
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ohm: สวัสดีครับ
Ja: Hello, and welcome back to ThaiPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 9: How Can You Be Cold in Thailand? I'm Ja.
Ohm: And I'm Ohm. What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Ja: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express what you want.
Ohm: This conversation takes place at a shopping mall.
Ja: And it’s between two friends, Nok and Dao.
Ohm: The speakers are friends, so they'll be using casual Thai.
Ja: Alright, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

ดาว : อยากดูหนังเรื่องคิดถึงวิทยาจังเลย
นก : เอาสิ ไปดูกัน! แต่ฉันอยากไปเอาเสื้อแขนยาวที่บ้านก่อน
ดาว : เราด้วย อยากบอกผู้จัดการว่าโรงหนังหนาวมาก
นก : ถ้าร้อนเกินไปเขากลัวโรงหนังจะมีกลิ่น ฮ่า ๆ
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
ดาว : อยากดูหนังเรื่องคิดถึงวิทยาจังเลย
นก : เอาสิ ไปดูกัน! แต่ฉันอยากไปเอาเสื้อแขนยาวที่บ้านก่อน
ดาว : เราด้วย อยากบอกผู้จัดการว่าโรงหนังหนาวมาก
นก : ถ้าร้อนเกินไปเขากลัวโรงหนังจะมีกลิ่น ฮ่า ๆ
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
ดาว : อยากดูหนังเรื่องคิดถึงวิทยาจังเลย
Ja : I really want to see the movie Miss You Withaya.
นก : เอาสิ ไปดูกัน! แต่ฉันอยากไปเอาเสื้อแขนยาวที่บ้านก่อน
Ja : Okay, let's go see it. But I want to go get a sweatshirt from my house first.
ดาว : เราด้วย อยากบอกผู้จัดการว่าโรงหนังหนาวมาก
Ja : Me too. I want to tell the manager that the movie theater is so cold.
นก : ถ้าร้อนเกินไปเขากลัวโรงหนังจะมีกลิ่น ฮ่า ๆ
Ja : If it was too hot they'd be afraid that the cinema would stink. Ha, ha.
Ja: I can sympathize with the ladies in this conversation. When I go to to the movie theater in Thailand, I quickly start to wish I'd brought a jacket.
Ohm: Yeah, I guess we do tend to go overboard with the air conditioning sometimes!
Ja: Do you know why?
Ohm: I'm not really sure. But you know, if it's too hot then everyone suffers, but if it's too cold, then those who are chilly can always put on a jacket.
Ja: I guess that makes sense, but when you live in a tropical country, it seems a bit silly to have to dress for the cool weather indoors.
Ohm: True, but a lot of Thai people wear long sleeves outside to keep the sun off their skin.
Ja: Yes, it's strange how the sun can be so intense that it actually feels cooler to wear a jacket so it doesn't burn your skin. Okay, now let's move on to the vocabulary.
Ja: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is...
Ohm: อยาก [natural native speed]
Ja: to want
Ohm: อยาก [slowly - broken down by syllable] อยาก [natural native speed]
Ja: Our next word is...
Ohm: ดูหนัง [natural native speed]
Ja: to watch movies
Ohm: ดูหนัง [slowly - broken down by syllable] ดูหนัง [natural native speed]
Ja: Next we have...
Ohm: เรื่อง [natural native speed]
Ja: story, topic
Ohm: เรื่อง [slowly - broken down by syllable] เรื่อง [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: เสื้อแขนยาว [natural native speed]
Ja: long-sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, sweater
Ohm: เสื้อแขนยาว [slowly - broken down by syllable] เสื้อแขนยาว [natural native speed]
Ja: The next word is...
Ohm: บอก [natural native speed]
Ja: to tell
Ohm: บอก [slowly - broken down by syllable] บอก [natural native speed]
Ja: Next we have...
Ohm: ผู้จัดการ [natural native speed]
Ja: manager
Ohm: ผู้จัดการ [slowly - broken down by syllable] ผู้จัดการ [natural native speed]
Ja: Next...
Ohm: โรงหนัง [natural native speed]
Ja: movie theater
Ohm: โรงหนัง [slowly - broken down by syllable] โรงหนัง [natural native speed]
Ja: Our last word is...
Ohm: กลิ่น [natural native speed]
Ja: odor
Ohm: กลิ่น [slowly - broken down by syllable] กลิ่น [natural native speed]
Ja: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the key words and phrases from this lesson. The first one is…
Ohm: เรื่อง
Ja: This noun means "story."
Ohm: That's right, but it's also used as a classifier for stories, movies, and plays.
