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Advanced Thai Phrases You Must Know


Once you reach an advanced level in Thai, you’ll be expected to understand things like academic language, business jargon, and commonly used idioms and proverbs. In other words, you’ll need to know more difficult and nuanced words in Thai apart from what’s used in daily life.  

To help you get there, we have prepared this guide to advanced Thai phrases. This article covers phrases, expressions, and terms that will ensure your success in the academic, business, and social spheres. Learning this advanced Thai vocabulary is a great way to start sounding more like a native speaker in any context!

A Boy Listening to Something with Headphones

Learn advanced Thai phrases with us.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Advanced Thai Phrases for Academic Writing
  2. Powerful Phrases for Your Resume
  3. Smart Phrases for Business and Meetings
  4. Advanced Sayings, Proverbs, and Idioms Used in Daily Life
  5. Conclusion

1. Advanced Thai Phrases for Academic Writing

Let’s begin by looking at some advanced Thai phrases used in academic writing. These are conjunctions and conjunctive phrases that you can use to better organize and articulate your thoughts. Keep in mind that the conjunctions used in academic writing differ from those used in daily life; they are more formal and structural.  

1 – Based on… / According to…

  • Thai phrase: อ้างอิงจาก…
  • Pronunciation: âang-ing-jàak…

Example 1:
อ้างอิงจากงานวิจัยล่าสุด การออกกำลังกายมากเกินไปทำให้ร่างกายสูญเสียกล้ามเนื้อ
aang-ing-jàak-ngaan-wí-jai-lâa-sùt gaan-àawk-gam-lang-gaai-mâak-gooen-bpai-tham-hâi-râang-gaai-sǔun-sǐia-glâam-núuea
According to the latest research, too much exercise leads to loss of muscle mass.

Example 2:
อ้างอิงจากผลการสำรวจ เด็กที่อายุมากกว่า 7 ปีเกิน 50% มีโทรศัพท์มือถือเป็นของตัวเอง
âang-ing-jàak-phǒn-gaan-sǎm-rùuat dèk-thîi-aa-yú-mâak-gwàa-jèt-bpii-gooen-hâa-sìp-bpooe-sen-mii -thoo-rá-sàp-muue-thǔue-bpen-khǎawng-dtuua-eeng
Based on the survey results, 50% of children who are older than seven years old have their own mobile phones.

2 – Considering…

  • Thai phrase: เมื่อคำนึงถึง…
  • Pronunciation: mûuea-kham-nueng-thǔeng…

Example 1:
เมื่อคำนึงถึงผลกระทบที่อาจจะเกิดขึ้น ทางบริษัทตัดสินใจยกเลิกการสร้างโรงงานใหม่
mûuea-kham-nueng-thǔeng-phǒn-grà-thóp-thîi-àat-jà-gòoet-khûen thaang-baaw-rí-sàt-dtàt-sǐn-jai- yók-lôoek-gaan-sâang-roong-ngaan-mài
Considering the possible effect, our company decided to cancel the plans for a new plant.

Example 2:
เมื่อคำนึงถึงผลประโยชน์ในระยะยาว การลงทุนในธุรกิจพลังงานสะอาดเป็นสิ่งที่ถูกต้อง
mûuea-kham-nueng-thǔeng-phǒn-bprà-yòot-nai-rá-yá-yaao gaan-long-thun-nai-thú-rá-gìt-phá-lang- ngaan-sà-àat-bpen-sìng-thîi-thùuk-dtâawng
Considering the long-term benefits, investing in a green energy business is the correct option.

3 – Moreover…

Thai phrase: ยิ่งไปกว่านั้น… / นอกจากนั้น…
Pronunciation: yîng-bpai-gwàa-nán… / nâawk-jàak-nán…

Example 1:
ยิ่งไปกว่านั้น การนอนหลับให้เพียงพอยังช่วยทำให้สุขภาพจิตดีอีกด้วย
yîng-bpai-gwàa-nán gaan-naawn-làp-hâi-phiiang-phaaw-yang-chûuai-tham-hâi-sùk-khà-phâap-jìt-dii-ìik -dûuai
Moreover, sufficient sleep makes you have good mental health as well.

Example 2:
นอกจากนั้น การสูบบุหรี่ยังทำให้คนในครอบครัวมีความเสี่ยงทางสุขภาพเพิ่มขึ้นด้วย
nâawk-jàak-nán gaan-sùup-bù-rìi-yang-tham-hâi-khon-nai-khrâawp-khruua-mii-kwaam-sìiang-thaang- sùk-khà-phâap-phôoem-khûuen-dûuai
Moreover, smoking also leads to increased health risk for family members.

4 – In other words… / To put it simply…

  • Thai phrase: กล่าวคือ…
  • Pronunciation: glàao-khuue…

Example 1:
กล่าวคือ กองทุนนี้มีความเสี่ยงสูง
glàao-khuue gaawng-thun-níi-mii-kwaam-sìiang-sǔung
In other words, this fund is high-risk.

Example 2:
กล่าวคือ บริษัทขนส่งจะได้รับเงินเยียวยาจากรัฐบาล
glàao-khuue baaw-rí-sàt-khǒn-sòng-jà-dâi-ráp-ngoen-yiiao-yaa-jàak-rát-thà-baan
To put it simply, the transport company will get compensation from the government.

5 – On the contrary… / On the other hand…

  • Thai phrase: ในทางกลับกัน…
  • Pronunciation: nai-thaang-glàp-gan…

Example 1:
ในทางกลับกัน แม้การฝากเงินในธนาคารจะให้ผลตอบแทนต่ำ แต่ก็มีความเสี่ยงต่ำเช่นกัน
nai-thaang-glàp-gan máae-gaan-fàak-ngoen-nai-thá-naa-khaan-jà-hâi-phǒn-dtàawp-thaaen-dtàm dtàae-gâaw-mii-kwaam-sìiang-dtàm-chên-gan
On the contrary, despite having a low return, saving your money in the bank is low-risk.

Example 2:
ในทางกลับกัน คนที่มีน้ำหนักสูงกว่ามาตรฐานจะมีโอกาสเป็นเบาหวานมากกว่า
nai-thaang-glàp-gan khon-thîi-mii-nám-nàk-sǔung-gwàa-mâat-dtrà-thǎan-jà-mii-oo-gàat-bpen-bao- wǎan-mâak-gwàa
On the other hand, overweight people have a higher chance of developing diabetes.

6 – For example…

  • Thai phrase: ยกตัวอย่างเช่น…
  • Pronunciation: yók-dtuua-yàang-chên…

Example 1:
ประเทศไทยปลูกผลไม้ได้หลายชนิด ยกตัวอย่างเช่น ทุเรียน, มะพร้าว, ส้ม ฯลฯ
bprà-thêet-thai-bplùuk-phǒn-lá-mái-dâi-lǎai-chá-nít yók-dtuua-yàang-chên thú-riian má-phráao sôm láe-ùuen-ùuen
Thailand grows many types of fruit. For example, durian, coconut, orange, etc.

Example 2:
จังหวัดเชียงใหม่มีสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวหลายที่ ยกตัวอย่างเช่น ดอยอินทนนท์ สวนสัตว์เชียงใหม่ และทุ่งดอกไม้ เชียงใหม่
jang-wàt-chiiang-mài-mii-sà-thǎan-thîi-thâawng-thîiao-lǎai-thîi yók-dtuua-yàang-chên daauy-in-thá-non sǔuan-sàt-chiiang-mài láe-thûng-dàawk-mái-chiiang-mài
Chiangmai has many tourist attractions. For example, Doi Inthanon, Chiangmai Zoo, and Chiangmai Flower Field.

7 – In summary…

  • Thai phrase: สรุปได้ว่า…
  • Pronunciation: sà-rùp-dâi-wâa…

Example 1:
สรุปได้ว่า ปีนี้ รายได้จากสาขาย่อยคิดเป็น 40% ของรายได้ทั้งหมด
sà-rùp-dâi-wâa bpii-níi raai-dâi-jàak-sǎa-khǎa-yâauy-khít-bpen-sìi-sìp-bpooe-sen-khǎawng-raai-dâi- tháng-mòt
In summary, this year’s revenue from the branches accounts for 40% of total revenue.

Example 2:
สรุปได้ว่า การฉีดวัคซีนช่วยป้องกันการติดเชื้อได้
sà-rùp-dâi-wâa gaan-chìit-wák-siin-chûuai-bpâawng-gan-gaan-dtìt-chúuea-dâi
In summary, vaccination helps prevent infection.

8 – So… / Therefore…

  • Thai phrase: ดังนั้น…
  • Pronunciation: dang-nán…

Example 1:
ดังนั้น การเปิดสาขาเพิ่มถือเป็นการกระจายความเสี่ยง
dang-nán gaan-bpòoet-sǎa-khǎa-phôoem-thǔue-bpen-gaan-grà-jaai-kwaam-sìiang
So, opening a new branch is considered risk diversification.

Example 2:
ดังนั้น เธอไม่ควรซื้อทองในตอนนี้
dang-nán thooe-mâi-khuuan-súue-thaawnดังนั้น เธอไม่ควรซื้อทองในตอนนี้
Therefore, you shouldn’t buy gold now.

9 – …as follows…

  • Thai phrase: …ดังนี้…
  • Pronunciation:dang-níi…

Example 1:
The documents you have to prepare are listed as follows…

Example 2:
ค่าใช้จ่ายทั้งหมดสามารถแจกแจงได้ ดังนี้
The total expense can be broken down as follows…

10 – From the information above…

  • Thai phrase: จากข้อมูลข้างต้น…
  • Pronunciation: jàak-khâaw-muun-khâang-dtôn…

Example 1:
ข้อมูลข้างต้น สามารถสรุปได้ว่า ขิงมีประโยชน์ต่อร่างกาย
jàak-khâaw-muun-khâang-dtôn sǎa-mâat-sà-rùp-dâi-wâa khǐng-mii-bprà-yòot-dtàaw-râang-gaai
From the information above, we can conclude that ginger is good for your body.

Example 2:
อ้างอิงจากข้อมูลข้างต้น เศรษฐกิจในปีนี้มีโอกาสจะโตเพิ่มขึ้นอีก 2%
âang-ing-jàak-khâaw-muun-khâang-dtôn sèet-thà-gìt-nai-bpii-níi-mii-oo-gàat-jà-dtoo-phôoem-khûen- ìik-sǎawng-bpooe-sen
Based on the information above, the economy has a chance to grow by 2% this year.

2. Powerful Phrases for Your Resume

Are you learning the Thai language so that you can get a job in Thailand

Of course, you’ll want to include all the basics on your resume (personal information, contact information, photo, educational background, work experience, etc.). But you’ll also need to include some advanced Thai words and phrases that will help your resume stand out. Including the most relevant and powerful expressions will leave a great impression on your potential employer! 

Below, we have outlined a few advanced phrases in Thai to get you started. 

An Up-close Image of a Resume

1 – Career objective

  • Thai phrase: จุดประสงค์ในการทำงาน
  • Pronunciation: jùt-bprà-sǒng-nai-gaan-tham-ngaan

It’s a good idea to let HR know what your career objective is. Nowadays, employees choose the companies they want to work with just as much as companies choose employees. Including your career objectives will help HR get to know you better, which will help them decide whether you fit the job description or not. Moreover, having clear career objectives can make your resume stand out among others.

