
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ohm: สวัสดีครับ
Ja: Hello, and welcome back to ThaiPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 11: Check Out the Latest Thai Fashions! I'm Ja.
Ohm: And I'm Ohm. What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Ja: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express opinions.
Ohm: This conversation takes place in a clothing shop.
Ja: It’s between two friends, Nok and Dao.
Ohm: The speakers are friends, so they'll be using casual Thai.
Ja: Alright, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

นก : ชอบชุดนี้มั้ย
ดาว : ไม่อะ เราว่าเราใส่กางเกงเอวสูงไม่สวย
นก : ไม่เห็นจริงเลย เราว่าดาวใส่แล้วน่ารักออก
ดาว : เราว่าต้องลดน้ำหนักก่อนนะถึงจะใส่ได้
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
นก : ชอบชุดนี้มั้ย
ดาว : ไม่อะ เราว่าเราใส่กางเกงเอวสูงไม่สวย
นก : ไม่เห็นจริงเลย เราว่าดาวใส่แล้วน่ารักออก
ดาว : เราว่าต้องลดน้ำหนักก่อนนะถึงจะใส่ได้
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
นก : ชอบชุดนี้มั้ย
: Do you like this outfit?
ดาว : ไม่อะ เราว่าเราใส่กางเกงเอวสูงไม่สวย
: No, I think I don't look good wearing high-waisted pants.
นก : ไม่เห็นจริงเลย เราว่าดาวใส่แล้วน่ารักออก
: That's not true. I think you look cute wearing them.
ดาว : เราว่าต้องลดน้ำหนักก่อนนะถึงจะใส่ได้
: I think I need to lose some weight before I can wear them.
Ja: So Ohm, can you tell me, what are these high-waisted pants that the ladies are talking about?
Ohm: You mean กางเกงเอวสูง. This is a style of pants for women with a high waistband that has been popular for the last few years.
Ja: Is this just a Thai thing?
Ohm: I think the trend may have started in Korea or Japan first. A lot of Thailand's fashion is influenced by what the models and entertainers from those two countries are wearing.
Ja: I see. Do you think this trend will last?
Ohm: That's hard to say, because fashion is always changing. For example, just a few years ago short shorts weren't so common, but nowadays everyone is wearing them.
Ja: I see. Okay, let’s move on to the vocab.
Ja: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is...
Ohm: ชุด [natural native speed]
Ja: outfit, uniform, set
Ohm: ชุด [slowly - broken down by syllable] ชุด [natural native speed]
Ja: Next we have...
Ohm: ว่า [natural native speed]
Ja: to say, to think that
Ohm: ว่า [slowly - broken down by syllable] ว่า [natural native speed]
Ja: Our next word is...
Ohm: ใส่ [natural native speed]
Ja: to wear, to put on, to put in, to add to
Ohm: ใส่ [slowly - broken down by syllable] ใส่ [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: กางเกง [natural native speed]
Ja: pants
Ohm: กางเกง [slowly - broken down by syllable] กางเกง [natural native speed]
Ja: Next we have...
Ohm: เอว [natural native speed]
Ja: waist
Ohm: เอว [slowly - broken down by syllable] เอว [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: สูง [natural native speed]
Ja: tall, high
Ohm: สูง [slowly - broken down by syllable] สูง [natural native speed]
Ja: Our next word is...
Ohm: น่ารัก [natural native speed]
Ja: cute
Ohm: น่ารัก [slowly - broken down by syllable] น่ารัก [natural native speed]
Ja: Our last word is...
Ohm: ลดน้ำหนัก [natural native speed]
Ja: to lose weight
Ohm: ลดน้ำหนัก [slowly - broken down by syllable] ลดน้ำหนัก [natural native speed]
Ja: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the key words and phrases from this lesson. The first one is…
Ohm: ชุด
Ja: This noun means "set" or "outfit" and it's also the classifier used for talking about sets of items, including sets of clothing or outfits. For example...
Ohm: ชอบชุดนี้มั้ย
Ja: "Do you like this outfit?"
Ohm: And another example is ฉันมีชุดนักเรียนสามชุด.
Ja: "I have three student uniforms." Okay, now what's the next word?
Ohm: เอว
Ja: This noun means "waist." It's sometimes used in a different context than the English word "waist," however.
Ohm: Yes, Thai speakers will usually use the word เอว (eeo) to refer to the lower back as well. For example, ฉันปวดเอว.
