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Jing: สวัสดีค่ะ sà-wàt-dii khâ. I’m Jing, and welcome back to ThaiPod101.com.
Ohm: Ohm here! This is Intermediate Season 1, Lesson 15 - A New Thai Eating Tradition. In this lesson, you'll learn about using the pattern .....ปุ๊บ......ปั๊บ to say that one thing follows right after another.
Jing: The conversation takes place at a coffee shop.
Ohm: It’s between a young couple, Pim and Gong, and a waitress.
Jing: The speakers are a couple, so they’ll be using informal Thai, and polite Thai with the waitress.
Ohm: Let’s listen to the conversation.
พิม: พี่ก้องดูเค้กมะพร้าวสิคะ น่ากินจัง (phîi gâwng duu khéek má-práao sì khâ. nâa-gin jang.)
ก้อง: จ้ะ (jâ.)
พนักงานเสิร์ฟ: รับอะไรดีคะ (ráp à-rai dii khá.)
เบียร: ์ เอาเค้กมะพร้าวหนึ่งชิ้น กาแฟลาเต้เย็นหนึ่ง น้องพิมเอาอะไรจ๊ะ (ao khéek má-phráao nùeng chin gaa-faae laa-dtêe yen nùeng. náawng phim ao à-rai já.)
พิม: ลาเต้เย็นเป็นสองแก้วค่ะ (laa-dtêe yen bpen sǎawng gâaeo khâ.)
พนักงานเสิร์ฟ: เสิร์ฟที่โต๊ะนะคะ (sòoep thîi dtó ná khá.)
ก้อง: นั่งตรงนี้ก็ดีนะ (nâng dtrong-níi gâaw dii ná.)
พนักงานเซิร์ฟ: เค้กมะพร้าวกับลาเต้เย็นได้แล้วค่ะ (khéek má-phráao gàp laa-dtêe yen dâai láaeo khâ.)
ก้อง: โอโห สั่งปุ๊บมาปั๊บ (oo-hǒo. sàng bpúp maa bpáp.)
พิม: หยุดก่อน อย่าเพิ่งกินค่ะ ยังไม่ได้ถ่ายรูปเลย (yùt gàawn. yàa phôoeng gin khâ. yang mâi dâi thàai rûup looei.)
ก้อง: ถ่ายสิ แล้วจะอัพโหลดลงเฟสบุคให้ (thàai sì. láaeo jà àp-lòot long fees-bùk hâi.)
พิม: ค่ะ (khâ.)
ก้อง: ยิ้มทำไมจ๊ะ (yím tham-mai já.)
พิม: อับโหลดรูปปุ๊บเพื่อนก็กดไลค์ปั๊บ (àp-lòot rûup bpúp phûuean gâaw gòt lai bpáp.)
Ohm: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
พิม: พี่ก้องดูเค้กมะพร้าวสิคะ น่ากินจัง (phîi gâwng duu khéek má-práao sì khâ. nâa-gin jang.)
Pim: Look at the coconut cake. It looks so yummy.
ก้อง: จ้ะ (jâ.)
Gong: Yep.
พนักงานเสิร์ฟ: รับอะไรดีคะ (ráp à-rai dii khá.)
Waitress: What will you have?
เบียร: ์ เอาเค้กมะพร้าวหนึ่งชิ้น กาแฟลาเต้เย็นหนึ่ง น้องพิมเอาอะไรจ๊ะ (ao khéek má-phráao nùeng chin gaa-faae laa-dtêe yen nùeng. náawng phim ao à-rai já.)
Gong: We’ll have one piece of coconut cake, and one iced cafe latte. What do you want Pim?
พิม: ลาเต้เย็นเป็นสองแก้วค่ะ (laa-dtêe yen bpen sǎawng gâaeo khâ.)
Pim: Make it two iced cafe lattes.
พนักงานเสิร์ฟ: เสิร์ฟที่โต๊ะนะคะ (sòoep thîi dtó ná khá.)
Waitress: I’ll serve you at your table.
ก้อง: นั่งตรงนี้ก็ดีนะ (nâng dtrong-níi gâaw dii ná.)
Gong: This is a good place to sit.
พนักงานเซิร์ฟ: เค้กมะพร้าวกับลาเต้เย็นได้แล้วค่ะ (khéek má-phráao gàp laa-dtêe yen dâai láaeo khâ.)