2 – Activity / Training courses

  • Thai phrase: กิจกรรม / ประวัติการอบรม
  • Pronunciation: gìt-jà-gam / bprà-wàt-gaan-òp-rom

If you’re a new graduate, adding activities or training courses you’ve taken is wise. It gives more information about your knowledge and skills than your educational background alone. 

3 – Language skills

  • Thai phrase: ทักษะด้านภาษา
  • Pronunciation: thák-sà-dâan-phaa-sǎa

Globalization has made language skills crucial. English skills are a must, and knowing a second (or third) language is a bonus. On your resume, you should include both the languages you know and your proficiency level in each one. In Thai resumes, we often classify the proficiency levels as follows:

  • ดีมาก (dii-mâak) = fluent
  • ปานกลาง (bpaan-glaang) = intermediate
  • พื้นฐาน (phúuen-thǎan) = basic

Of course, there are a number of other skills you may want to include on your resume. Below, we have given the Thai translation of the most commonly used ones. 

4 – Multitasking

  • Thai phrase: ทำงานได้หลายอย่างพร้อมกัน
  • Pronunciation: tham-ngaan-dâi-lǎai-yàang-phráawm-gan

5 – Ability to work under pressure

  • Thai phrase: ทำงานภายใต้ความกดดันได้
  • Pronunciation: tham-ngan-phaai-dtâi-kwaam-gòt-dan-dâi

6 – Critical thinking and decision-making

  • Thai phrase: ทักษะการคิดวิเคราะห์และตัดสินใจที่ดี
  • Pronunciation: thák-sà-gaan-khít-wí-khráw-láe-dtàt-sǐn-jai-thîi-dii

7 – Collaboration and teamwork

  • Thai phrase: ทำงานร่วมกับผู้อื่นได้ดีและทำงานเป็นทีมได้
  • Pronunciation: tham-ngaan-rûuam-gàp-phûu-ùuen-dâi-dii-láe-tham-ngaan-bpen-thiim-dâi

Coworkers Standing in a Circle and Putting Their Hands Together to Represent Teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork are essential in business.

8 – Adaptability

  • Thai phrase: ความสามารถในการปรับตัว
  • Pronunciation: kwaam-sǎa-mâat-nai-gaan-bpràp-dtuua

9 – Negotiation and persuasion

  • Thai phrase: ทักษะการโน้มน้าวและประนีประนอม
  • Pronunciation: thák-sà-gaan-nóom-náao-láe-gaan-bprà-nii-bprà-naawm

10 – Strong interpersonal and communication skills

  • Thai phrase: มีปฏิสัมพันธ์และสื่อสารได้ดี
  • Pronunciation: mii-bpà-thì-sǎm-phan-láe-sùue-sǎan-dâi-dii

3. Smart Phrases for Business and Meetings

If you plan on working or doing business in Thailand, you’ll want to know these advanced-level Thai phrases for business presentations and meetings

1 – This … is interesting.

  • Thai phrase: …นี้น่าสนใจ
  • Pronunciation: …níi-nâa-sǒn-jai

Example 1:
The stock of this company is interesting.

Example 2:
This market is interesting.

2 – … is worth investing in. 

  • Thai phrase: …นี้น่าลงทุน
  • Pronunciation: …níi-nâa-long-thun

Example 1:
The clean energy market is worth investing in.

Example 2:
This business is worth investing in.

3 – This … seems to be a promising business prospect.

  • Thai phrase: …นี้มีแนวโน้มทางธุรกิจที่ดี
  • Pronunciation: …níi-mii-naaeo-nóom-thaang-thú-rá-gìt-thîi-dii

Example 1:
This new product seems to be a promising business prospect.

Example 2:
This new company seems to be a promising business prospect.

4 – … can still grow.

  • Thai phrase: …ยังโตได้อีก
  • Pronunciation: …-yang-dtoo-dâi-ìik

Example 1:
The fund that invests in American stocks can still grow.

Example 2:
The economy of Asia can still grow.

5 – … would like to give you more information.

  • Thai phrase: … ขอให้ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
  • Pronunciation: … khǎaw-hâi-khâaw-muun-phôoem-dtooem

Example 1:
I would like to give you more information about the new service.

Example 2:
Our team would like to give you more information about this project.

6 – … has/have a special offer for you.

  • Thai phrase: … มีข้อเสนอพิเศษให้กับคุณ
  • Pronunciation: … mii-khâaw-sà-nǒoe-phí-sèet-hâi-gàp-khun

Example 1:
We have a special offer for you.

Example 2:
Our manager has a special offer for you.

A Stock Market Board

Learn slang expressions related to stock investment.

Are you one of the many people interested in the stock market and investing? Then you should also learn some advanced Thai vocabulary and slang terms related to stock investment. Keep reading! 

7 – Unable to sell the stock without loss

This refers to a situation where you bought a stock at a high price, and now you cannot sell it without loss because the stock price has been decreasing.

Example 1:
How many stocks do you have that you are unable to sell without loss?

Example 2:
ซื้อหุ้นมาไม่กี่เดือน ติดดอยซะแล้ว
súue-hûn-maa-mâi-gìi-duuean dtìt-daauy-sá-láaeo
I just bought the stock for a few months, and now I can’t sell it without loss.

8 – Able to sell the stock now after being unable to do so without loss

  • Thai phrase: หลุดดอย
  • Pronunciation: lùt-daauy

You would use this phrase at some point after the previous situation, once the stock prices have increased again so you can sell at a profit. 

Example 1:
ติดดอยมาตั้งนาน ในที่สุดก็หลุดดอยซะที
dtìt-daauy-maa-dtâng-naan nai-thîi-sùt-gâaw-lùt-daauy-sá-thii
After being unable to sell stock without loss for a long time, I can finally sell it since the price has increased.

Example 2:
อยากหลุดดอยจะแย่ เมื่อไหร่ราคาหุ้นจะขึ้น
yàak-lùt-daauy-jà-yâae mûuea-rài-raa-khaa-hûn-jà-khûen
I want to sell this stock without loss so badly. When will the stock price increase?

9 – You didn’t buy the stock, and now its price is too high. 

Example 1:
ถ้าเธอรอโบนัสออกแล้วค่อยซื้อ ก็ต้องตกรถแน่นอน
thâa-thooe-raaw-boo-nát-àawk-láaeo-khâauy-súue gâaw-dtâawng-dtòk-rót-nâae-naawn
If you wait for your bonus and use it to buy the stock, you won’t be able to buy it because the price will be too high.

Example 2:
ไม่ได้ตามข่าวไม่กี่วัน ตกรถไปเรียบร้อยแล้ว
mâi-dâi-dtaam-khàao-mâi-gìi-wan dtòk-rót-bpai-rîiap-ráauy-láaeo
I haven’t read the news for a few days, and now the price of the stock I want is too high to buy.

10 – You get 100% profit from the stock investment. 

Example 1:
When will I get 100% profit from the stock investment?

Example 2:
This stock price doubled fast.

4. Advanced Sayings, Proverbs, and Idioms Used in Daily Life

In this last section, you’ll learn advanced Thai idioms, proverbs, and sayings that are used in daily life.  

1 – Easy

  • Thai phrase: กล้วย ๆ / หมู ๆ
  • Pronunciation: glûuai-glûuai / mǔu-mǔu
  • Literal meaning: banana / pig

Example 1:
การบ้านวันนี้เหรอ ทำเสร็จตั้งนานแล้ว ของกล้วย ๆ
gaan-bâan-wan-níi-rǒoe tham-sèt-dtâng-naan-láaeo khǎawng-glûuai-glûuai
Today’s homework? I finished it a long time ago. It is so easy.

Example 2:
อยากกินแพนเค้กเหรอ หมู ๆ รอแป๊บนะ
yàak-gin-paaen-khéek-rǒoe mǔu-mǔu raaw-bpáep-ná
Do you want to eat pancakes? That is easy; wait a minute.

2 – Hard

  • Thai phrase: หิน
  • Pronunciation: hǐn
  • Literal meaning: rock

Example 1:
The customer’s project is very hard.

Example 2:
เขาทำไม่เข้าใจเรื่องนี้เลย จะสอนให้เข้าใจใน 1 วันนี่หินมาก
khǎo-mâi-khâo-jai-rûueang-níi-looei jà-sǎawn-hâi-khâo-jai-nai-nùeng-wan-nîi-hǐn-mâak
He doesn’t understand this at all. To make him understand within a day is very hard.

3 – No money

  • Thai phrase: ถังแตก
  • Pronunciation: thǎng-dtàaek
  • Literal meaning: broken bucket

Example 1:
It is not even the end of the month, and he is already broke.

Example 2:
ถ้าเธอยังใช้เงินแบบนี้ จะต้องถังแตกเข้าซักวันแน่ ๆ
thâa-thooe-yang-chái-ngoen-bàaep-níi jà-dtâawng-thǎng-dtàaek-khâo-sák-wan-nâae-nâae
If you keep spending money like this, you will have no money left one day.

4 – Very hungry

  • Thai phrase: หิวไส้ขาด
  • Pronunciation: hǐu-sâi-khàat
  • Literal meaning: hungry until intestines tear

Example 1:
ไม่ได้กินอะไรมาตั้งแต่เช้า หิวไส้ขาดแล้ว
mâi-dâi-gin-à-rai-maa-dtâng-dtàae-cháo hǐu-sâi-khàat-láaeo
I haven’t eaten anything since this morning. I’m starving.

Example 2:
มีอะไรกินบ้าง หิวไส้ขาดแล้ว
mii-à-rai-gin-bâang hǐu-sâi-khàat-láaeo
Is there anything to eat? I’m so hungry.

A Kid Holding a Fork and Knife at the Table

I’m starving.

5 – Speaking badly of others

  • Thai phrase: ปากหมา
  • Pronunciation: bpàak-mǎa
  • Literal meaning: dog’s mouth

Example 1:
Tum often speaks badly of others.

Example 2:
Don’t bad mouth others.

6 – Being fired

  • Thai phrase: ยื่นซองขาว
  • Pronunciation: yûuen-saawng-khǎao
  • Literal meaning: hand someone a white envelope

Example 1:
เขาโดนยื่นซองขาว เพราะมาทำงานสายบ่อย
khǎo-doon-yûuen-saawng-khǎao phráw-maa-tham-ngaan-sǎai-bàauy
He was fired because he often comes to work late.

Example 2:
เธอทำผิดกฎบริษัท ระวังจะโดนยื่นซองขาว
thooe-tham-phìt-gòt-baaw-rí-sàt rá-wang-jà-doon-yûuen-saawng-khǎao
You violated the company’s rules. You may be fired.

7 – Beloved one

  • Thai phrase: หัวแก้วหัวแหวน
  • Pronunciation: hǔua-gâaeo-hǔua-wǎaen
  • Literal meaning: head of glass and head of ring

Example 1:
She is the beloved grandchild of the family.

Example 2:
ปริมเรียนเก่ง มารยาทดี เป็นนักเรียนหัวแก้วหัวแหวนของครู
bprim-riian-gèeng maa-rá-yâat-dii bpen-nák-riian-hǔua-gâaeo-hǔua-wǎaen-khǎawng-khruu
Prim studies well and has good manners. She is the teacher‘s beloved student.