Ja: Remember that the Thai language uses classifiers for nouns when specifying amounts, or when specifying a particular noun out of a group. For example, in the conversation we had this sentence...
Ohm: อยากดูหนังเรื่องคิดถึงวิทยาจังเลย
Ja: Meaning, “I really want to see the movie Miss You Withaya.
Ohm: อยากดูหนัง (yàak duu nǎng) is the phrase "I want to watch a movie," and คิดถึงวิทยา (khít thǔeng wí-thá-yaa) is the name of the movie that translates to Miss You Witthaya.
Ja: So here we have to use the classifier for movies to link the word หนัง for "movie" with a reference to a particular movie.
Ohm: Yes. In this case, we use the name of the movie, but we'd also use this same pattern when using a pronoun such as "this" or "that." For example, หนังเรื่องนี้น่ากลัวมาก.
Ja: "This movie is very scary." Okay, what's the next vocabulary word?
Ohm: เสื้อแขนยาว
Ja: This is a compound noun that means "long-sleeved shirt." It's made up of three words, just like its English equivalent. However, in Thai the words are in a different order.
Ohm: Remember that in Thai, adjectives always follow the nouns that they describe. So we start with เสื้อ (sûuea), meaning "shirt," followed by the description แขนยาว (khǎaen-yaao), or "long-sleeved."
Ja: And “long-sleeved” itself is made from a noun and adjective, right?
Ohm: Yes. แขน is "sleeve," and it's followed by the adjective ยาว, meaning "long."
Ja: So the word-for-word translation of the Thai version would actually be "shirt sleeve long." Alright, now let's move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Ja: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express wants and desires.
Ohm: You can express what you want in Thai by using the verbs อยาก (yàak) and ต้องการ (dtâwng-gaan).
Ja: Both of these verbs mean "to want." The main difference is that ต้องการ (dtâwng-gaan) is used mostly for formal or written language, while อยาก (yàak) is used in everyday spoken language. So we'll be focusing on อยาก (yàak) in this lesson. Okay, how do we use this in a sentence, Ohm?
Ohm: Well, the verb อยาก (yàak) must be used in conjunction with another verb.
Ja: I see, so it's a little different than the verb "to want" in English, which can go with another verb or simply with a direct object.
Ohm: Yes, this is an important difference. In Thai, if the intended meaning is that you "want to have" or "want to get" some object, you need to include the verb for "to have" or "to get."
Ja: I see. And what's the basic pattern that we'll use?
Ohm: The general pattern is subject, plus อยาก (yàak), plus another verb, plus the object that you want. For example, ฉันอยากได้ชุดว่ายน้ำสีม่วง.
Ja: "I want to get a purple swimsuit." How about we break down the individual parts of this sentence?
Ohm: First, the subject is the pronoun ฉัน (chǎn).
Ja: "I."
Ohm: Then we have the verb อยาก (yàak) followed by another verb ได้ (dâai).
Ja: Meaning "to get."
Ohm: After this comes the object of the verb, ชุดว่ายน้ำ (chút-wâai-náam).
Ja: "Swimsuit."
Ohm: And the last is an adjective that describes the swimsuit’s color, สีม่วง (sǐi-mûuang).
Ja: "Purple."
Ohm: Remember, in Thai, it's very common to drop the subject of a sentence if it's clear to the listeners from the context of the conversation.
Ja: Right. And often this is the case with the verb "to want," because the speaker will typically be stating what he or she wants. It’s understood that "I" would be the subject of the sentence.
Ohm: This was the case with the sentence that we had earlier: อยากดูหนังเรื่องคิดถึงวิทยาจังเลย.
Ja: "I really want to see the movie Miss You Withaya.”
Ohm: In this sentence, we start off with อยาก (yàak), followed by the verb phrase ดูหนัง (duu nǎng).
Ja: Meaning "watch a movie."
Ohm: This is followed by the classifier for movies, เรื่อง (rûueang), and the name of the film, คิดถึงวิทยา (khít thǔeng wí-thá-yaa).
Ja: What was the last bit on the end of the sentence for?
Ohm: The last bit on the end was จังเลย (jang looei). It's just added for emphasis and translates as something like "really."
Ja: So instead of "I want to see the movie," we get "I really want to see the movie."
Ohm: That's right. Well, it looks like that's all the time we have for this lesson.
Ja: Be sure to check out the lesson notes for more examples and explanations.
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Ja: Thank you for listening, and we'll see you in the next lesson. Bye!
Ohm: แล้วเจอกันนะครับ สวัสดีครับ

