
Vocabulary (Review)

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Jing: สวัสดีค่ะ sà-wàt-dii khâ. I’m Jing, and welcome back to ThaiPod101.com.
Ohm: Ohm here! This is Intermediate Season 1, Lesson 18 - Thai Kids Sing the Strangest Songs. In this lesson, you'll learn about using the verb สงสัย to "wonder" about something.
Jing: The conversation takes place at a coffee shop.
Ohm: It’s between a young couple, Pim and Gong.
Jing: The speakers are a couple, so they’ll be speaking informal Thai.
Ohm: Let’s listen to the conversation.
พิม: เค้กมะพร้าวอร่อยมาก (khéek má-phráao à-ràwy mâak)
ก้อง: อืมอร่อย แต่พี่ชอบพายเชอรี่มากที่สุด (uuem à-ràwy. dtàae phîi châawp phaai chooe-rîi mâak thîi-sùt.)
พิม: อ๋อชอบเชอรี่เหรอ “ไอแอมเชอรี่จั๊กจี้หัวใจ” (ǎaw châawp chooe-rîi rǒoe. ai aaem chooe-rîi ják-gà-jîi hǔua-jai)
ก้องและพิม: “ไอแอมตกบันไดหัวใจจิ้มขี้” (ai aaem dtòk ban-dai hǔua-jai jîm khîi.)
ก้อง: ฮ่าๆ พี่สงสัยว่าใครแต่งเพลงนี้ มันสื่อถึงอะไร (hâa-hâa phîi sǒng-sǎi wâa khrai dtàeng-phleeng níi. man sûue thǔeng à-rai.)
พิม: ไม่รู้เหมือนกันค่ะ ตอนเป็นเด็กก็ร้องไปตามเพื่อนๆ (mâi rúu mǔuean gan khâ. dtaawn bpen dèk gâaw ráawng bpai dtaam phûuean-phûuean)
ก้อง: สงสัยเพลงนี้จะเกิดขึ้นหลังจากชั่วโมงเรียนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษแน่ๆ (sǒng-sǎi phleeng níi jà gòoet khûen lǎng-jàak chûua-moong riian wí-chaa phaa-sǎa-ang-grìt nâae-nâae.)
พิม: ค่ะ สงสัยเด็กเดินร้องเพลงนี้ออกมาจากห้องเรียน แล้วเพื่อนๆ ก็จำและร้องต่อๆ กันมา (khâ. sǒng-sǎi dèk dooen ráawng phleeng níi àawk maa jàak hâawng-riian. láaeo phûuean-phûuean gâaw jam láe ráawng dtàaw-dtàaw gan maa.)
Ohm: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
พิม: เค้กมะพร้าวอร่อยมาก (khéek má-phráao à-ràwy mâak)
Pim: The coconut cake is delicious.
ก้อง: อืมอร่อย แต่พี่ชอบพายเชอรี่มากที่สุด (uuem à-ràwy. dtàae phîi châawp phaai chooe-rîi mâak thîi-sùt.)
Gong: Yeah, it’s good. But I like cherry pie the best.
พิม: อ๋อชอบเชอรี่เหรอ “ไอแอมเชอรี่จั๊กจี้หัวใจ” (ǎaw châawp chooe-rîi rǒoe. ai aaem chooe-rîi ják-gà-jîi hǔua-jai)
Pim: Oh, you like cherry, huh? “I am Cherry, tickle my heart”.
ก้องและพิม: “ไอแอมตกบันไดหัวใจจิ้มขี้” (ai aaem dtòk ban-dai hǔua-jai jîm khîi.)
Gong and Pim: “I fall down the stairs, my heart dips in poo.”
ก้อง: ฮ่าๆ พี่สงสัยว่าใครแต่งเพลงนี้ มันสื่อถึงอะไร (hâa-hâa phîi sǒng-sǎi wâa khrai dtàeng-phleeng níi. man sûue thǔeng à-rai.)
Gong: Haha. I wonder who came up with this song. What does it even mean?
พิม: ไม่รู้เหมือนกันค่ะ ตอนเป็นเด็กก็ร้องไปตามเพื่อนๆ (mâi rúu mǔuean gan khâ. dtaawn bpen dèk gâaw ráawng bpai dtaam phûuean-phûuean)
Pim: I don’t know either. When I was a kid I learned to sing it from my friends.
