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Common English Words in Thai: Do You Know Tinglish?


Because English is a global language, it’s only natural that it would influence and be used in other languages, including Thai. If you know anything about Thai culture or have lived in Thailand for any amount of time, you’ll know that Thai people are very open-minded concerning outside influences. For this reason, there are many English loanwords in the Thai language. 

However, this influence has not been heavily reciprocated, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find any Thai words used in English. 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to Tinglish (Thai+English), English loanwords in Thai, and more!

A Woman Reading a Book on the Bus

Let’s learn Tinglish and English loanwords!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to Tinglish
  2. English Loanwords Used in Thai
  3. How to Say These Names in Thai
  4. Conclusion

1. Introduction to Tinglish

As mentioned earlier, Thai people are pretty open-minded. They have been greatly influenced by foreigners in terms of food, clothing, and language. There is no clear evidence indicating how Tinglish became so popular, but a possible explanation is that some Thai people heard these English words used in a specific context and misunderstood the actual meanings. As a result, they began using these words incorrectly.

Although the pronunciation of Tinglish words is the same as (or very similar to) that of the original English words, you have to know their Thai meaning in order to communicate effectively with Thai people. 

To help you start strong, we’ve compiled several examples of Tinglish, or common English words used in Thai with different meanings. 

1 – Fit 

Thai word: ฟิต (fít)

English meaning: the perfect size

Thai meaning: too tight or too small 

ชั้นใส่กระโปรงตัวนี้ไม่ได้แล้ว มันฟิตเกินไป ต้องลดความอ้วนแล้วหละ
chǎn-sài-grà-bproong-dtuua-níi-mài-dâi-láaeo man-fít-gooen-bpai dtôong-lót-khwaam-aûuan-láaeo-là
I can no longer wear this skirt. It is too tight. I have to go on a diet now.

2 – Check bill 

Thai word: เช็คบิล (chék-bin)

English meaning: In English, people use either “check” or “bill.”

Thai meaning: Thai people use both words together as เช็คบิล (chék-bin).

เช็คบิลเลยค่ะ และอาหารที่เหลือนี่ห่อกลับบ้านนะคะ
chék-bin-looei-khà láe-aa-hǎan-thîi-lǔuea-nîi-hàaw-glàp-bâan-ná-khá
Bill, please. And pack this leftover food to take home.

A Man Asking for the Check at a Restaurant

Should I say “check bill” or “bill”?

3 – Intrend

Thai word: อินเทรนด์ (in-treen)

English meaning: There is no English meaning for this word, but it comes from the word “trend.”

Thai meaning: trendy

“Green” is very trendy now.

4 – Chill 

Thai word: ชิล (chin)

English meaning: cold

Thai meaning: chill out

บรรยากาศดีมาก น่ามานั่งชิล
ban-yaa-gàat-dii-mâak nâa-maa-nâng-chin
The atmosphere is very good for chilling out.

5 – In 

Thai word: อิน (in)

English meaning: a preposition 

Thai meaning: being “into” something

Right now, mom is so into planting.

6 – Fitness 

Thai word: ฟิตเนส (fít-nèet)

English meaning: a term referring to being physically fit and healthy

Thai meaning: a fitness center or gym

Ruedee goes to the gym every day.

A Woman being Spotted on the Bench Press at the Gym

I go to the ‘gym,’ not the ‘fitness.’

7 – Over 

Thai word: โอเวอร์ (oo-vôoe)

English meaning: an adjective (Winter is almost over.) / a preposition (over the mountain) / an adverb (the puddle he jumped over) / a prefix (The light was overhead.)

Thai meaning: to exaggerate

Don’t over exaggerate.

8 – Gay 

Thai word: เกย์ (gee)

English meaning: homosexual

Thai meaning: male homosexual

Explanation: While the English word can refer to both male and female homosexuals, the Thai word only refers to males.

Pat is gay.

9 – Wave

Thai word: เวฟ (wéep)

English meaning: sea wave / a hand gesture used for greeting

Thai meaning: to warm food or a drink in a microwave oven

Explanation: Thai people shorten the word “microwave” and use it as a verb.

หลังจากนำออกจากตู้เย็น ให้เอาไปเวฟ 1 นาที
lǎng-jàak-nam-àawk-jàak-dtûu-yen hâi-aao-bpai-wéep-nùeng-naa-thi
Warm this in the microwave for 1 minute after taking it out from the fridge.

10 – Pretty 

Thai word: พริตตี้ (phrít-dtîi)

English meaning: beautiful or cute

Thai meaning: model

Models at the auto show are very beautiful.