8 – You have to depend on yourself.

  • Thai phrase: ตนเป็นที่พึ่งแห่งตน
  • Pronunciation: dton-bpen-thîi-phûeng-hàaeng-dton
  • Literal meaning: You are a supporter of yourself.

Example 1:
อย่ามัวแต่คอยความช่วยเหลือจากคนอื่น ตนเป็นที่พึ่งแห่งตน
yàa-muua-dtàae-khaauy-kwaam-chûuai-lǔuea-jàak-khon-ùuen dton-bpen-thîi-phûeng-hàaeng-dton
Don’t wait for help from others. You have to depend on yourself.

Example 2:
พ่อไม่สามารถช่วยลูกไปได้ตลอด ลูกต้องดูแลตัวเอง ตนเป็นที่พึ่งแห่งตนนะ
phâaw-mâi-sǎa-mâat-chûuai-lûuk-bpai-dâi-dtà-làawt lûuk-dtâawng-duu-laae-dtuua-eeng dton-bpen- thîi-phûeng-hàaeng-dton
I can’t support you forever. You have to look after yourself as one has to depend on oneself. [A dad says to his child.]

9 – A couple who is suitable for each other 

  • Thai phrase: กิ่งทองใบหยก
  • Pronunciation: gìng-thaawng-bai-yòk
  • Literal meaning: Gold branch and jade leaf

Example 1:
The married couple is so suitable for each other.

Example 2:
เจ้าบ่าวก็หล่อ เจ้าสาวก็สวย เหมาะกันอย่างกับกิ่งทองใบหยก
jâo-bàao-gâaw-làaw jâo-sǎao-gâaw-sǔuai màw-gan-yàang-gàp-gìng-thaawng-bai-yòk
The groom is so handsome. The bride is so beautiful. They are perfect for one another.

10 – Having the expenses be greater than the revenue

  • Thai phrase: ชักหน้าไม่ถึงหลัง
  • Pronunciation: chák-nâa-mâi-thǔeng-lǎng
  • Literal meaning: Pull from the front but can’t reach the back

Example 1:
เศรษฐกิจไม่ดีแบบนี้ รายได้ไม่ดี ชักหน้าไม่ถึงหลังแล้ว
sèet-thà-gìt-bàaep-níi raai-dâai-mâi-dii chák-nâa-mâi-thǔeng-lǎng-láaeo
Because of the bad economy, the revenue decreased. The expenses are greater than the revenue now.

Example 2:
เขาเครียดมาก เพราะชักหน้าไม่ถึงหลัง
khǎo-khrîiat-mâak phráw-chák-nâa-mâi-thǔeng-lǎng
He is so stressed because his expenses are greater than his revenue.

A Woman Showing that Her Coin Purse Is Empty

The expenses are greater than the revenue now.

5. Conclusion

In this article, you learned a variety of advanced Thai phrases for use in the academic and business spheres. What are your thoughts on the phrases and expressions you saw today? Are they easy or difficult? Let us know in the comments! 

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A Useful List of Advanced Thai Words


Have you been learning Thai for a while and want to continue expanding your knowledge? If you already feel comfortable using the language at an intermediate level, it’s time to press onward and start learning advanced Thai vocabulary. Picking up more sophisticated words and terms will enable you to understand more complex conversations and communicate more like a native speaker.

To help you start strong, we have prepared this practical list of advanced Thai vocabulary words. For each word, we have included: 

  • English translation
  • Part of speech
  • Example(s) of use

At, it’s our goal to make learning Thai easy and fun! Keep reading to become acquainted with the most important advanced words in the Thai language.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Advanced Academic Words
  2. Advanced Business Words
  3. Advanced Medical Words
  4. Advanced Legal Words
  5. Alternative Words for More Sophisticated Writing & Speech
  6. Conclusion

1. Advanced Academic Words

Do you plan to study in Thailand? Learning these advanced Thai words for essays, thesis papers, and academic reading will help you thrive and flourish in any Thai school

1 – วิทยานิพนธ์

Pronunciation: wít-thá-yaa-ní-phon
English meaning: thesis
Part of speech: noun

Have you finished your thesis?

2 – คำนำ / บทนำ

Pronunciation: kham-nam / bòt-nam
English meaning: introduction
Part of speech: noun

Example 1:
คำนำไม่ควรยาวเกิน 1 หน้านะ
The introduction shouldn’t be longer than one page.

Example 2:
บทนำไม่ควรยาวเกิน 1 หน้านะ
The introduction shouldn’t be longer than one page.

3 – สารบัญ

Pronunciation: sǎa-rá-ban
English meaning: table of contents
Part of speech: noun

I forgot to print the table of contents.

4 – วิจัย

Pronunciation: wí-jai
English meaning: research
Part of speech: verb

เธอยังไม่เริ่มทำวิจัยอีกเหรอ แล้วจะทำวิทยานิพนธ์เสร็จทันมั้ย
thooe-yang-mâi-rôoem-tham-wí-jai-ìik-rǒoe láaeo-jà-tham-wít-thá-yaa-ní-phon-sèt-than-mái
You haven’t even started research? Will you be able to finish the thesis in time?

5 – ความเป็นมาและความสำคัญของปัญหา

Pronunciation: khwaam-bpen-maa-láe-khwaam-sǎm-khan-khǎawng-bpan-hǎa
English meaning: problem statement
Part of speech: noun

เวลาเริ่มทำวิทยานิพนธ์ ต้องเริ่มจากการเขียนความเป็นมาและความสำคัญของปัญหา
wee-laa-rôoem-tham-wít-thá-yaa-ní-phon dtâawng-rôoem-jàak-gaan-khǐian-khwaam-bpen-maa-láe-khwaam-sǎm-khan-khǎawng-bpan-hǎa
When doing a thesis, you should start with a problem statement.

6 – วัตถุประสงค์ / เป้าหมาย

Pronunciation: wát-thù-bprà-sǒng / bpâo-mǎai
English meaning: objective
Part of speech: noun

Example 1: 
What is the objective of this research?

Example 2:
What is the objective of this research?

Additional note:
วัตถุประสงค์ sounds more formal than เป้าหมาย.

7 – การทบทวนวรรณกรรม

Pronunciation: gaan-thóp-thuuan-wan-ná-gam
English meaning: literature review
Part of speech: noun

ฉันทำการทบทวนวรรณกรรมไม่เป็น เธอสอนฉันหน่อยได้มั้ย
chǎn-tham-gaan-thóp-thuuan-wan-ná-gam-mâi-bpen thooe-sǎawn-chǎn-nàuuy-dâi-mâi
I don’t know how to do a literature review. Can you teach me?

8 – คำนิยาม

Pronunciation: kham-ní-yaam
English meaning: definition
Part of speech: noun

What is the definition of this word?

9 – คำอธิบาย

Pronunciation: kham-à-thí-baai
English meaning: explanation
Part of speech: noun

Don’t forget to write an explanation at the end of the report.

10 – วิธีดำเนินการทำวิจัย

Pronunciation: wí-thii-dam-nooen-gaan-tham-wí-jai
English meaning: research methodology
Part of speech: noun

You should ask for advice about research methodology from your teacher.

11 – การเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูล

Pronunciation: gaan-gèb-rûuap-ruuam-khâaw-muun
English meaning: sample and data collection
Part of speech: noun

ฉันใช้เวลา 3 เดือนในการเก็บรวบรวมข้อมูล
I spent three months on sample and data collection.

12 – ผลวิเคราะห์ข้อมูล

Pronunciation: phǒn-wí-khráw-khâaw-muun
English meaning: data analysis
Part of speech: noun

When will I get the data analysis?

13 – บทสรุป

Pronunciation: bòt-sà-rùp
English meaning: conclusion
Part of speech: noun

Your conclusion is very good.

14 – อภิปราย

Pronunciation: à-phí-bpraai
English meaning: to discuss
Part of speech: verb

Let’s discuss this topic again.

15 – ข้อเสนอแนะ

Pronunciation: khâaw-sà-nǒoe-náe
English meaning: suggestion
Part of speech: noun

เธอควรจะเขียนข้อเสนอแนะซัก 2-3 ข้อนะ
You should write a few suggestions.

16 – ดัชนี

Pronunciation: dàt-chá-nii
English meaning: index
Part of speech: noun

ปกติแล้ว ดัชนีจะอยู่ส่วนท้ายของรายงาน
bpòk-gà-dtì-láaeo dàt-chá-nii-jà-yùu-sùuan-tháai-khǎawng-raai-ngaan
Normally, the index is put at the end of the report.

17 – อ้างอิง

Pronunciation: âang-ing
English meaning: to cite
Part of speech: verb

Don’t forget to cite the source of information.

18 – สมมติฐาน

Pronunciation: sǒm-mút-dtì-thǎan
English meaning: assumption
Part of speech: noun

What is your assumption?

19 – เชิงอรรถ

Pronunciation: chooeng-àt
English meaning: footnote
Part of speech: noun

What is the footnote?

20 – ทฤษฎี

Pronunciation: thrít-sà-dii
English meaning: theory
Part of speech: noun

ฉันไม่เข้าใจทฤษฎีนี้เลยซักนิดเดียว มันยากมาก
chǎn-mâi-khâo-jai-thrít-sà-dii-níi-looei-sák-nít-diiao man-yâak-mâak
I don’t understand a thing about this theory. It is extremely difficult.

21 – การประเมิน

Pronunciation: gaan-bprà-mooen
English meaning: assessment
Part of speech: noun

Lada did not pass the assessment.

22 – การโต้วาที

Pronunciation: gaan-dtôo-waa-thii
English meaning: debate
Part of speech: noun

The topic of this debate is very interesting.

A Red Figure Debating with a Blue Figure

23 – เกณฑ์การประเมิน

Pronunciation: geen-gaan-bprà-mooen
English meaning: evaluation criteria
Part of speech: noun

Don’t forget to look at the evaluation criteria.

2. Advanced Business Words

For those who are doing business in Thailand, knowing these advanced Thai vocabulary words will make all the difference in your day-to-day communications. We have included terminology related to companies, policies, and the business world, as well as words you could use in the workplace

1 – กรรมการ

Pronunciation: gam-má-gaan
English meaning: director
Part of speech: noun

บริษัทนี้มีกรรมการ 5 คน
There are five directors in this company.

2 – ที่ปรึกษา

Pronunciation: thîi-bprùk-sǎa
English meaning: consultant
Part of speech: noun

Mintra is our company’s consultant.

3 – ผู้จัดการ

Pronunciation: phûu-jàt-gaan
English meaning: manager
Part of speech: noun

The manager just resigned from our company.

4 – รองผู้จัดการ

Pronunciation: raawng-phûu-jàt-gaan
English meaning: assistant manager
Part of speech: noun

The assistant manager was just promoted to manager last month.

5 – ผู้ถือหุ้น

Pronunciation: phûu-thǔue-hûn
English meaning: shareholder
Part of speech: noun

There was a shareholder meeting yesterday.

6 – ตลาดหุ้น

Pronunciation: dtà-làat-hûn
English meaning: stock market
Part of speech: noun

The stock market crashed last week.

7 – กำไร

Pronunciation: gam-rai
English meaning: profit
Part of speech: noun

The company’s profit increased this year.