Waitress: Here’s your coconut cake and iced lattes.
ก้อง: โอโห สั่งปุ๊บมาปั๊บ (oo-hǒo. sàng bpúp maa bpáp.)
Gong: Wow! We just ordered and it came already.
พิม: หยุดก่อน อย่าเพิ่งกินค่ะ ยังไม่ได้ถ่ายรูปเลย (yùt gàawn. yàa phôoeng gin khâ. yang mâi dâi thàai rûup looei.)
Pim: Stop! Don’t start eating. I didn’t take a photo yet.
ก้อง: ถ่ายสิ แล้วจะอัพโหลดลงเฟสบุคให้ (thàai sì. láaeo jà àp-lòot long fees-bùk hâi.)
Gong: Go ahead and take it. And I’ll upload it to Facebook for you.
พิม: ค่ะ (khâ.)
Pim: OK.
ก้อง: ยิ้มทำไมจ๊ะ (yím tham-mai já.)
Gong: Why are you smiling?
พิม: อับโหลดรูปปุ๊บเพื่อนก็กดไลค์ปั๊บ (àp-lòot rûup bpúp phûuean gâaw gòt lai bpáp.)
Pim: As soon as the picture was uploaded, a friend clicked “like”.
Ohm: Hey Khru Jing, why do you think Thai people like to take pictures of food so much?
Jing: I’m not sure. But maybe some of it is to show off.
Ohm: Right. It’s like saying. “Hey, look at where I went to eat!”
Jing: Yes. That’s why people get so excited when someone likes a picture they uploaded to Facebook. It means someone noticed them.
Ohm: Well, sort of. But doesn’t it really just mean they noticed the food?
Jing: Yeah, I guess so. But we take lots of pictures of ourselves too. So we share photos of people and food.
Ohm: Well, Thai food looks so delicious. So I guess I can’t blame you for wanting to share it!
Jing: We also have so many little coffee shops these days that serve up cute little cakes and pies. You just feel bad if you start eating it, without taking a photo first.
Ohm: I see. Well, now let’s take a look at the vocabulary.
Ohm: The first word we shall see is...
Pim: มะพร้าว má-phráao [natural native speed]
Ohm: coconut
Pim: มะพร้าว má-phráao [slowly - broken down by syllable] มะพร้าว má-phráao [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: เค้ก khéek [natural native speed]
Ohm: cake
Pim: เค้ก khéek [slowly - broken down by syllable] เค้ก khéek [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: กาแฟลาเต้ gaa-faae-laa-dtêe [natural native speed]
Ohm: cafe latte
Pim: กาแฟลาเต้ gaa-faae-laa-dtêe [slowly - broken down by syllable] กาแฟลาเต้ gaa-faae-laa-dtêe [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: ตรงนี้ dtrong-níi [natural native speed]
Ohm: here
Pim: ตรงนี้ dtrong-níi [slowly - broken down by syllable] ตรงนี้ dtrong-níi [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: สั่ง sàng [natural native speed]
Ohm: to order
Pim: สั่ง sàng [slowly - broken down by syllable] สั่ง sàng [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: ถ่ายรูป thàai-rûup [natural native speed]
Ohm: to take a picture
Pim: ถ่ายรูป thàai-rûup [slowly - broken down by syllable] ถ่ายรูป thàai-rûup [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: กด gòt [natural native speed]
Ohm: to press
Pim: กด gòt [slowly - broken down by syllable] กด gòt [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: อัพโหลด àp-lòot [natural native speed]
Ohm: to upload
Pim: อัพโหลด àp-lòot [slowly - broken down by syllable] อัพโหลด àp-lòot [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: หยุด yùt [natural native speed]
Ohm: to stop
Pim: หยุด yùt [slowly - broken down by syllable] หยุด yùt [natural native speed]
Ohm: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase we’ll look at is....
Jing: น่ากินจัง nâa-gin jang
Ohm: This means “it looks tasty” or “it sounds delicious.”
Jing: Right, น่ากิน nâa-gin means “It’s worth eating”.
Ohm: And this could be based on sight, smell, or just a description of the food in question.
Jing: That’s true. So the exact translation may depend on the context. But in general, “it sounds delicious” is what น่ากิน nâa-gin means.
Ohm: OK, what’s the next phrase?