ก้อง: สงสัยเพลงนี้จะเกิดขึ้นหลังจากชั่วโมงเรียนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษแน่ๆ (sǒng-sǎi phleeng níi jà gòoet khûen lǎng-jàak chûua-moong riian wí-chaa phaa-sǎa-ang-grìt nâae-nâae.)
Gong: I bet this song came about after English class.
พิม: ค่ะ สงสัยเด็กเดินร้องเพลงนี้ออกมาจากห้องเรียน แล้วเพื่อนๆ ก็จำและร้องต่อๆ กันมา (khâ. sǒng-sǎi dèk dooen ráawng phleeng níi àawk maa jàak hâawng-riian. láaeo phûuean-phûuean gâaw jam láe ráawng dtàaw-dtàaw gan maa.)
Pim: Yeah, I wonder if the children sang this song as they walked out of the classroom, and their friends remembered it and kept singing afterwards.
Ohm: Hey Khru Jing, that playground rhyme they sang in the conversation is pretty ridiculous.
Jing: Yeah, it’s funny. But it doesn’t make much sense. I think just about every Thai person I know remembers singing that song when they were younger.
Ohm: Do you remember any other good ones?
Jing: I know another one that’s quite silly. It starts out like this...
รถไฟจะไปโคราช ตดดังป๊่าด ถึงราชบุรี ตดอีกทีถึงบริษัท บริษัทป้ำๆ เป๋อๆ...
rót-fai jà bpai khoo-râat. dtòt dang bpáat thǔeng râat-bù-rii. dtòt ìik thii thǔeng baaw-rí-sàt. baaw-rí-sàt bpâm-bpâm bpǒoe-bpǒoe...
Ohm: And just what does all that mean?
Jing: The translation would be something like this...
“The train will go to Khorat. It toots a loud fart on reaching Ratburi. It farts again at the company. The company is stupid and clumsy.”
Ohm: Oh my gosh! How do kids ever think this stuff up?
Jing: I don’t know. Kids are kids. This rhyme is kind of illogical too. Do you know why?
Ohm: No, why is that?
Jing: Because Khorat and Ratburi are in two different directions from Bangkok. There aren’t going to be any trains that pass through Ratburi on the way to Khorat.
Ohm: Oh, I see. Well, what can you expect from a children’s rhyme? OK, now let’s take a look at the vocabulary.
Ohm: The first word we shall see is...
Pim: สงสัย sǒng-sǎi [natural native speed]
Ohm: to wonder, to suspect
Pim: สงสัย sǒng-sǎi [slowly - broken down by syllable] สงสัย sǒng-sǎi [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: จั๊กจี้ ják-gà-jîi [natural native speed]
Ohm: ticklish, to tickle
Pim: จั๊กจี้ ják-gà-jîi [slowly - broken down by syllable] จั๊กจี้ ják-gà-jîi [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: หัวใจ hǔua-jai [natural native speed]
Ohm: heart
Pim: หัวใจ hǔua-jai [slowly - broken down by syllable] หัวใจ hǔua-jai [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: ตก dtòk [natural native speed]
Ohm: to fall
Pim: ตก dtòk [slowly - broken down by syllable] ตก dtòk [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: บันได ban-dai [natural native speed]
Ohm: stairs
Pim: บันได ban-dai [slowly - broken down by syllable] บันได ban-dai [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: จิ้ม jîm [natural native speed]
Ohm: to poke, to dip
Pim: จิ้ม jîm [slowly - broken down by syllable] จิ้ม jîm [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: ขี้ khîi [natural native speed]
Ohm: excrement
Pim: ขี้ khîi [slowly - broken down by syllable] ขี้ khîi [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: แต่งเพลง dtàeng-phleeng [natural native speed]
Ohm: to compose a song
Pim: แต่งเพลง dtàeng-phleeng [slowly - broken down by syllable] แต่งเพลง dtàeng-phleeng [natural native speed]
Ohm: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we’ll look at is....
Jing: อืม uuem
Ohm: This is simply a very informal way of saying “yes”.