An Image Depicting a Steady Increase in Profit

The company’s profit increased this year.

8 – ขาดทุน

Pronunciation: khàat-thun
English meaning: loss
Part of speech: noun

ธุรกิจของเธอไม่ค่อยดี ดูเหมือนว่าจะขาดทุน
thú-rá-gìt-khǎawng-thooe-mâi-khâauy-dii duu-mǔuean-wâa-jà-khàat-thun
Her business doesn’t look so good. It seems like a loss.

9 – เงินปันผล

Pronunciation: ngoen-bpan-phǒn
English meaning: dividend
Part of speech: noun

The dividend of this fund is very good.

10 – ผลตอบแทน

Pronunciation: phǒn-dtàawp-thaaen
English meaning: return on investment
Part of speech: noun

ทุกคนอยากได้ผลตอบแทนมาก ๆ จากการลงทุน
Everyone wants a high return on investment.

11 – กองทุน

Pronunciation: gaawng-thun
English meaning: fund
Part of speech: noun

This fund has a good performance.

12 – รายได้

Pronunciation: raai-dâi
English meaning: revenue
Part of speech: noun

I want a revenue report for this month.

13 – ค่าใช้จ่าย

Pronunciation: khâa-chái-jàai
English meaning: expense
Part of speech: noun

The maintenance expense is really high.

14 – ภาษี

Pronunciation: phaa-sǐi
English meaning: tax
Part of speech: noun

What is the rate of value-add tax in Thailand?

15 – ล้มละลาย

Pronunciation: lóm-lá-laai
English meaning: bankrupt
Part of speech: verb

เขาเครียดมาก เพราะบริษัทของเขากำลังจะล้มละลาย
khǎo-khrîiat-mâak phráw-baaw-rí-sàt-khǎawng-khǎo-gam-lang-jà-lóm-lá-laai
He is so stressed because his company is about to go bankrupt.

16 – สวัสดิการ

Pronunciation: sà-wàt-dì-gaan
English meaning: welfare
Part of speech: noun

The welfare of this company is really good.

17 – ชดเชย

Pronunciation: chót-chooei
English meaning: compensate
Part of speech: verb

How much will you compensate for this damage?

18 – การจ้างงาน

Pronunciation: gaan-jâang-ngaan
English meaning: employment
Part of speech: noun

The company’s employment rate decreased last year.

19 – สำนักงานใหญ่

Pronunciation: sǎm-nák-ngaan-yài
English meaning: head office
Part of speech: noun

Where is this company’s head office?

20 – สาขา

Pronunciation: sǎ-khǎa
English meaning: branch
Part of speech: noun

The closest branch is at Silom.

21 – นโยบาย

Pronunciation: ná-yoo-baai
English meaning: policy
Part of speech: noun

Please tell me about the return policy.

22 – เอสเอ็มอี

Pronunciation: éet-em-ii
English meaning: SME (stands for “small and medium enterprises”)
Part of speech: noun

My family business is an SME.

23 – ธุรกิจ

Pronunciation: thú-rá-gìt
English meaning: business
Part of speech: noun

She is starting a new business.

24 – ใบเสร็จ

Pronunciation: bai-sèt
English meaning: receipt
Part of speech: noun

I lost the receipt.

25 – ใบกำกับภาษี

Pronunciation: bai-gam-gàp-phaa-sǐi
English meaning: tax invoice
Part of speech: noun

You need to ask for the tax invoice to give to the accounting department.

3. Advanced Medical Words

Being sick is an unavoidable part of life. Learning advanced vocabulary words in Thai related to medical treatment will help you explain your symptoms, understand what doctors or nurses are telling you, and maybe even give you a leg up if you plan to enter the medical field in Thailand. 

1 – การรักษา

Pronunciation: gaan-rák-sǎa
English meaning: treatment
Part of speech: noun

There are many treatments for constipation.

2 – ฉีดยา

Pronunciation: chìit-yaa
English meaning: to inject
Part of speech: verb

เด็กร้องไห้ เพราะ ถูกฉีดยา
The child cried because he was injected.

3 – ฉีดวัคซีน

Pronunciation: chìit-wák-siin
English meaning: to vaccinate
Part of speech: verb

I have been vaccinated for influenza every year.

4 – ผ่าตัด

Pronunciation: phàa-dtàt
English meaning: to operate
Part of speech: verb

Dad was operated on to treat his gallstones.

5 – เข้าเฝือก

Pronunciation: khâo-fùueak
English meaning: to splint
Part of speech: verb

My sister was splinted to treat her broken arm.

6 – ตรวจชิ้นเนื้อ

Pronunciation: dtrùuat-chín-núuea
English meaning: biopsy
Part of speech: noun

She had a lung biopsy.

7 – ยา

Pronunciation: yaa
English meaning: medicine
Part of speech: noun

Don’t forget to take the medicine.

8 – ยาชา

Pronunciation: yaa-chaa
English meaning: anesthetic
Part of speech: noun

The doctor applied an anesthetic before treating the wound.

9 – เจาะเลือด

Pronunciation: jàw-lûueat
English meaning: to draw blood
Part of speech: verb

I don’t want my blood to be drawn.

10 – เอกซเรย์

Pronunciation: ék-sá-ree
English meaning: X-ray
Part of speech: noun

Grandma is about to get a lung X-ray.

11 – ซีทีแสกน

Pronunciation: sii-thii-sà-gaaen
English meaning: CT scan
Part of speech: noun

The doctor ordered a CT scan.

12 – วัดความดัน

Pronunciation: wát-khwaam-dan
English meaning: to measure blood pressure
Part of speech: verb

Have you measured the blood pressure yet?

13 – วัดไข้

Pronunciation: wát-khâi
English meaning: to measure body temperature
Part of speech: verb

Mom just measured her body temperature.

14 – ตรวจสุขภาพ

Pronunciation: dtrùuat-sùk-khà-phâap
English meaning: health check-up
Part of speech: noun

You should do a health check-up once a year.

15 – หาหมอ

Pronunciation: hǎa-mǎaw
English meaning: to go see the doctor
Part of speech: verb

ฉันรู้สึกไม่ค่อยดี พรุ่งนี้ฉันจะไปหาหมอ
chǎn-rúu-sùek-mâi-khâauy-dii phrûng-níi-chǎn-jà-bpai-hǎa-mǎaw
I’m not feeling very well. I will go see a doctor tomorrow.

16 – ปวดหัว

Pronunciation: bpùuat-hǔua
English meaning: to have a headache
Part of speech: verb

คุณตาปวดหัวรึเปล่า ตาดูไม่ค่อยดีเลย
khun-dtaa-bpùuat-hǔua-rúe-bplàao dtaa-duu-mâi-khâauy-dii-looei
[talking to Grandpa] Do you have a headache? You don’t look so well.

17 – ปวดท้อง

Pronunciation: bpùuat-tháawng
English meaning: to have a stomachache
Part of speech: verb

เมื่อวานฉันกินอาหารไม่สะอาด วันนี้เลยปวดท้อง
mûuea-waan-chǎn-gin-aa-hǎan-mâi-sà-àat wan-níi-looei-bpùuat-tháawng
Yesterday, the food I ate wasn’t very clean. Today, I have a stomachache.

A Man Suffering from a Stomachache

18 – ปวดหลัง

Pronunciation: bpùuat-lǎng
English meaning: to have a backache
Part of speech: verb

เธอนั่งทำงานทั้งวัน ไม่ได้ออกกำลังกาย ก็เลยปวดหลัง
thooe-nâng-tham-ngaan-tháng-wan mâi-dâi-àawk-gam-lang-gaai gâaw-looei-bpùuat-lǎng
She sits and works all day, and doesn’t exercise. So, she has a backache.

19 – ชัก

Pronunciation: chák
English meaning: to convulse
Part of speech: verb

Have you ever seen anybody convulse?

20 – ข้อเท้าพลิก

Pronunciation: khâaw-tháo-plík
English meaning: sprained ankle
Part of speech: noun

เมื่อวานฉันข้อเท้าพลิก เจ็บมาก
mûuea-waan-chǎn-khâaw-tháo-plík jèp-mâak
I had a sprained ankle yesterday. It hurts.

21 – เจ็บ

Pronunciation: jèp
English meaning: hurt
Part of speech: adjective

Are you hurt badly?

22 – ไข้ขึ้น

Pronunciation: khâi-khûen
English meaning: to have a fever
Part of speech: verb

She has a very high fever.

23 – ผื่น

Pronunciation: phùuen
English meaning: rash
Part of speech: noun

He has a rash on his arm.

24 – เบื่ออาหาร

Pronunciation: bùuea-aa-hǎan
English meaning: to lose one’s appetite
Part of speech: verb

Grandma lost her appetite.

25 – เป็นลม

Pronunciation: bpen-lom
English meaning: to faint
Part of speech: verb

The weather is so hot that my friend fainted.

26 – เวียนหัว

Pronunciation: wiian-hǔua
English meaning: dizzy
Part of speech: adjective

ตอนคุณแม่ท้อง คุณแม่เวียนหัวทุกเช้า
dtaaw-khun-mâae-tháawng khun-mâae-wiian-hǔua-thúk-cháo
While my mother was pregnant, she felt dizzy every morning.

27 – คัดจมูก

Pronunciation: khát-jà-mùuk
English meaning: to have nasal congestion
Part of speech: verb

ฉันรู้สึกคัดจมูก ฉันหายใจไม่ค่อยออก
chǎn-rúu-sùuek-khát-jà-mùuk chǎn-hǎai-jai-mâi-khâauy-àawk
I have nasal congestion. I can’t breathe well.

28 – จาม

Pronunciation: jaam
English meaning: to sneeze
Part of speech: verb

I have been sneezing non-stop since yesterday.

29 – น้ำมูกไหล

Pronunciation: nám-mûuk-lǎi
English meaning: to have a runny nose
Part of speech: verb

แม่น้ำมูกไหล อาจจะเป็นหวัด
mâae-nám-mûuk-lǎi àat-jà-bpen-wàt
Mom has a runny nose. She may have a cold.

30 – ไอ

Pronunciation: ai
English meaning: to cough
Part of speech: verb

Panit coughed until she had a sore throat.

31 – เจ็บคอ

Pronunciation: jèp-khaaw
English meaning: to have a sore throat
Part of speech: verb

Do you have a sore throat?

4. Advanced Legal Words

Another set of advanced-level Thai words you should start learning are those related to the legal system in Thailand. Learning this terminology will help you have more complex conversations, avoid unfortunate misunderstandings, and more effectively study law if that’s where your path takes you! 

1 – กฎหมาย

Pronunciation: gòt-mǎai
English meaning: law
Part of speech: noun

This book is about the law.

2 – รัฐธรรมนูญ

Pronunciation: rát-thà-tham-má-nuun
English meaning: constitution
Part of speech: noun

The Constitution is an important law.

3 – ผู้พิพากษา

Pronunciation: phûu-phí-phâak-sǎa
English meaning: judge
Part of speech: noun

My friend is a judge.

A Judge Holding a Gavel

My friend is a judge.

4 – ทนายความ

Pronunciation: thá-naai-khwaam
English meaning: lawyer
Part of speech: noun

I want to be a lawyer in the future.

5 – อัยการ

Pronunciation: ai-yá-gaan
English meaning: prosecutor
Part of speech: noun

What is the duty of the prosecutor?