Jing: เอา...หนึ่งชิ้น ao...nùeng chín
Ohm: This pattern is used for asking for “one piece” of something.
Jing: Yes, that’s right. เอา ao is the verb “to take”, and หนึ่งชิ้น nùeng chín means “one piece”.
Ohm: So ชิ้น chín can be a classifier for anything that has been cut into pieces, such as slices of cake, pie, or fruit.
Jing: That’s right. For example, if you wanted just one slice of mango, you could say...
ao má-mûuang nùeng chín
Ohm: “I’ll take a piece of mango.” Now what’s the last phrase we want to talk about?
Jing: ลาเต้เย็นเป็นสองแก้วค่ะ laa-dtêe yen bpen sǎǎwng gâaeo khâ
Ohm: This means “Make that two cups of iced latte”.
Jing: ลาเต้เย็น laa-dtêe yen is the noun “iced cafe latte”. And they are served in a tall cup or glass, so แก้ว gâaeo is the classifier.
Ohm: I noticed this phrase also includes เป็น bpen as the verb “to be”.
Jing: Yes, the literal translation would be “The iced lattes are two glasses.”
Ohm: But the intended meaning is “That will be two iced lattes.”
Jing: Right.
Ohm: And once again, what is the phrase in Thai?
Jing: ลาเต้เย็นเป็นสองแก้วค่ะ laa-dtêe yen bpen sǎwng gâaeo khâ
Ohm: Alright, now let’s move on to the grammar.
Ohm: The focus of this lesson is using the pattern .....ปุ๊บ bpúp......ปั๊บ bpáp to say that one thing follows right after another.
Jing: This pattern is really fun to use, and if you can work it naturally into a conversation, your Thai friends will be quite impressed.
Ohm: What’s the basic idea when we use this pattern?
Jing: This pattern links two statements together. And it tells us that the second action follows right after the first action happens.
Ohm: So what’s the pattern again?
Jing: The basic pattern is... Statement A + ปุ๊บ bpúp + Statement B + ปั๊บ bpáp
Ohm: OK, that sounds simple enough. What examples did we have in the conversation?
Jing: One example from the conversation was when Gong said...
โอ้โห สั่งปุ๊บมาปั๊บ
oô-hǒo. sàng bpúp maa bpáp.
Ohm: “Wow! We just ordered and it came already.” So in this example, Statement A and Statement B are just both single verbs.
Jing: Yes, that’s right. สั่ง sàng is the verb “to order”, and มา maa is the verb “to come”.
Ohm: So we can understand สั่งปุ๊บมาปั๊บ sàng bpúp maa bpáp to mean “As soon as it’s ordered it comes”.
Jing: Right. The characters in the conversation knew all the details from the context. So all the nouns could be left out.
Ohm: I see. There was one more example from the conversation too. Wasn’t there?
Jing: Yes. We also had the sentence...
àp-lòot rûup bpúp phûuean gâaw gòt lái bpáp.
Ohm: “As soon as the pictures uploaded, a friend clicked ‘like’.”
Jing: This is a good example because it shows the surprise the speaker is feeling.
Ohm: Right. She was surprised that somebody clicked ‘like’ before she even had a chance to put her phone down and eat a bite of the cake.
Jing: Yes, she must have some friends who are always checking Facebook.
Ohm: And what are the two statements in this sentence?
Jing: อัพโหลดรูป àp-lòot rûup means “to upload a photo”.
Ohm: So the verb is just taken right from English.
Jing: Yes. And เพื่อนก็กดไลค์ phûuean gâaw gòt lái means “a friend clicked ‘like’”. กด gòt is a verb that means “to press” or “to push”.
Ohm: I see. กด gòt is the Thai verb to use anytime you want to talk about “clicking” something on a computer screen.
Jing: Exactly.
Ohm: Can we hear the whole phrase once again? Listeners, please repeat after Khru Jing...
Jing: อัพโหลดรูปปุ๊บเพื่อนก็กดไลค์ปั๊บ
àp-lòot rûup bpúp phûuean gâaw gòt lái bpáp.
Ohm: (pause) “As soon as the pictures were uploaded, a friend clicked ‘like’.” Good job everyone.


Ohm: That’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, everyone!
Jing: แล้วเจอกันใหม่ láaeo jooe gan mài

