how a dog barks in Thai. The first way is like the one that I just showed you, โฮ่งๆ (hôong hôong) and another one is บ๊อกๆ (báwk báwk). บ๊อกๆ (báwk báwk) seems like a sound of a small dog like chihuahua or like puppies, but โฮ่งๆ (hôong hôong) is like a general like any dog would sound like that like grown-up, adult dogs.
5. แมวร้องเหมียวๆ (maaeo ráawng mǐiao mǐiao) “cat's meow, meow, meow”
I think for this sound, in any language, cats kind of sound the same. That’s what I know. I mean like, Thai sounds like เหมียวๆ (mǐiao mǐiao) and English is like meow meow, too, and there are a few that sounds very similar to this.
6. หมูร้องอู๊ดๆ (mǔu ráawng úut úut) “pig's snort, they go oink, oink”
That sounds very cute.
7. แกะร้องแบะๆ (gàe ráawng bàe bàe) “sheep's bah, mee, meee”
I like how it sounds in English. Yeah, I think it’s quite realistic, I mean for this sound. And the first one in Thai too, just that like in English, it’s mee, meee, in Thai it’s like แบะๆ (bàe bàe) so I think they are very similar.
8. ไก่ขันเอกอีเอ้กเอ้ก (gài khǎn èek ii êek êek) “rooster's crow, they go, cock-a-doodle-doo”
That’s how it sounds like. Yeah, one thing about roosters is that in every countries, roosters sound different like in Thai, in English, and if I’m not wrong, in Chinese and in Japanese too. They sound different from one another.
9. วัวร้องมอๆ (wuua ráawng maaw maaw) “cow's moo, moooo”
Like in Thai, for cows, we have the sound for the cows. However, for water buffalo which is as popular in Thailand as cows, I don’t think that we have like we know how they actually sound like. That’s a bit strange.
10. กบร้องอ๊บๆ (gòp ráawng óp óp) “frog's croak, ribbit, ribbit”
For Thai children, we all know about this nursery rhyme about how a frog croaked. It is actually called “Why a Frog Croak, Ribbit, Ribbit?” or ทำไมกบถึงร้อง (tham-mai gòp thǔeng ráawng).
กบเอยทำไมจึงร้อง กบเอยทำไมจึงร้อง (gòp ooei tham-mai jueng ráawng gòp ooei tham-mai jueng ráawng) จำเป็นต้องร้องก็เพราะท้องมันปวด (jam bpen dtâawng ráawng gâaw phráw tháawng man bpùuat)
ท้องเอยทำไมจึงปวด ท้องเอยทำไมจึงปวด (tháawng ooei tham-mai jueng bpùuat tháawng ooei tham-mai jueng bpùuat)
จำเป็นต้องปวดก็เพราะข้าวมันดิบ (jam bpen dtâawng bpùuat gâaw phráw khâao man dìp)
ข้าวเอยทำไมจึงดิบ ข้าวเอยทำไมจึงดิบ (khâao ooei tham-mai jueng dìp khâao ooei tham-mai jueng dìp)
จำเป็นต้องดิบก็เพราะไฟมันดับ (jam bpen dtâawng dìp gâaw phráw fai man dàp)
ไฟเอยทำไมจึงดับ ไฟเอยทำไมจึงดับ (fai ooei tham-mai jueng dàp fai ooei tham-mai jueng dàp)
จำเป็นต้องดับก็เพราะฟืนมันเปียก (jam bpen dtâawng dàp gâaw phráw fuuen man bpìiak)
ฟืนเอยทำไมจึงเปียก ฟืนเอยทำไมจึงเปียก (fuuen ooei tham-mai jueng bpìiak fuuen ooei tham-mai jueng bpìiak)
จำเป็นต้องเปียกก็เพราะฝนมันตก (jam bpen dtâawng bpìiak gâaw phráw fǒn man dtòk)
ฝนเอยทำไมจึงตก ฝนเอยทำไมจึงตก (fǒn ooei tham-mai jueng dtòk fǒn ooei tham-mai jueng dtòk)
จำเป็นต้องตกก็เพราะกบมันร้อง (jam bpen dtâawng dtòk gâaw phráw gòp man ráawng)
So this rhyme goes in a loop. The first phrase saying that...“Why does a frog croak?”. And then they say it croaks because it has a stomach ache. And then it goes… “Why it has a stomach ache?” And the reason is because it ate uncooked rice. And then the rhyme goes, “Why the rice is uncooked?” It is because the fire went out. And then… “Why did the fire go out?” Then the reason it’s wet. And then… “Why were the logs wet?” It’s because it is raining. And then… “Why it is raining?” It is because the frog croaks. So it goes into a loop.
We are done for today’s lesson. Thank you for watching. Let me know if your country’s animal sound like what I have just taught you guys. Let us know in the comment below and don’t forget to like this video, subscribe to our channel and as always, go to and visit ThaiPod101.com. See you next time. Bye-bye!