6 – โจทก์

Pronunciation: jòot
English meaning: plaintiff
Part of speech: noun

Who is the plaintiff of this case?

7 – จำเลย

Pronunciation: jam-looei
English meaning: defendant
Part of speech: noun

The defendant of this case is a famous person.

8 – พยาน

Pronunciation: phá-yaan
English meaning: witness
Part of speech: noun

How many witnesses are there in this case?

9 – คดีความ

Pronunciation: khá-dii-khwaam
English meaning: lawsuit / case
Part of speech: noun

Thai people don’t like to be involved in lawsuits.

10 – คดีดำ

Pronunciation: khá-dii-dam
English meaning: undecided case
Part of speech: noun

Do you know what an “undecided case” is?

11 – คดีแดง

Pronunciation: khá-dii-daaeng
English meaning: decided case
Part of speech: noun

What is the number of this decided case?

12 – คดีอาญา

Pronunciation: khá-dii-aa-yaa
English meaning: criminal case
Part of speech: noun

Burglary is a criminal case.

13 – คดีแพ่ง

Pronunciation: khá-dii-pâaeng
English meaning: civil case
Part of speech: noun

Bankruptcy is a civil case.

14 – ศาล

Pronunciation: sǎan
English meaning: court
Part of speech: noun

Where is the location of the court?

15 – การลงโทษ

Pronunciation: gaan-long-thôot
English meaning: punishment
Part of speech: noun

What is the punishment for this case?

16 – การประหารชีวิต

Pronunciation: gaan-bprà-hǎan-chii-wít
English meaning: death penalty
Part of speech: noun

The death penalty is the most severe punishment.

17 – ขังคุก

Pronunciation: khǎng-khúk
English meaning: to be imprisoned
Part of speech: verb

เขาถูกขังคุกมา 10 ปี
He has been imprisoned for ten years.

18 – การริบทรัพย์สิน

Pronunciation: gaan-ríp-sáp-sǐn
English meaning: forfeiture of property
Part of speech: noun

The forfeiture of property is the least severe of punishments.

19 – มีความผิด

Pronunciation: mii-khwaam-phìt
English meaning: guilty
Part of speech: adjective

He is guilty as charged.

20 – พ้นผิด

Pronunciation: phón-phìt
English meaning: to be acquitted
Part of speech: verb

He is acquitted.

21 – ประกันตัว

Pronunciation: bprà-gan-dtuua
English meaning: to bail out
Part of speech: verb

How many Baht will you need to bail him out?

22 – คำสั่งศาล

Pronunciation: kham-sàng-sǎan
English meaning: court decree
Part of speech: noun

This is a court decree.

23 – เรียกร้องสินไหมทดแทน

Pronunciation: rîiak-ráawng-sǐn-mǎi-thót-thaaen
English meaning: to call for damage
Part of speech: verb

You should call for damage in this case.

24 – การหมิ่นประมาท

Pronunciation: gaan-mìn-bprà-màat
English meaning: defamation
Part of speech: noun

This is an example of defamation.

25 – ค่าปรับ

Pronunciation: khâa-bpr̀ap
English meaning: fine
Part of speech: noun

How much is the fine for the violation of traffic rules?

5. Alternative Words for More Sophisticated Writing & Speech

As you approach an advanced level in Thai, there are several formal words you should start memorizing and learning how to use. We will cover some of them in this section, but you can also go through our advanced Thai course to gain an even greater understanding of these words and more! 

The first five words are those you’ll often find in formal letters. The rest are formal alternatives to more casual words, which you would use when speaking to elders or people you respect. Keep in mind that some of these formal alternatives have both a spoken version and a written version. 

Advanced Words for Formal Letters

1 – เรียน

Pronunciation: riian
English meaning: to inform (equivalent to “Dear” in English)
Part of speech: verb

เรียน ผู้จัดการอาคาร
Dear building manager

2 – ด้วยความนับถือ / ด้วยความเคารพ

Pronunciation: dûuay-khwaam-náp-thǔue, dûuay-khwaam-khao-róp
English meaning: best regards (used in letters)
Part of speech: conjunction

มนัท (manager)

má-nát, phûu-jàt-gaan

Best regards, 
Manut, manager

3 – จึงเรียนมาเพื่อทราบ

Pronunciation: jueng-riian-maa-phûuea-sâap
English meaning: please be informed accordingly
Part of speech: conjunction

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายนจะมีการตัดไฟ จึงเรียนมาเพื่อทราบ
wan-jan-thîi-yîi-sîp-hòk-mee-sǎa-yon-jà-mii-gaan-dtàt-fai jueng-riian-maa-phûuea-sâap
There will be no electricity on Monday, April 26. Please be informed accordingly.

4 – เนื่องด้วย

Pronunciation: nûueang-dûuay
English meaning: because
Part of speech: conjunction

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายน จะไม่สามารถใช้ลิฟท์ได้ เนื่องด้วยจะมีการตัดไฟ
wan-jan-thîi-yîi-sîp-hòk-mee-sǎa-yon jà-mâi-sǎa-mâat-chái-líp-dâi nûueang-dûuay-jà-mii-gaan-dtàt-fai
On Monday, April 26, the elevator will be unavailable because of no electricity.

5 – ด้วยเหตุนี้

Pronunciation: dûuay-hèet-níi
English meaning: hence
Part of speech: conjunction

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายนจะมีการซ่อมท่อประปา ด้วยเหตุนี้ โปรดสำรองน้ำไว้ใช้
wan-jan-thîi-yîi-sîp-hòk-mee-sǎa-yon-jà-mii-gaan-sâawm-thâaw-bprà-bpaa dûuay-hèet-níi bpròot-sǎm- raawng-nám-wái-chái
On Monday, April 26, there will be a plumbing repair. Hence, please reserve water for use.

Polite Words

6 – สุนัข

Pronunciation: sù-nák
English meaning: dog
Spoken language: หมา (mǎa)
Part of speech: noun

ที่บ้านฉันมีสุนัข 2 ตัว
There are two dogs at my house.

Several Pets

สุนัข [sù-nák] is the polite word for “dog” in Thai.

7 – กระบือ

Pronunciation: grà-buue
English meaning: buffalo
Spoken language: ควาย (kwaai)
Part of speech: noun

Part of speech: noun
Have you ever seen a buffalo?

8 – สุกร

Pronunciation: sù-gaawn
English meaning: pig
Spoken language: หมู (mǔu)
Part of speech: noun

Sù-gaawn is the polite word for “pig.”

9 – โค

Pronunciation: khoo
English meaning: ox / cow
Spoken language: วัว (wuua)
Part of speech: noun

I like to drink cow milk.

10 – นกกา

Pronunciation: nók-gaa
English meaning: crow
Spoken language: อีกา (ii-gaa)
Part of speech: noun

The crow sings very loudly.

11 – ข้าพเจ้า

Pronunciation: khâ-phá-jâo
English meaning: I (male, female)
Spoken language: ฉัน (chǎn)
Part of speech: pronoun

I disagree.

12 – ผม

Pronunciation: phǒm
English meaning: I (male)
Spoken language: ฉัน (chǎn)
Part of speech: pronoun

I allow that.

Additional information:  
ข้าพเจ้า (khâ-phá-jâo) is more formal than ผม (phǒm).

13 – ดิฉัน

Pronunciation: dì-chǎn
English meaning: I (female)
Spoken language: ฉัน (chǎn)
Part of speech: pronoun

I will join the meeting, too.

Additional information:  
ข้าพเจ้า (khâ-phá-jâo) is more formal than ดิฉัน (dì-chǎn).

14 – สามี

Pronunciation: sǎa-mii
English meaning: husband
Spoken language: ผัว (phǔua)
Part of speech: noun

My husband is a doctor.

15 – ภรรยา

Pronunciation: phan-rá-yaa
English meaning: wife
Spoken language: เมีย (miia)
Part of speech: noun

Do you have a wife?

16 – บิดา

Pronunciation: bì-daa
English meaning: father
Spoken language: พ่อ (phâaw)
Part of speech: noun

Please write the name of your father here.

17 – มารดา

Pronunciation: maan-da
English meaning: mother
Spoken language: แม่ (mâae)
Part of speech: noun

How old is your mother?

18 – บุตร

Pronunciation: bùt
English meaning: child (male, female)
Spoken language: ลูก (lûuk)
Part of speech: noun

How many children do you have?

19 – ธิดา

Pronunciation: thí-daa
English meaning: daughter
Spoken language: ลูกสาว (lûuk-sǎao)
Part of speech: noun

Put your daughter’s number here.

20 – แพทย์

Pronunciation: phâaet
English meaning: doctor
Spoken language: หมอ (mǎaw)
Part of speech: noun

There are many doctors in this hospital.

21 – อาจารย์

Pronunciation: aa-jaan
English meaning: teacher
Spoken language: ครู (khruu)
Part of speech: noun

Who is your favorite teacher?

22 – โสเภณี

Pronunciation: sǒo-phee-nii
English meaning: prostitute
Spoken language: กะหรี่ (ga-rǐi)
Part of speech: noun

Prostitution is an illegal occupation in Thailand.

23 – พระสงฆ์

Pronunciation: phrá-sǒng
English meaning: monk
Spoken language: พระ (phrá)
Part of speech: noun

พระสงฆ์ฉันอาหารวันละ 2 มื้อ
The monk eats two meals a day.

24 – รับประทาน / ทาน 

Pronunciation: ráp-bprà-thaan / thaan
English meaning: to eat
Spoken language: กิน (gin)
Part of speech: verb

Example 1:  
The elderly shouldn’t eat too many sweets.

Example 2:  
Have you eaten yet?

Additional note: 
รับประทาน (ráp-bprà-thaan) is often shortened to ทาน (thaan) in daily conversations. The shortened version is also considered formal, though the longer version is slightly more formal.

25 – อุจจาระ

Pronunciation: ùt-jaa-rá
English meaning: feces
Spoken language: ขี้ (khîi)
Part of speech: noun

How is the patient’s feces?

26 – ปัสสาวะ

Pronunciation: bpàt-sǎa-wá
English meaning: urine
Spoken language: ฉี่ (chìi)
Part of speech: noun

เราต้องการปัสสาวะ 5 มิลลิลิตรในการตรวจ
I need five ml. of urine for a sample.

27 – ถึงแก่กรรม

Pronunciation: thǔeng-gàae-gam
English meaning: to die
Spoken language: ตาย (dtaai)
Part of speech: verb

เขาถึงแก่กรรมตอนอายุ 80 ปี
He died at the age of 80.

28 – ตั้งครรภ์

Pronunciation: dtâng-khan
English meaning: pregnant
Spoken language: ท้อง (tháawng)
Part of speech: verb

เธอตั้งครรภ์มา 8 สัปดาห์แล้ว
She has been pregnant for eight weeks now.

29 – อาเจียน

Pronunciation: aa-jiian
English meaning: to vomit
Spoken language: อ้วก (ûuak)
Part of speech: verb

Yada wants to vomit.

30 – ทราบ

Pronunciation: sâap
English meaning: to know
Spoken language: รู้ (rúu)
Part of speech: verb

Have you known about Grandfather’s sickness?

