
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jing: สวัสดีค่ะ sà-wàt-dii khâ. I’m Jing, and welcome back to ThaiPod101.com.
Ohm: Hi everyone, I’m Ohm. This is Intermediate Season 1, Lesson 8 - Waiting All Day to Pay for a Parking Ticket in Thailand. In this lesson you'll learn about โดน, which is used to indicate passive voice.
Jing: The conversation takes place at the traffic police headquarters.
Ohm: It’s between Gong and his friend Go, and we’ll also hear a traffic police officer speaking to the entire room.
Jing: The speakers are very close friends, so they’ll be using impolite Thai.
Ohm: Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
โก้: ที่นี่แหละ กูพาพี่กูมาบ่อย เข้าไปหยิบบัตรคิวเลย (thîi nîi làe. guu phaa phîi guu maa bàwy. khâo bpai yìp bàt khiu looei.)
ก้อง: คนเยอะว่ะ ต้องรอนานมั้ยวะเนี่ย (khon yóe wâ. dtâwng raaw naan mái wá nîia.)
โก้: มึงได้คิวที่เท่าไหร่วะ (mueng dâai khiu thîi thâo-rài wá.)
ก้อง: คิวที่ 85 ว่ะ (khiu thîi bpàaet-sìp-hâa wâ.)
โก้: แล้วถึงคิวที่เท่าไหร่แล้ววะ (láaeo thǔeng khiu thîi thâo-rài láaeo wá.)
ก้อง: ก็ไม่รู้ว่ะ ต้องรอให้ฟัง (gâaw mâi rúu wâ. dtâwng raaw hâi fang.)
เจ้าหน้าที่: คิวที่ 47 jâo-nâa-thîi (khiu thîi sìi-sìp-jèt.)
โก้: โห รอนานแน่เลยว่ะ หาที่นั่งกันดีกว่า ก้อง (hǒo raaw naan nâae looei wâ. hǎa thîi-nâng gan dii gwàa gâwng)
ก้อง: กูไม่เคยโดนใบสั่งมาก่อนเลย มึงคิดว่าจะเสียเงินเท่าไหร่วะ (guu mâi khooei doon bai-sàng maa gàawn looei. mueng khìt wâa jà sǐia-ngoen thâo-rài wá.)
โก้: กูก็ไม่่เคยโดน แต่พี่กูโดนบ่อย ไม่น่าจะเกิน 500 (guu gâaw mâi khooei doon. dtàae phîi guu doon bàwy. mâi nâa jà gooen hâa-ráawy)
ก้อง: ก็ยังแพงอยู่นะสำหรับกู (gâaw yang phaaeng yùu ná sǎm-ràp guu.)
Ohm: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
โก้: ที่นี่แหละ กูพาพี่กูมาบ่อย เข้าไปหยิบบัตรคิวเลย (thîi nîi làe. guu phaa phîi guu maa bàwy. khâo bpai yìp bàt khiu looei.)
Go: This is the place. I’ve taken my older brother here often. Go in and take a queue slip.
ก้อง: คนเยอะว่ะ ต้องรอนานมั้ยวะเนี่ย (khon yóe wâ. dtâwng raaw naan mái wá nîia.)
Gong: It’s crowded! How long are we gonna have to wait?!
โก้: มึงได้คิวที่เท่าไหร่วะ (mueng dâai khiu thîi thâo-rài wá.)
Go: What number did you get in the queue?
ก้อง: คิวที่ 85 ว่ะ (khiu thîi bpàaet-sìp-hâa wâ.)
Gong: Number 85.
โก้: แล้วถึงคิวที่เท่าไหร่แล้ววะ (láaeo thǔeng khiu thîi thâo-rài láaeo wá.)
Go: And what’s the queue at now?
ก้อง: ก็ไม่รู้ว่ะ ต้องรอให้ฟัง (gâaw mâi rúu wâ. dtâwng raaw hâi fang.)
Gong: Well, I don't know. You have to wait and listen.
