Vocabulary (Review)

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Hello, guys! Welcome back to Thai Top Words. I’m Jay and today, we’ll be doing something interesting. Today, we’ll be doing top 10 phrases you’ll need for a date. Huh, interesting right? Okay, so let’s get started!
1. คุณอยากจะไปเดทกับฉันมั๊ย (khun yàak jà bpai dèet gàp chăn mái) “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
For Thai people when we want to ask someone out, we have to be very specific and straightforward. Of course like this sentence is normally used when a guy asks a girl out. So if you are a guy and you want to refer to yourself, you use the word ผม (phŏm). So this sentence would be...คุณอยากจะไปเดทกับผมมั๊ย (khun yàak jà bpai dèet gàp phŏm mái).
2. สุดสัปดาห์นี้ คุณว่างมั๊ย (sùt sàp-daa níi khun wâang mái) “Are you free this weekend?”
I think this sentence is very direct because you can use it with your friends as well right like you want to hang out and สุดสัปดาห์นี้ คุณว่างมั๊ย (sùt sàp-daa níi khun wâang mái) “Are you free this weekend?”
3. คุณอยากออกไปเที่ยวกับฉันมั๊ย (khun yàak àawk bpai thîiao gàp chăn mái) “Would you like to hang out with me?”
Or คุณอยากออกไปเที่ยวกับผมมั๊ย (khun yàak àawk bpai thîiao gàp phŏm mái) for guys, “Would you like to hang out with me?”
If you’d like to hang out with the person that just asked you and you want to say “yes”, you can say ค่ะ (khâ) for girls and ครับ (khráp) for guys or you can be more specific like ค่ะ อยากไปค่ะ (khâ yàak bpai khâ) “Yes, I want to go with you.” ครับ อยากไปครับ (khráp yàak bpai khráp) for guys.
4. คุณน่ารักมาก (khun nâa rák mâak) “You are so cute.”
I would love if someone say that to me. I mean, if I were younger, I would love them to say that to me, but now, I’m a bit like, a bit older, I would prefer people to say like คุณสวยมาก (khun sŭuai mâak) “You are pretty.” I don’t know, I just prefer pretty over cute, you know.
5. ฉันจะโทรหาคุณ (chăn jà thoo hăa khun) “I'll call you.”
ฉันจะโทรหาคุณ (chăn jà thoo hăa khun) or ผมจะโทรหาคุณ (phŏm jà thoo hăa khun) “I’ll call you.”
I don’t know, but for me, I’m always skeptical if the person would call me. So if you are not sure if the person would call you, you just...I mean it’s better to ask for that person’s phone number or lines or any way to contact him in case he doesn’t contact you. I know, just cut it out. It is weird to say that.
6. ฉันจะขับรถไปส่งคุณที่บ้าน (chăn jà khàp rót bpai sòng khun thîi bâan) “I'll drive you home.”
In Thailand, it’s very common for guys to drive a girl back home. Actually, it’s not only for guys so it’s very common for me to drive my friends back home sometimes too.
7. พรุ่งนี้ เราจะเจอกันกี่โมงดี (phrûng-níi rao jà jooe gan gìi moong dii) “What time shall we meet tomorrow?”
Okay, I’m not sure if it’s a good thing to tell you guys this, but you may have already figured out that Thai people, sometimes, we are not very punctual. We tend to be like 5 to 10 minutes late. Maybe it’s because our traffic is not that great so it’s very hard to control the time and maybe because of our habit of "sabai sabai," like just relax, chill out, like, why be so serious?
8. ฉันมาเจอคุณอีกได้มั๊ย (chăn maa jooe khun ìik dâi mái) “Can I see you again?”
ฉันมาเจอคุณอีกได้มั๊ย (chăn maa jooe khun ìik dâi mái) “Can I see you again?” or ขอเจออีกได้มั๊ย (khǎaw jooe ìik dâi mái), but the latter one, I feel like is more common to me.
9. เราไปที่อื่นกันดีมั๊ย (rao bpai thîi ùuen gan dii mái) “Shall we go somewhere else?”
10. คุณคิดว่าที่นี่เป็นอย่างไรบ้าง (khun khít wâa thîi nîi bpen yàang rai bâang) “What do you think of this place?”
So if you think that the atmosphere is good, you could say ชั้นคิดว่า (chán khît wâa) “I think” บรรยากาศดีนะ (ban-yaa-gaat dii nà) “the atmosphere is good.” Or if you think that the place is beautiful, you could say ชั้นคิดว่าที่นี่ (chán khît wâa thîi nîi) “I think here / this place,” สวยมาก sǔuai mâak “is beautiful.”
Okay guys, we are done for today’s lesson. So what is your favorite phrase so far? For me, it is ฉันจะขับรถไปส่งคุณที่บ้าน (chăn jà khàp rót bpai sòng khun thîi bâan) “I'll drive you home.” because like I love people to drive me home. You don’t know how hard it is to travel in Bangkok. Oh my gosh, it’s so time consuming, it’s so tiring so if someone offered me to drive me home, I would be so happy, yes. So how about you guys? Let me know in the comment below and please subscribe to our channel and like this video. See you next time. Bye-bye!