31 – เห็นสมควร

Pronunciation: hěn-sǒm-khuuan
English meaning: to agree
Spoken language: เห็นด้วย (hěn-dûuay)
Part of speech: verb

Do you agree with this?

32 – ต่อว่า

Pronunciation: dtàaw-wâa
English meaning: to scold
Spoken language: ดุ () / ด่า (dàa)
Part of speech: verb

Students are scolded when they do something wrong.

33 – กล่าว

Pronunciation: glàao
English meaning: to say
Spoken language: พูด (phûut)
Part of speech: verb

The teacher says compliments to students.

34 – โรงภาพยนตร์

Pronunciation: roong-phâap-phá-yon
English meaning: cinema
Spoken language: โรงหนัง (roong-nǎng)
Part of speech: noun

ในกรุงเทพ ฯ มีโรงภาพยนตร์กี่แห่ง
How many cinemas are there in Bangkok?

35 – โรงพยาบาล

Pronunciation: roong-phá-yaa-baan
English meaning: hospital
Spoken language: โรงบาล (roong-baan) => Thai people shorten the word.
Part of speech: noun

Where is the nearest hospital?

36 – ห้างสรรพสินค้า

Pronunciation: hâang-sàp-phá-sǐn-kháa
English meaning: department store
Spoken language: ห้าง (hâang)
Part of speech: noun

Mom goes shopping at the department store.

37 – มหาวิทยาลัย

Pronunciation: má-hǎa-wít-thá-yaa-lai
English meaning: university
Spoken language: มหาลัย (má-hǎa-lai) => Thai people shorten the word.
Part of speech: noun

Which university did you graduate from?

38 – ร้านสะดวกซื้อ

Pronunciation: ráan-sà-dùuak-súue
English meaning: convenience store
Spoken language: call by the brand name of the convenience store, such as “7-Eleven” or “Family Mart”
Part of speech: noun

There are many convenience stores in this area.

39 – สำนักงาน

Pronunciation: sǎm-nák-ngaan
English meaning: office
Spoken language: ออฟฟิศ (áawp-fít)
Part of speech: noun

Where is the office of your company?

40 – สุขา

Pronunciation: sù-khǎa
English meaning: toilet
Spoken language: ห้องน้ำ (hâawng-nám)
Part of speech: noun

Can you tell me how to get to the toilets?

41 – ภาพยนตร์

Pronunciation: phâap-phá-yon
English meaning: movie
Spoken language: หนัง (nǎng)
Part of speech: noun

This movie is very famous.

42 – ธนบัตร

Pronunciation: thá-ná-bàt
English meaning: banknote
Spoken language: แบงค์ (báaeng)
Part of speech: noun

ฉันไม่มีเหรียญ มีแต่ธนบัตร
chǎn-mâi-mii-rǐian mii-dtàae-thá-ná-bàt
I don’t have any coins. I have only a banknote.

43 – สุรา

Pronunciation: sù-raa
English meaning: alcoholic beverage
Spoken language: เหล้า (lâo)
Part of speech: noun

Drinking alcohol isn’t good for your health.

A Man with a Bad Hangover

Drinking alcohol isn’t good for your health.

44 – อาหาร

Pronunciation: aa-hǎan
English meaning: food
Spoken language: ข้าว (khâo) => Sometimes, Thai people refer to food as ข้าว (khâo) when they could actually refer to a specific type of food (such as noodles).
Part of speech: noun

I like fried food.

45 – เครื่องดื่ม

Pronunciation: khrûueang-dùuem
English meaning: drinks
Spoken language: น้ำ (nám) => This word can also refer to both drinking water or drinking other beverages such as juice, tea, etc.
Part of speech: noun

This is our recommended drink.

46 – ศีรษะ

Pronunciation: sǐi-sà
English meaning: head
Spoken language: หัว (hǔua)
Part of speech: noun

It is not polite to touch another’s head.

47 – เท้า

Pronunciation: tháo
English meaning: foot
Spoken language: ตีน (dtiin) => rude word
Part of speech: noun

Don’t put your feet on the table.

48 – บะหมี่กึ่งสำเร็จรูป

Pronunciation: bà-mìi-gùeng-sǎm-rèt-rûup
English meaning: instant noodles
Spoken language: มาม่า (maa-mâa) => This is the most famous instant noodle brand in Thailand, so Thai people often use it to refer to instant noodles in general.
Part of speech: noun

Instant noodles are not expensive.

49 – หีบศพ

Pronunciation: hìip-sòp
English meaning: coffin
Spoken language: โรงศพ (roong-sòp)
Part of speech: noun

Where is the coffin store?

6. Conclusion

We hope you enjoyed our list of advanced Thai words and found it useful as you progress in your studies. Let us know in the comments what you thought of this article or if you have any questions about what we covered today. 

Learning advanced Thai vocabulary is a crucial step in your language learning journey, but it’s also good to add variety to your studies. We suggest you browse through some other interesting lessons at to make your learning even more fun:

Happy learning and good luck!

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The Best Guide for Passing a Thai Competency Test


When you’re learning something, a test is considered a part of the learning process. Taking a test shows your current skills and improvements you’ve made in that topic; at the same time, it reveals areas that still need improvement. For Thai learners, taking a Thai competency test is a good idea.  

The most popular Thai language proficiency test is the CU-TFL. Thus, in this lesson, we’ll give you practical information about this Thai language competency test, including details about each part and when, where, and how to register to take the test. Of course, we’ll also provide you with some tips on how to pass this Thai exam.  

Let’s get started.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Study Strategies in Thai Table of Contents
  1. General Information About the CU-TFL
  2. A Breakdown of Each Section
  3. Tips on Preparing for a Thai Proficiency Exam
  4. Conclusion

1. General Information About the CU-TFL

Language Skills

If you want to work in Thailand, you’re in luck! Aside from some professional jobs, most of the jobs available for foreigners don’t require many Thai language skills. Jobs for foreigners in Thailand are normally in environments where workers can speak English. Still, you have a life outside of work, which inevitably requires you to have basic knowledge of the Thai language. As mentioned above, testing your Thai skills enables you to see how much you know so you can continue improving.  

The most common Thai language exam for foreigners is the CU-TFL, which stands for “The Chulalongkorn University Proficiency Test of Thai as a Foreign Language.” It’s the most popular Thai language assessment test. For your information, Chulalongkorn University is one of the top three universities in Thailand. In a way, the university’s high status makes the test more reputable.

The test is taken at The Sirindhorn Thai Language Institute. Applicants must contact the institute to schedule the test date (at least two weeks in advance) before filling out the online application. Then, the applicant will receive the bill payment slip, and must make a payment at least three days prior to the test date. The CU-TFL test has four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. This test classifies the examinee into one of five groups: distinguished, superior, advanced, intermediate, and novice. 

In the following sections, we’ll provide you with a complete guide on this Thai language proficiency exam. 

2. A Breakdown of Each Section

1- Listening Section 

Duration: 60 minutes

Number of questions: 

  • 50 multiple-choice questions
  • Part 1: 1-3 announcements and short articles
  • Part 2: 2-3 announcements and medium-length articles
  • Part 3: 2-3 news excerpts, event descriptions, and documentaries
  • Part 4: 1-2 medium-length conversations about opinion expression or an interview of two people
  • Part 5: 1 long conversation about opinion expression or an interview of three people

Skills and competencies needed: 

  • Be able to understand short conversations, announcements, interviews, or advertisements
  • Be able to comprehend and summarize a story
  • Be able to analyze a story


  • You’ll get three sets of paper: the test, a sheet to mark your answers, and paper for note-taking.
  • Before the test begins, you’ll hear the explanation, instructions, and be given a sample question. 
  • Once the test begins, you’ll hear a conversation or story, followed by questions and four choices. You’ll hear the story/conversation, questions, and choices only once.
Practice for the Listening Test

2- Reading Section 

Duration: 60 minutes

Number of questions: 

  • 50 multiple-choice questions
  • Part 1: 1-3 signs and short announcements
  • Part 2: 2-3 medium-length announcements 
  • Part 3: 2-3 news excerpts, event descriptions, medium-length documentaries, or academic articles
  • Part 4: 1-2 conversations about opinion expression 
  • Part 5: 1 news critique, editorial, or academic article

Skills and competencies needed:  

  • Be able to understand a story, as well as punctuation and numbers used in daily life
  • Be able to understand the reference in a story
  • Be able to comprehend and summarize a story
  • Be able to analyze a story
  • Be able to understand the story and analyze it based on knowledge of Thai society and culture


  • You’ll get two sets of paper: the test and the answer sheet.
  • There’s no time limit for each part, so you can allocate time for the five parts yourself.

3- Writing Section 

Duration: 60 minutes

Number of questions: Write one essay to express your opinion on a given topic.

Skills and competencies needed: 

  • Be able to understand a story, as well as punctuation and numbers used in daily life
  • Be able to write as requested 
  • Be able to spell and punctuate, use vocabulary and sentence structure, and choose the appropriate language level
  • Know the types of articles and their structures
  • Be able to use proper written Thai with the audience in mind
  • Be able to use daily-life idioms

Instructions: You’ll get two sets of paper: the test and the answer sheet.

Write an Essay to Express Your Opinion

4- Speaking Section 

Duration: 40 minutes

Number of questions:  

  • An unknown number of questions, divided into three parts
  • Part 1: Have conversations with the tester
  • Part 2: Report and express your opinion (speak alone) 
  • Part 3: Interview the tester and summarize information

Skills and competencies needed:  

  • Be able to pronounce correctly, choose the proper words, idioms, and sentence structures, and respond to the examiner
  • Be able to use the right language level for the situation and audience
  • Be able to have a fluent conversation 
  • Be able to express your opinion on various topics
  • Be able to ask for information about the assigned topic
  • Be able to summarize information


  • You will be recorded during the test.
  • There will be only one applicant per test.
  • The tester is an educated Thai person who uses Thai as their native language.

3. Tips on Preparing for a Thai Proficiency Exam

To do well on any Thai language exam, you need to practice a lot! Below, we’ve outlined a few ways you can do this effectively. 

1 – Read signs, announcements, news excerpts, and articles in Thai.

If you live in Thailand, pay attention to the signs, announcements, snippets of news, and articles around you.  These are a part of everyday life in Thailand, so they’ll definitely be included on the test. We suggest that whenever you see a sign, you learn what it means and think about where else you might find it. This will significantly help you in the reading and listening sections.

Pay Attention to Signs

 2 – Watch a variety of shows and dramas in Thai.

To improve your listening and speaking skills, you need to be able to understand how Thais speak in daily life. One of the best ways to do so is to watch a variety of Thai shows and dramas. This is a fun activity that allows you to watch media that fits your interests! 

You’ll be able to hear the accent of native Thai speakers and become more familiar with Thai sentence structure. This will, in turn, help you improve your own speaking skills. 

You’ll also get to know more about Thai society and culture, which will indirectly help you understand more about Thai people, leading to a better test score. Nowadays, you can watch a variety of shows and dramas online on YouTube, on live TV, on Thai Netflix, and more. 

3 – Study the basic Thai social norms, and learn about the society and culture.

To do well on your Thai competency test, you need to understand some of the Thai social norms, as well as the society and culture. You can learn about these topics in various ways, such as watching shows (like we mentioned above), talking to Thai people, and reading related books.

Learn about Thai Culture

4 -Talk to Thai people about various topics.

