
Vocabulary (Review)

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Jing: สวัสดีค่ะ sà-wàt-dii khâ. I’m Jing, and welcome to ThaiPod101.com!
Ohm: Hi everyone, I’m Ohm. This is Intermediate Season 1, Lesson 10 - Pretty Can be a Noun in Thailand. In this lesson, you'll learn about using แอบ with verbs to say an action is done in secret.
Jing: The conversation takes place at a restaurant.
Ohm: It’s between Gong and his friend Go.
Jing: The speakers are very close friends, so they’ll be using impolite Thai.
Ohm: Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
โก้: มึงเห็นผู้หญิงคนนั้นป๊ะ กูแอบมองมานานละ แต่ไม่กล้าจีบ (mueng hěn phûu-yǐng khon nán bpá. guu àaep maawng maa naan lá. dtàae mâi glâa jìip)
ก้อง: มึงก็เข้าไปทำความรู้จักกับเค้าสิ (mueng gâaw khâo bpai tham khwaam-rúu-jàk gàp kháo sì.)
โก้: กูไม่กล้านี่หว่า มึงช่วยกูหน่อยซิ (guu mâi glâa nîi wàa. mueng chûuai guu nàwy sí.)
ก้อง: มึงจะกลัวอะไร แค่ถามชื่อหรือทำอะไรก็ได้ให้เค้ารู้ว่ามึงแอบชอบเค้าอยู่ (mueng jà gluua à-rai. khâae thǎam chûue rǔue tham à-rai gâaw dâai hâi kháo rúu wâa mueng àaep châawp kháo yùu.)
โก้: กูจะพูดยังงี้ดีมั้ย “เธอน่ารักดีนะ ทำงานเป็นพริตตี้เหรอ” (guu jà phûut yang ngíi dii mái “thooe nâa-rák dii ná. tham-ngaan bpen phrít-dtîi rǒoe”.)
ก้อง: มันดูเวอร์ไป กูว่าถามแค่ชื่อเค้าก็พอ (man duu wôoe bpai. guu wâa thǎam khâae chûue kháo gâaw phaaw.)
Ohm: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
โก้: มึงเห็นผู้หญิงคนนั้นป๊ะ กูแอบมองมานานละ แต่ไม่กล้าจีบ (mueng hěn phûu-yǐng khon nán bpá. guu àaep maawng maa naan lá. dtàae mâi glâa jìip)
Go: Do you see that girl? I’ve been watching her for a while, but don’t have the courage to hit on her.
ก้อง: มึงก็เข้าไปทำความรู้จักกับเค้าสิ (mueng gâaw khâo bpai tham khwaam-rúu-jàk gàp kháo sì.)
Gong: So go introduce yourself.
โก้: กูไม่กล้านี่หว่า มึงช่วยกูหน่อยซิ (guu mâi glâa nîi wàa. mueng chûuai guu nàwy sí.)
Go: I’m not brave enough. Help me out.
ก้อง: มึงจะกลัวอะไร แค่ถามชื่อหรือทำอะไรก็ได้ให้เค้ารู้ว่ามึงแอบชอบเค้าอยู่ (mueng jà gluua à-rai. khâae thǎam chûue rǔue tham à-rai gâaw dâai hâi kháo rúu wâa mueng àaep châawp kháo yùu.)
Gong: What are you afraid of? Just ask her name, or ask her anything so she’ll know you like her.
โก้: กูจะพูดยังงี้ดีมั้ย “เธอน่ารักดีนะ ทำงานเป็นพริตตี้เหรอ” (guu jà phûut yang ngíi dii mái “thooe nâa-rák dii ná. tham-ngaan bpen phrít-dtîi rǒoe”.)
Go: How about if I say “You’re really cute. You work as a promotional model, right?”
ก้อง: มันดูเวอร์ไป กูว่าถามแค่ชื่อเค้าก็พอ (man duu wôoe bpai. guu wâa thǎam khâae chûue kháo gâaw phaaw.)
Gong: That’s going over the top. You should just ask her name. That’s enough.
Ohm: Hey Khru Jing, can you explain what a “pretty” is in Thailand?
Jing: Ah yes, พริตตี้ ‘phrít-dtîi’ in Thai is what we call those product presenter models. You know, those gorgeous young women whose job is to stand around and look pretty.
Ohm: OK, I see. They’re the beautiful models companies use to get your attention, and hopefully keep your attention long enough to notice the product as well.
Jing: Yes. For a young girl with the right looks, it can be a good way to earn some money. But the competition is really stiff.
Ohm: To the point that they turn to plastic surgery?
Jing: That’s right. Most pretties will get a nose job, and there’s all sorts of injections for beauty that they try to get too.
Ohm: Is all that really necessary?
Jing: I don’t know. I’ve heard in the news about underground beauty treatments that went bad. I’m sure some girls wish they could undo those.
Ohm: I guess people will do almost anything if there’s an incentive. Well, now let’s take a look at the vocabulary.
Ohm: The first word we shall see is...
Pim: พริตตี้ phrít-dtîi [natural native speed]
Ohm: promotional model
Pim: พริตตี้ phrít-dtîi [slowly - broken down by syllable] พริตตี้ phrít-dtîi [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: กล้า glâa [natural native speed]
Ohm: bold, courageous
Pim: กล้า glâa [slowly - broken down by syllable] กล้า glâa [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: แอบ àaep [natural native speed]
Ohm: to hide, to be covert
Pim: แอบ àaep [slowly - broken down by syllable] แอบ àaep [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: ป๊ะ bpá [natural native speed]
Ohm: casual question yes/no particle
Pim: ป๊ะ bpá [slowly - broken down by syllable] ป๊ะ bpá [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: น่ารัก nâa-rák [natural native speed]
Ohm: cute, lovely
Pim: น่ารัก nâa-rák [slowly - broken down by syllable] น่ารัก nâa-rák [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: กลัว gluua [natural native speed]
Ohm: afraid
Pim: กลัว gluua [slowly - broken down by syllable] กลัว gluua [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: มอง maawng [natural native speed]
Ohm: to look
Pim: มอง maawng [slowly - broken down by syllable] มอง maawng [natural native speed]
Ohm: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase we’ll look at is....