Ja: "My lower back hurts." And what’s the last key phrase?
Ohm: ลดน้ำหนัก
Ja: This verb phrase means "to lose weight." And it's made up of two parts.
Ohm: First is the verb ลด (lót), which means "to reduce." And the second part is the noun for "weight," น้ำหนัก (nám-nàk).
Ja: What's an example of how you could use it in a sentence?
Ohm: วิธีลดน้ำหนักที่ดีที่สุดคือการออกกำลังกาย
Ja: “The best way to lose weight is to exercise.” In this sentence, we had the word for "way or "method."
Ohm: วิธี
Ja: Followed by "lose weight."
Ohm: ลดน้ำหนัก
Ja: The phrase meaning "which is the best."
Ohm: ที่ดีที่สุด
Ja: The verb "to be."
Ohm: คือ
Ja: And finally a noun meaning "exercise."
Ohm: การออกกำลังกาย
Ja: Can we hear the whole sentence once more?
Ohm: วิธีลดน้ำหนักที่ดีที่สุดคือการออกกำลังกาย
Ja: “The best way to lose weight is to exercise.” Okay, now on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Ja: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express your opinion.
Ohm: You can express your opinion in Thai by using the verb phrase คิดว่า (khít wâa), meaning "to think that."
Ja: This is made up of two words.
Ohm: First is the verb คิด (khít), meaning "to think." This is followed by ว่า (wâa), which—in this situation—may be translated as "that."
Ja: So altogether the phrase is "to think that." Now how does this fit into a sentence?
Ohm: The general pattern for using this expression is the subject, plus คิดว่า (khít wâa), plus a statement.
Ja: So the statement that comes at the end should be able to stand alone as a complete sentence, and typically includes subject and a verb. Let's look at an example to illustrate this.
Ohm: ฉันคิดว่าเขาโกหก
Ja: Meaning, "I think that he's lying." If we look at the statement at the end of this sentence, we see that it can be a complete sentence on its own.
Ohm: เขาโกหก (khǎo goo-hòk)
Ja: "He's lying."
Ohm: In regular everyday speech, it's more common to abbreviate คิดว่า (khít wâa) as simply ว่า (wâa).
Ja: So in that case, our sentence becomes...
Ohm: ฉันว่าเขาโกหก
Ja: "I think that he's lying." A few sentences in the dialogue used the shortened form. For example...
Ohm: เราว่าเราใส่กางเกงเอวสูงไม่สวย
Ja: "I think I don't look good wearing high-waist pants."
Ohm: Another one was, เราว่าดาวใส่แล้วน่ารักออก.
Ja: "I think you look cute wearing them." And if I remember correctly, I think there was one more sentence that used this form.
Ohm: Yes, there was. เราว่าต้องลดน้ำหนักก่อนนะถึงจะใส่ได้
Ja: "I think I need to lose some weight before I can wear them." So now that we know how to give our own opinion, how can we ask someone about theirs?
Ohm: Just start by using the person you're asking as the subject of the sentence. Then, after คิดว่า (khít wâa) or ว่า (wâa), you can include a statement. Finally at the end of the sentence you'll want to include the question particle มั้ย (mái) to form a yes or no question.
Ja: That sounds fairly easy. Can you give us an example?
Ohm: คุณคิดว่าอาหารไทยอร่อยมั้ย
Ja: "Do you think that Thai food is delicious?" And how might they answer?
Ohm: Well, usually, yes or no questions in Thai are answered by repeating the verb for "yes" or putting the negative particle in front of the verb for "no." But, in the คิดว่า (khít wâa) or ว่า (wâa) sentence pattern, this won't work.
Ja: So what do we have to do instead?
Ohm: For these questions, we usually repeat the main part of the statement to agree or say "that's correct," or else put ไม่ (mâi) in front to indicate, "No, that's not correct."
Ja: So, if you want to briefly answer “yes” to the question คุณคิดว่าอาหารไทยอร่อยมั้ย, what do you say?
Ohm: อร่อย
Ja: But if you want to answer “no”, what do you say?
Ohm: ไม่อร่อย
Ja: Okay, thanks a lot for that tip.
Ohm: Well, it looks like that's all the time we have for this lesson.
Ja: Be sure to check out the lesson notes for more examples and explanations.


Ohm: Thanks for listening, and we'll see you in the next lesson.
Ja: See you next time. Bye!
Ohm: แล้วเจอกันครับ สวัสดีครับ