เจ้าหน้าที่: คิวที่ 47 jâo-nâa-thîi (khiu thîi sìi-sìp-jèt.)
Officer: Number 47.
โก้: โห รอนานแน่เลยว่ะ หาที่นั่งกันดีกว่า ก้อง (hǒo raaw naan nâae looei wâ. hǎa thîi-nâng gan dii gwàa gâwng)
Go: Aww! We have to wait a long time for sure! We better find a seat.
ก้อง: กูไม่เคยโดนใบสั่งมาก่อนเลย มึงคิดว่าจะเสียเงินเท่าไหร่วะ (guu mâi khooei doon bai-sàng maa gàawn looei. mueng khìt wâa jà sǐia-ngoen thâo-rài wá.)
Gong: I never got a ticket before. How much money do you think it will cost?
โก้: กูก็ไม่่เคยโดน แต่พี่กูโดนบ่อย ไม่น่าจะเกิน 500 (guu gâaw mâi khooei doon. dtàae phîi guu doon bàwy. mâi nâa jà gooen hâa-ráawy)
Go: I never got one either. But my brother gets them often. It shouldn’t be more than 500.
ก้อง: ก็ยังแพงอยู่นะสำหรับกู (gâaw yang phaaeng yùu ná sǎm-ràp guu.)
Gong: That’s still expensive for me.
Ohm: Hey Khru Jing, I’ve always been under the impression that traffic is a little chaotic in Thailand. Do the traffic police really give out citations for parking violations?
Jing: Yes, sure. It happens all the time. Of course many people still get away with parking illegally sometimes.
Ohm: So you’d say the enforcement can be selective.
Jing: Yeah, that would be a good way to put it. It’s the same way with helmets. Often you can drive past the police on your motorbike without wearing a helmet, and they won’t care. But other times they set up a trap around a corner and stop all the riders who don’t have helmets.
Ohm: Oh, then they write you a ticket?
Jing: Almost never. Usually they just ask for some money that goes straight into their pocket and they let you go.
Ohm: Well that certainly doesn’t sound very “by the book”.
Jing: No, but it’s a lot easier to pay than a parking ticket. You have to waste time going to the traffic police headquarters in person to pay parking tickets.
Ohm: Oh, that doesn’t sound like any fun at all. Well, let’s take a look now at the vocabulary.
Ohm: The first word we shall see is...
Pim: บ่อย bàwy [natural native speed]
Ohm: often, frequently
Pim: บ่อย bàwy [slowly - broken down by syllable] บ่อย bàwy [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: โดน doon [natural native speed]
Ohm: indicates passive voice
Pim: โดน doon [slowly - broken down by syllable] โดน doon [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: บัตรคิว bàt-khiu [natural native speed]
Ohm: queue slip
Pim: บัตรคิว bàt-khiu [slowly - broken down by syllable] บัตรคิว bàt-khiu [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: คิว khiu [natural native speed]
Ohm: queue
Pim: คิว khiu [slowly - broken down by syllable] คิว khiu [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: มึง mueng [natural native speed]
Ohm: you (impolite)
Pim: มึง mueng [slowly - broken down by syllable] มึง mueng [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: กู guu [natural native speed]
Ohm: I (impolite)
Pim: กู guu [slowly - broken down by syllable] กู guu [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: สำหรับ sǎm-ràp [natural native speed]
Ohm: for
Pim: สำหรับ sǎm-ràp [slowly - broken down by syllable] สำหรับ sǎm-ràp [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: ใบสั่ง bai-sàng [natural native speed]
Ohm: ticket, order slip
Pim: ใบสั่ง bai-sàng [slowly - broken down by syllable] ใบสั่ง bai-sàng [natural native speed]
Ohm: Next
Pim: หยิบ yìp [natural native speed]
Ohm: to take
Pim: หยิบ yìp [slowly - broken down by syllable] หยิบ yìp [natural native speed]
Ohm: And last...