As mentioned above, talking to Thai people can help you learn about Thai social norms, society, and culture.  But the benefits don’t end there! Talking to Thai people will help you learn how to express your opinions more fluently; this will give you a huge advantage when it comes time for the speaking portion of the test. Also, the more you make conversation, the better your speaking and listening skills will become.

Talk about Thai Boxing

5 – Practice writing about different topics in Thai.

To do well in the writing section, you have to practice a lot. On the test, you’ll be asked to write one article that expresses your opinion on a given topic, so you need to practice writing about various topics. In addition, you’ll need to learn related vocabulary and sentence structures to write a good essay.

6 – Do a lot of test exercises.

Last but not least, you need to do a lot of test exercises. Like with every other test, practicing helps you do better. By doing a CU-TFL test sample, you’ll become more familiar with the questions, work on allocating your time better, and finish the real test more efficiently. You can buy a CU-TFL book to do Thai language practice tests, or download the test example from the manual.

4. Conclusion

We hope that after reading this complete guide to the CU-TFL Thai language proficiency test, you have a better idea of how to pass it with flying colors. Please let us know your thoughts about the CU-TFL in the comments, and let us know if you have any questions. 

And don’t forget to check out other interesting lessons on We have tons of lessons on the Thai language, culture, and traditions that you should take a look at! We recommend our lessons about the New Year resolutions of Thai people and talking about family in Thai

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Life Event Messages: Learn Happy Birthday in Thai & More!


People are pretty much the same. We’re born, live our life, and in the end, we die. However, the life events people celebrate and experience around the world are not always the same. This is because each country has its own culture, traditions, and beliefs, which causes people the world over to pay attention to different events in life.

In this lesson, you’ll get to learn about life events in Thai. will teach you about important life events in Thailand, what happens during those events, and what you’re supposed to say (like Happy Birthday in Thai or how to wish a happy new year in Thai). As mentioned earlier, these events are influenced by culture, tradition, and beliefs, so you’ll also get to learn more about Thai people in those respects as well.

There are many important life events in Thailand, and many Thai congratulations and condolences you can offer. And we have good news for you: all of these messages can be used for both speaking and writing!

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Table of Contents

  1. Birthdays in Thailand
  2. Graduation in Thailand
  3. Ordination Ceremony in Thailand
  4. Weddings in Thailand
  5. Pregnancy in Thai
  6. New House
  7. New Business or Business Anniversary
  8. Visiting Injured/Sick People
  9. Funerals in Thai
  10. Holidays in Thailand
  11. Conclusion

1. Birthdays in Thailand

Happy Birthday

It’s natural for people to pay attention to birthdays. After all, it marks the beginning of a person’s life. วันเกิด (wan-gòoet) is “birthday” in Thai. When it comes to birthdays, the questions that may pop into your mind are about how to write “Happy Birthday to you” in Thai or how to sing the Happy Birthday song in Thai. Don’t worry; we’ll get everything covered for you. But before we answer your questions, let’s learn more about this event from a Thai person’s perspective.

Birthdays aren’t considered a very important event in Thailand. Children may get excited for their birthdays, and celebrate with birthday cake and presents from family and friends. When it comes to adults, the level of attention people pay to birthdays in Thailand varies. Some people throw a big party to celebrate a birthday, while others just do merit and go out for a special meal with family, friends, or their lover. Still, some people don’t pay attention to this event at all; it’s just another day for them.

If you live in Thailand or happen to know Thai people and want to wish them a happy birthday in Thai, you should focus on the information below.

1- Happy Birthday in Thai

Thai language: สุขสันต์วันเกิด

Thai pronunciation: sùk-sǎn wan-gòoet

Additional note: This is a very general way to wish someone a happy birthday in Thai, and you can use this in both formal and informal situations. Still, it’s good to know that Thai people often say “Happy Birthday” in English, as well as สุขสันต์วันเกิด (sùk-sǎn wan-gòoet). Now, about the Happy Birthday song in Thai—there is none. Thai people sing the English version.

2- Happy Birthday Wishes in Thai

Thai people often wish for the birthday person to be healthy, wealthy, happy, and to have a good time. Here is a list of formal birthday wishes in Thai you can use.

Wish 1: I wish you to be healthy.

Thai language: ขอให้สุขภาพร่างกายแข็งแรง

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi sùk-khà-phâap-râang-gaai khǎaeng-raaeng

Wish 2: I wish you to be very happy.

Thai language: ขอให้มีความสุขมาก ๆ

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi mii khwaam-sùk mâak-mâak

Wish 3: I wish you to be wealthy.

Thai language: ขอให้ร่ำรวย

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi râm-ruuai

Wish 4: I wish you to have a good year.

Thai language: ขอให้ปีนี้เป็นปีที่ดี

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi bpii-níi bpen bpii thîi dii

3- Happy Birthday Wishes to Elders in Thai

In Thai culture, you can say that you wish something for younger people, but it’s not proper for younger people to do this for elders. This is because, in Thai society, young people are expected to respect people who are older. If you do wish something for an elder, there is a way to say it properly, shown below.

Thai language: ขอให้คุณพระศรีรัตนตรัยบันดาลให้…

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi khun phrá-srǐi-rát-dtà-ná-dtrai ban-daan hâi…

English translation: “May the triple gems wish you…”

Additional note: Since you can’t bless elders directly, you ask a sacred item that Thai people believe blesses them instead. In Thailand, most people are Buddhist, so Thai people often use พระศรีรัตนตรัย (phrá-srǐi-rát-dtà-ná-dtrai), which is “the triple gems.”

Happy Birthday

2. Graduation in Thailand

Basic Questions

พิธีสำเร็จการศึกษา (phí-thii sǎm-rèt gaan-sùek-sǎa), or a “graduation ceremony,” is a big event in Thailand. It’s viewed as the first success in life, as well as a sign that you’ve become an adult; after this, you’re expected to work and take care of yourself. On graduation day, graduated students receive a diploma from the Thai royal family. Family and friends normally come to congratulate graduates with flowers and gifts.

If you happen to have a Thai friend who’s about to graduate, here’s a list of graduation messages in Thai you can use.

1- Happy Graduation in Thai

Thai language: ยินดีด้วยที่เรียนจบ

Thai pronunciation: yin-dii-dûuai thîi riian jòp

Additional note: This is a very typical graduation wish you can use in both formal and informal situations.

2- I would like to congratulate to graduate.

Thai language: ขอแสดงความยินดีกับบัณฑิตใหม่

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw sà-daaeng khwaam-yin-dii gàp ban-dìt mài

Additional note: This is another congratulation in Thai for graduates you can use. This one is more formal than the previous one.

3- Graduation Wishes in Thai

In addition to the two ways of saying congratulations in Thai above, you can also say offer more good wishes to the graduate. These wishes can be used in both formal and informal situations. The basic sentence you should know is ดีใจด้วย ขอให้… (dii-jai-dûuai khǎaw-hâi), which means “I’m so happy for you. I wish (you to be)…”. You can choose one of the wishes listed below to fill the blank.

Wish 1: Be successful in work.

Thai language: ประสบความสำเร็จในการทำงาน

Thai pronunciation: bprà-sòp-khwaam-sǎm-rèt nai gaan-tham-ngaan

Wish 2: Be successful in life.

Thai language: ประสบความสำเร็จในชีวิต

Thai pronunciation: bprà-sòp-khwaam-sǎm-rèt nai chii-wít

Wish 3: A bright and shiny future is waiting for you.

Thai language: มีอนาคตที่สดใสรออยู่

Thai pronunciation: mii a-naa-khót thîi sòt-sǎi raaw yùu

3. Ordination Ceremony in Thailand

งานบวช (ngaan-bùuat) is “ordination ceremony” in Thai. For Buddhist families with son(s), the ordination ceremony is considered a big life event for them. As the head of a family in the future, it’s tradition for males to be ordained for a short period of time to learn the Buddha’s teachings so that he can use them later in life. Family and friends are invited to this ordinations ceremony. will teach you sentences you may hear, and some you can use, to congratulate someone in formal situations.

Ordination Ceremony

1- I’m so happy for you.

Thai language: ขอร่วมอนุโมทนาบุญด้วย

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw rûuam à-nú-moo-thá-naa-bun dûuai

Additional note: This Thai message is quite special. It’s used in Buddhism-related situations only. In an ordination ceremony, Thai people use this phrase to show that they’re happy for what you’re doing (getting ordained to be a monk).

2- I hope you will be able to learn Buddha’s teachings well.

Thai language: ขอให้ศึกษาพระธรรมให้เต็มที่

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi sùek-sǎa phrá-tham hâi dtem-thîi

Additional note: You can use this phrase in addition to saying that you’re happy they’re going to study as a monk.

3- You’re becoming a monk so your parents can go to heaven.

Thai language: บวชให้พ่อแม่ได้เกาะชายผ้าเหลืองขึ้นสวรรค์

Thai pronunciation: bùuat hâi phâaw-mâae dâi gàw chaai-phâa-lǔueang khûen sà-wǎn

Additional note: This isn’t a message you say to the host, but is rather a famous saying related to the ordination ceremony which reflects Thai beliefs regarding this matter. Its literal meaning is “ordain so parents can hold the rim of yellow clothes to heaven.” Here’s an explanation: Thai monks have their own outfit, which is a yellow robe. In the ordination ceremony, a new monk wears the yellow robe for the first time, and parents can hold on to the rim of the yellow outfit to the heaven.

4. Weddings in Thailand

Marriage Proposal

Like the rest of the world, a wedding is an important life event in Thailand. Most people, especially women, want to have a wedding ceremony. Some wedding ceremonies are pretty small, and only family and close friends are invited. Some wedding ceremonies, however, can be very big with up to a thousand guests. Normally, at the reception of the wedding, there’s a book for guests to write their wishes to the bride and groom in. If you’re going to a Thai wedding, here are wedding messages in Thai, and other Thai wedding congratulations, you can use.

1- Congratulations on your wedding.

Thai language: ยินดีกับการแต่งงานด้วย

Thai pronunciation: yin-dii gàp gaan-dtàaeng-ngaan dûuai

Additional note: This is a very general way to congratulate the wedding. You can use this in both formal and informal situations.

2- Wedding Wish from an Elder

In Thai society, when an elder offers good wishes to a younger bride and groom, they often use these wishes.

Wish 1: Wish you to love each other until you are old.

Thai language: ขอให้รักกันจนแก่เฒ่า ถือไม้เท้ายอดทองกระบองยอดเพชร

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi rák-gan jon gàae-thâo thǔue-mái-tháo-yâawt-thaawng-grà-baawng- yâawt-phét

Wish 2: Wish you to be together forever and always forgive each other.

Thai language: ขอให้รักกันนาน ๆ หนักนิดเบาหน่อยก็ให้อภัยกันนะ

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi rák gan naan-naan ngàk-nít-bao-nàauy gâaw hâi à-phai gan ná

Wish 3: Wish you to have a lot of children.

Thai language: ขอให้มีลูกเต็มบ้านมีหลานเต็มเมือง

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi mii lûuk dtem bâan mii-lǎan dtem muueang

3- Wedding Wishes from Friends

Wishes from friends are often more playful and informal. Here are the most popular ones.

Wish 1: I’m so happy that you are already married.