Jing: ช่วย...หน่อย ‘chûuai...nàwy’
Ohm: This pattern is used often for making polite requests.
Jing: That’s right. ช่วย ‘chûuai’ is the verb “to help”. And หน่อย ‘nàwy’ means “a little”. It makes the request more humble.
Ohm: I see. In the conversation, the speaker was just asking for help in general. But if you want to ask for help doing something specific, the action can be placed between ช่วย ‘chûuai’ and หน่อย ‘nàwy’.
Jing: That’s right. For example, someone might say...
chûuai bpòoet bprà-dtuu nàwy.
Ohm: “Help by opening the door.” OK, what’s the second phrase?
Jing: มันดูเวอร์ไป ‘man duu wôoe bpai’
Ohm: This is an expression that means “That’s going overboard” or “That’s taking things too far.”
Jing: Yeah, that’s about right. The key word here is เวอร์ ‘wôoe’. It’s a shorter form of the English loanword โอเวอร์ ‘oo-wôoe.’
Ohm: So you mean “over” as in “overdoing it” or “overacting”?
Jing: Yes, you got it. You can use โอเวอร์ ‘oo-wôoe’ or just เวอร์ ‘wôoe’ anytime something is too exaggerated.
Ohm: What do the rest of the words in the phrase mean?
Jing: มัน ‘man’ is the pronoun “it”. And ดู ‘duu’ is the verb “to look”, but in this case it means “to seem”. Finally, ไป ‘bpai’ is used at the end of the phrase to mean “too much”.
Ohm: Alright. And the whole phrase once again was?
Jing: มันดูเวอร์ไป ‘man duu wôoe bpai’
Ohm: Great. Now what’s the last phrase we want to look at today?
Jing: ทำความรู้จัก ‘tham khwaam-rúu-jàk’
Ohm: This means “to get to know”.
Jing: Yes, that’s right. รู้จัก ‘rúu-jàk’ is the verb “to know” or “to be familiar with”. And ความ ‘khwaam’ is a prefix that turns the verb into a noun.
Ohm: So ความรู้จัก ‘khwaam-rúu-jàk’ means “familiarity”.
Jing: Yes. That makes ทำความรู้จัก ‘tham khwaam-rúu-jàk’ mean “to make familiar” or “to get to know”.
Ohm: OK, now let’s move on to the grammar.
Ohm: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use แอบ ‘àaep’ with verbs to say an action is done in secret.
Jing: แอบ ‘àaep’ is a verb meaning “to hide” or “to sneak”.
Ohm: And we can use it with other verbs, right?
Jing: That’s right. You can put แอบ ‘àaep’ before another verb to say that something is being done “secretly” or “hidden”.
Ohm: What was the first example from the conversation?
Jing: We had the sentence...กูแอบมองมานานละ แต่ไม่กล้าจีบ ‘guu àaep maawng maa naan lá. dtàae mâi glâa jìip’.
Ohm: “I’ve been watching her for awhile, but I don’t have the courage to hit on her.”
Jing: The key words here are แอบมอง ‘àaep maawng’. The meaning of มอง ‘maawng’ is “to look at”.
Ohm: So แอบมอง ‘àaep maawng’ can mean “to look at in secret” or “to watch without being known”.
Jing: Yeah, that’s right. If you แอบมอง ‘àaep maawng’ it’s like you are spying on someone.
Ohm: OK, well then, what’s the second example of แอบ ‘àaep’ from the conversation?
Jing: แค่ถามชื่อหรือทำอะไรก็ได้ให้เค้ารู้ว่ามึงแอบชอบเค้าอยู่
‘khâae thǎam chûue rǔue tham à-rai gâaw dâai hâi kháo rúu wâa mueng àaep châawp kháo yùu.’
Ohm: “Just ask her name or do whatever so that she’ll know you like her.”
Jing: In this case, the key words are แอบชอบ ‘àaep châawp’, which can mean “to secretly like” or “to like while hiding your feelings”.
Ohm: I see. So if you แอบชอบ ‘àaep châawp’ that makes you someone’s secret admirer.
Jing: Exactly.
Ohm: Are there any other common verb combinations that go with แอบ ‘àaep’?
Jing: Well, there’s many that you can use. But two of the most common ones are แอบฟัง ‘àaep fang’ and แอบดู ‘àaep duu’. Can you guess what they mean?
Ohm: Let’s see. ฟัง ‘fang’ means “to listen”, so I guess แอบฟัง ‘àaep fang’ would mean “to eavesdrop”.
Jing: Yes, that’s right.
Ohm: And ดู ‘duu’ is the verb “to watch”, so I guess แอบดู ‘àaep duu’ must mean “to peek at”.
Jing: Very good! แอบดู ‘àaep duu’ and แอบมอง ‘àaep maawng’ are quite similar in meaning -- “to take a peek” or “to spy on”.


Ohm: Ok listeners, that's it for this lesson. Make sure to check the lesson notes, and we’ll see you next time. Bye!
Jing: แล้วเจอกันใหม่ láaeo jooe gan mài