Jing: That’s right. It’s quite casual. Really it’s more like a sound than a word.
Ohm: So answering with อืม uuem would be like saying “uh-huh” or “yeah” in English.
Jing: Yes, something like that. It’s better to only use it with your friends. อืม uuem is too casual to use with a stranger or someone with higher social rank than yourself.
Ohm: OK, got it. What’s the next phrase?
Jing: มันสื่อถึงอะไร man sùue thǔeng à-rai
Ohm: This phrase means “What does that convey?”
Jing: That’s correct. สื่อ sùue is a verb that means “to convey” or “to communicate”. ถึง thǔeng means “to”, and อะไร à-rai is the question “What?”
Ohm: So then the word-for-word translation gives us “It conveys to what?” But a more natural sounding translation would be “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jing: Right.
Ohm: And what was the phrase in Thai once more?
Jing: มันสื่อถึงอะไร man sùue thǔeng à-rai
Ohm: OK, now what’s the last phrase we wanted to talk about?
Jing: หลังจากชั่วโมงเรียนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ lǎng-jàak chûua-moong-riian wí-chaa phaa-sǎa-ang-grìt
Ohm: This means “after the English lesson”.
Jing: That’s right. This phrase starts with หลังจาก lǎng-jàak, which is a preposition meaning “after”. Then ชั่วโมงเรียน chûua-moong-riian means “class hour” or “lesson”. And finally, วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ wí-chaa phaa-sǎa-ang-grìt means “English subject”.
Ohm: I see. Now let’s move on to the grammar.
Ohm: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the verb สงสัย sǒng-sǎi to "wonder" about something.
Jing: The verb สงสัย sǒng-sǎi can mean “to wonder”, “to doubt”, or “to suspect”.
Ohm: And how do we use it in a sentence?
Jing: สงสัย sǒng-sǎi can be used with or without the connecting particle ว่า wâa. And there should be some statement coming after it.
Ohm: I see. How about an example from the conversation.
Jing: One example was the sentence...
phîi sǒng-sǎi wâa khrai dtàeng-phleeng níi.
Ohm: “I wonder who came up with this song.” In this example, the second half of the sentence gives us a question that the subject is wondering about.
Jing: Yes. The question is ใครแต่งเพลงนี้ khrai dtàeng-phleeng níi.
Ohm: “Who came up with this song?” The speaker doesn’t have an idea what the answer will be, so “to wonder” is a good translation for สงสัย sǒng-sǎi in this sentence.
Jing: That’s right. But in other sentences, สงสัย sǒng-sǎi should be translated as “to suspect”.
Ohm: OK, did we have any examples like that?
Jing: Yes. There was this sentence...
sǒng-sǎi phleeng níi jà gòoet khûen lǎng-jàak chûua-moong riian wí-chaa phaa-sǎa-ang-grìt nâae-nâae.
Ohm: “I suspect this song came about after English class, surely.” This time the speaker is giving their opinion about what they believe could likely be true. So in this case, it’s better to translate สงสัย sǒng-sǎi as “to suspect”.
Jing: That’s right. You have to pay attention to the situation to tell if สงสัย sǒng-sǎi means “to wonder” or “to suspect”.
Ohm: OK, how about we have both of those sentences again for a little speaking practice.
Jing: Sure!
Ohm: Alright, listeners, please repeat after Khru Jing... “I wonder who came up with this song.”
Jing: พี่สงสัยว่าใครแต่งเพลงนี้
phîi sǒng-sǎi wâa khrai dtàeng-phleeng níi.
Ohm: (pause) Great job! Now, the second sentence was pretty long, so how about we split it into two halves. First was “I suspect this song came about...”
Jing: สงสัยเพลงนี้จะเกิดขึ้น sǒng-sǎi phleeng níi jà gòoet khûen
Ohm: (pause) “... after English class, surely.”
Jing: หลังจากชั่วโมงเรียนวิชาภาษาอังกฤษแน่ๆ lǎng-jàak chûua-moong riian wí-chaa phaa-sǎa-ang-grìt nâae-nâae.
Ohm: (pause) Nice job everyone!


Ohm: Alright that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time!
Jing: แล้วเจอกันใหม่ láaeo jooe gan mài