Thai language: ดีใจด้วย ขายออกแล้วนะ

Thai pronunciation: dii-jai dûuai khǎai àawk láaeo ná

Wish 2: I’m so happy for you and wish you eternal love.

Thai language: ดีใจด้วย รักกันนาน ๆ นะ

Thai pronunciation: dii-jai dûuai rák gan naan-naan ná

5. Pregnancy in Thai

Talking about Age

When you learn that your beloved one is pregnant, naturally, you’re happy for them. In some countries, they do baby showers to congratulate them. However, in Thailand, we don’t do that. Once the new mother gives birth, you go and visit them.

Then, a month after the baby is born, you do an event called ทำขวัญเดือน (tham-kwǎn-duuean) or โกนผมไฟ (goon-phǒm-fai). In this event, the family wishes good things for the baby and celebrates that the baby is safe and healthy. It’s the first time that the baby’s hair is cut. However, only family partakes in this event.

As a friend, if you want to congratulate your Thai friend on their pregnancy or childbirth, you can send them these messages.

1- Wish both mother and baby to be healthy.

Thai language: ขอให้แข็งแรงทั้งคุณแม่และลูก

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi khǎaeng-raaeng tháng khun-mâae láe lûuk

Additional note: This is a Thai wish for both the mother and baby, that you say to the mother. It’s quite common and can be used in both formal and informal situations.

2- Be good kids for mom and dad.

Thai language: เป็นเด็กดีของพ่อแม่นะ

Thai pronunciation: bpen dèk dii khǎawng phâaw-mâae ná

Additional note: This is a Thai wish you say to the baby, although the baby may not understand you yet. When Thai people speak this, they normally use a kind tone.

3- Wish your baby to be healthy and grow up to be a good child.

Thai language: ขอให้ลูกสุขภาพแข็งแรงและเป็นเด็กดี

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi lûuk sùk-khà-phâap khǎaeng-raaeng láe bpen dèk dii

Additional note: This is a Thai wish for the baby that you say to the mother. It’s quite common and can be used in both formal and informal situations.

Happy Baby

6. New House

Owning a house or condo in Thailand is viewed as another success. The owner of the house often hosts an event called งานทำบุญขึ้นบ้านใหม่ (ngaan tham-bun-khûen-bâan-mài), which means “merit making for new house,” to celebrate. They may also invite monks to bless the house so that it’s a nice place to live. Family and friends are normally invited to this event.

1- Congratulations on your new house.

Thai language: ยินดีด้วยที่ได้ขึ้นบ้านใหม่

Thai pronunciation: yin-dii dûuai thîi dâi khûen bâan-mài

Additional note: This is a very general way to congratulate the owner of a new house. You can use this in both formal and informal situations.

2- This is a good house, making the occupant rich.

Thai language: บ้านนี้ดี อยู่แล้วรวย

Thai pronunciation: bâan níi dii yùu láaeo ruuai

Additional note: This is one of the wishes Thai people often write down on a card, which they give to the owner of the house.

3- Occupants in this house will be happy and rich.

Thai language: บ้านนี้อยู่แล้ว ร่มเย็นเป็นสุข ร่ำรวย

Thai pronunciation: bâan níi yùu láaeo rôm-yen-bpen-sùk râm-ruuai

Additional note: This is another wish that Thai people often write down on a card, which they give to the owner of the house.

7. New Business or Business Anniversary

When Thai people start a new business or have a business anniversary, they sometimes invite a monk to bless their business. They believe it will bring luck and help make their business successful. Family, friends, and business partners are invited. Here’s a list of best wishes in Thai you can say to congratulate them.

1- General Thai Message on New Business / Business Anniversary

Wish 1: Good luck! Good luck! Good luck!

Thai language: เฮง เฮง เฮง

Thai pronunciation: heng heng heng

Additional note: This is one of the most popular wishes for others when it comes to business. Actually, it comes from Chinese.

Wish 2: Congratulations.

Thai language: ยินดีด้วยนะ

Thai pronunciation: yin-dii dûuai ná

2- Wishes for a New Business

Wish 1: Congratulations on your business, may it go well.

Thai language: ยินดีด้วยกับธุรกิจใหม่ ขอให้กิจการรุ่งเรือง

Thai pronunciation: yin-dii dûuai gàp thú-rá-gìt mài khǎaw hâi gìt-jà-gaan rûng-ruueang

Wish 2: Congratulations on your business, may the sales be very good.

Thai language: ยินดีด้วยกับธุรกิจใหม่ ขอให้ค้าขายรุ่งเรือง

Thai pronunciation: yin-dii dûuai gàp thú-rá-gìt mài khǎaw hâi kháa-khǎai rûng-ruueang

3- Wishing a Happy Business Anniversary

Wish 1: May your business be even more successful.

Thai language: ขอให้ประสบความสำเร็จยิ่ง ๆ ขึ้นไป

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi bprà-sòp-khwaam-sǎm-rèt yîng-yîng-khûen-bpai

Wish 2: May you be richer.

Thai language: ขอให้ร่ำรวยยิ่ง ๆ ขึ้นไป

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi râm-ruuai yîng-yîng-khûen-bpai

8. Visiting Injured/Sick People

Being sick is an inevitable event in life. And when you’re sick or injured, encouragement from family, friends, and people who love you can always make you feel better. Thai people are no different.

When you’re sick, you normally get encouraging messages from those who love you. If you get admitted to the hospital, those who love you often come to visit with some fruit and nourishing food or drinks. If you visit Thai people in the hospital or have a sick friend, the following Thai condolences and encouragement phrases will be useful for you. You can use them in both formal and informal situations.

1- Get well soon.

Thai language: หายป่วยเร็ว ๆ นะ

Thai pronunciation: hǎai bpùuai rew-rew ná

Additional note: This is a general message that Thai people often say or write down on a card for someone who is sick or injured.

2- Get a lot of rest and get well soon.

Thai language: พักผ่อนเยอะ ๆ หายป่วยเร็ว ๆ นะ

Thai pronunciation: phák-phàawn yóe-yóe hǎai bpùuai rew-rew ná

3- Take care of yourself and get well soon.

Thai language: ดูแลตัวเองดี ๆ หายป่วยเร็ว ๆ นะ

Thai pronunciation: duu-laae dtuua-eeng dii-dii hǎai bpùuai rew-rew ná

9. Funerals in Thai

งานศพ (ngaan-sòp), or a “funeral,” is the chance for the living to pay respect to the dead, as well as comfort the family of the deceased. คำอาลัย (kham aa-lai) is the “message to the dead” in Thai. If you go to a funeral in Thailand, here are some funeral messages in Thai, and other condolences in Thai, you should know.

1- May you go to heaven.

Thai language 1: ขอให้ไปสู่สุคติ

Thai pronunciation 1: khǎaw hâi bpai sùu sùk-khà-dtì

Thai language 2: ขอให้ไปที่ชอบ ๆ นะ

Thai pronunciation 2: khǎaw hâi bpai thîi-châawp-thîi-châawp ná

Additional note: This is a message that Thai people often say to the deceased at a funeral. Both sentences have the same meaning. However, the first one is more formal.

2- Message to the death (asking for forgiveness).

It’s impossible for people who know each other to never do, think, or say bad things to each other, regardless of intention. As most Thai people are Buddhist, we believe in a next life. Thus, it’s proper to ask for forgiveness and say that you forgive the deceased as well. So you should know these two sentences.

Message 1: Asking the deceased for forgiveness

Thai language: กรรมใดที่เคยทำไป อโหสิกรรมให้ด้วย

Thai pronunciation: gam-dai thîi khooei tham bpai à-hǒo-sì-gam hâi rao dûuai

Message 2: Forgiving the deceased for bad things he/she did to you

Thai language: ถ้าเคยทำอะไรที่ไม่ดีไว้ เราอโหสิกรรมให้

Thai pronunciation: thâa khooei tham à-rai thîi mâi dii wái rao à-hǒo-sì-gam hâi

3- Condolences in Thai

Message 1: My condolences for your loss. (Formal)

Thai language: ขอแสดงความเสียใจด้วย

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw sà-daaeng kwaam-sǐia-jai dûuai

Message 2: My condolences for your loss. (Informal)

Thai language: เสียใจด้วย

Thai pronunciation: sǐia-jai dûuai

10. Holidays in Thailand

There are a lot of holidays in Thailand. Thai people celebrate many foreign holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and Halloween. However, luckily, the holiday greetings in Thai, or holiday messages for foreign holidays, are no different from those used in other countries. Thai people often say those in English, such as “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Still, thinks you should learn some holiday wishes in Thai. In particular, the New Year holiday in Thailand is quite interesting.

In Thailand, people kind of celebrate the New Year three times a year: New Year’s Day, the Chinese New Year Day, and the Thai New Year Day. So you should learn some of the most common Thai New Year congratulations. The Thai wishes below can be used in both formal and informal situations.

1- Happy New Year Wishes in Thai

Wish 1: Happy New Year

Thai language: สุขสันต์วันปีใหม่

Thai pronunciation: sùk-sǎn wan-bpii-mài

Wish 2: Hello New Year

Thai language: สวัสดีปีใหม่

Thai pronunciation: sà-wàt-dii bpii-mài

Wish 3: May this year be full of happiness and prosperity.

Thai language: ขอให้มีแต่ความสุขความเจริญ

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi mii dtàae khwaam-sùk khwaam-jà-rooen

Wish 4: May this be a good year.

Thai language: ขอให้ปีนี้เป็นปีที่ดี

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi bpii-níi bpen bpii thîi dii

2- Happy Chinese New Year Wishes in Thai

Wish 1: In this new year, may all your wishes come true. I wish you to be happy and rich all year.

Thai language: ซิงเจียยู่อี๋ ซิงนี้ฮวดใช้

Thai pronunciation: sin-jiia-yûu-ìi sin-níi-hûuat-chái

Additional note: This wish is Chinese. Despite saying this on the Chinese New Year, Thai people don’t really know what it means. They just know that they’re supposed to say this on that day.

Wish 2: Good luck! Good luck! Good luck!

Thai language: เฮง เฮง เฮง

Thai pronunciation: heng heng heng

Additional note: You may recognize this wish because it’s also used to wish a new business well, or to congratulate a business anniversary. It can also be used as a wish for the Chinese New Year as well.

3- Happy Thai New Year Wishes in Thai

Wish 1: Happy Songkran Day

Thai language: สุขสันต์วันสงกรานต์

Thai pronunciation: sùk-sǎn wan sǒng-graan

Wish 2: Hello Thai New Year

Thai language: สวัสดีปีใหม่ไทย

Thai pronunciation: sà-wàt-dii bpii-mài-thai

Wish 3: May this year be full of happiness.

Thai language: ขอให้มีแต่ความสุข

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw hâi mii dtàae khwaam-sùk

Songkran Holiday

11. Conclusion

Congratulations for reaching the conclusion. We hope you can use all these wishes and messages for life events in real situations. Are they different from yours? Does your country have the same life events? Leave a comment below to let us know.

And as always, don’t forget to visit to learn interesting and fun Thai lessons. As we’ve just talked about holidays, you can learn more about national Thai holidays or the Songkran holiday in Thailand. Know that your hard work will pay off, and with the help of ThaiPod101, you’ll be speaking like a native in no time!

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