Pim: วะ wá [natural native speed]
Ohm: impolite ending particle
Pim: วะ wá [slowly - broken down by syllable] วะ wá [natural native speed]
Ohm: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase we’ll look at is....
Jing: ได้คิวที่เท่าไหร่ ‘dâai khiu thîi thâo-rài’
Ohm: This phrase means “What number did you get in the queue?”
Jing: That’s right. คิว ‘khiu’ is just an English loanword, “queue”. And ที่เท่าไหร่ ‘thîi thâo-rài’ means “at how much” or “at which number.”
Ohm: OK. What’s the second phrase?
Jing: ดีกว่า ‘dii gwàa’
Ohm: This expression literally means “better than”, but it’s often used without having two things to compare.
Jing: Yes, that’s right. When ดีกว่า ‘dii gwàa’ follows an action, the result is a suggestion to do that action.
Ohm: So this is just like saying “You had better...” in English.
Jing: Yes. “You better do this”, but we don’t actually say what it’s better than.
Ohm: What’s the next phrase?
Jing: เสียเงิน ‘sǐa ngoen’
Ohm: This means “to waste money”.
Jing: That’s correct. เสีย ‘sǐa’ can mean “to spoil” or “to be wasted” and เงิน ‘ngoen’ is money.
Ohm: So you can use เสียเงิน ‘sǐa ngoen’ to express that you had to spend money on something that you really didn’t want to pay for. And what’s the last phrase we want to look at?
Jing: ไม่น่าจะเกิน ‘mâi nâa jà gooen’
Ohm: This means “It shouldn’t be more than...”
Jing: Right. เกิน ‘gooen’ is a verb meaning “to exceed”. And น่าจะ ‘nâa jà’ means “will likely...” or “it should...”
Ohm: And we have the negative particle ไม่ ‘mâi’ in front of the whole statement to say that “It’s not likely to exceed...” And that would be followed by some amount.
Jing: Yes, that’s right.
Ohm: Great. Now let’s move on to the grammar.
Ohm: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use โดน ‘doon’ to indicate the passive voice.
Jing: โดน ‘doon’ can be used as a helping verb to say that the subject had the action done to them.
Ohm: And what example did we have to show this?
Jing: The example from the conversation was...
‘guu mâi khooei doon bai-sàng maa gàawn looei.’
Ohm: “I’ve never gotten a ticket before.” Now in this particular case, there isn’t actually another verb present.
Jing: Yeah, so the meaning of โดน ‘doon’ is a little bit closer to “have got”, as in “have gotten hit with a ticket”.
Ohm: Can you think of an example that illustrates the passive voice more strictly?
Jing: Sure. How about this sentence...
‘thîi bâan doon mót gàt bàwy-bàwy.’
Ohm: “I often get bit by ants at home.”
Jing: So in this case the key words are โดนมดกัด ‘doon mót gàt’, meaning “to get bit by ants”.
Ohm: I see. Now is there any other way to show the passive voice in Thai?
Jing: Yes, there is. Instead of โดน ‘doon’, you can use the word ถูก ‘thùuk’. It means the same thing.
Ohm: OK, so then how would we say that last sentence?
Jing: ที่บ้านถูกมดกัดบ่อยๆ ‘thîi bâan thùuk mót gàt bàwy-bàwy.’
Ohm: “I often get bit by ants at home.” Alright, how about we practice saying both of those sentences. Listeners, please repeat after Khru Jing. “I often get bit by ants at home.”
Jing: ที่บ้านโดนมดกัดบ่อยๆ ‘thîi bâan doon mót gàt bàwy-bàwy.’
Ohm: (pause) Or the second version...
Jing: ที่บ้านถูกมดกัดบ่อยๆ ‘thîi bâan thùuk mót gàt bàwy-bàwy.’
Ohm: (pause) Great job everybody!


Ohm: Okay. That's it for this lesson. Make sure you check the lesson notes, and we’ll see you next time.
Jing: แล้วเจอกันใหม่ láaeo jooe gan mài