2. English Loanwords Used in Thai 

คำทับศัพท์ (kham-tháp-sàp) means “English loanwords.” 

The difference between English loanwords in Thai and Tinglish is that loanwords retain their original English meaning. There are a lot of English words used in Thai, so we’ve prepared a list of the most common loanwords by category.

1 – Food

  • apple = แอบเปิ้ล (áep-bpôoen)
  • strawberry = สตอเบอร์รี่ (sà-dtraaw-booe-rîi)
  • blueberry = บลูเบอร์รี่ (bluu-booe-rîi)
  • berry = เบอร์รี่ (booe-rîi)
  • cherry = เชอร์รี่ (chooe-rîi)
  • kiwi = กีวี่ (gii-wîi)
  • soup = ซุป (súp)
  • hotdog = ฮ็อทดอก (hót-dòk)
  • burger = เบอร์เกอร์ (booe-gôoe)
  • french fries = เฟรนซ์ฟราย (frén-fraai)
  • macaroni = มักกะโรนี (mák-gà-roo-ni)
  • spaghetti = สปาเก็ตตี้ (sà-bpa-gét-dtîi)
  • pasta = พาสต้า (pháat-dtâa)
  • pie = พาย (phaai)
  • ham = แฮม (haaem)
  • carrot = แครอท (khee-ràawt)
  • broccoli = บล็อคโคลี่ (bláwk-khoo-lîi)
  • cheese = ชีส (chíit)
  • mustard = มัสตาร์ด (mát-dtàat)
  • mayonnaise = มายองเนส (maa-yaawng-néet)
  • barley = บาร์เลย์ (baa-lèe)
  • quinoa = คีนัว (khii-nuua)
  • almond = อัลมอนด์ (an-môn)
  • macadamia = แม็คคาเดเมีย (máek-khaa-dee-miia)
  • walnut = วอลนัท (waaw-nát)
  • jam = แยม (yaaem)
  • cake = เค้ก (khêek)
  • cookie = คุ้กกี้ (khúk-gîi)
  • chocolate = ช็อคโกแล็ต (chók-goo-láaet)
  • vanilla = วะนิลา (vá-ní-laa)
  • sauce = ซอส (sáawt)
  • toffee = ท็อฟฟี่ (thóp-fîi)
  • ice cream = ไอศครีม (ai-sà-khriim)
  • soda = โซดา (soo-daa)
  • rum = รัม (ram)
  • brandy = บรั่นดี (bràn-dii)
  • whiskey = วิสกี้ (vít-gîi)
  • beer = เบียร์ (biia)

An Image of Several Grains, Nuts, Fruits, and Veggies

There are many English loanwords related to food and drinks.

2 – Sports 

  • golf = กอล์ฟ (gáawp)
  • ball = บอล (baawn)
  • football = ฟุตบอล (fút-baawn)
  • basketball = บาสเก็ตบอล (báat-gêt-baawn)
  • tennis = เทนนิส (then-nít)
  • ski = สกี (sà-gii)
  • skateboard = สเก็ตบอร์ด (sà-gét-bàawt
  • bowling = โบว์ลิ่ง (boo-lîng)
  • captain = กัปตัน (gàp-dtan)
  • game = เกม (geem)
  • foul = ฟาวล์ (faao)

3 – Music 

  • piano = เปียโน (bpiia-noo)
  • guitar = กีตาร์ (gii-dtâa)
  • violin = ไวโอลิน (vai-oo-lin)
  • flute = ฟลุ๊ต (flút)
  • bass = เบส (bèet)
  • note = โน๊ต (nóot)
  • chord = คอร์ด (khàawt)
  • chorus = คอรัส (khaaw-rát)
  • microphone = ไมโครโฟน (mai-khroo-foon)
  • single = ซิงเกิล (sing-gôoen)
  • album = อัลบัม (an-la-bâm)
  • show = โชว์ (shoo)
  • concert = คอนเสิร์ต (khaawn-sòoet)

4 – Automobiles and Electronics

  • gear = เกียร์ (giia)
  • brake = เบรก (brèek)
  • bus = บัส (bàt)
  • tractor = แทรกเตอร์ (thráek-dtôoe)
  • taxi = แท็กซี่ (tháek-sîi)
  • technology = เทคโนโลยี (thék-noo-loo-yii)
  • computer = คอมพิวเตอร์ (khaawm-phíu-dtôoe)
  • notebook = โน๊ตบุ๊ค (nóot-búk)
  • keyboard = คีย์บอร์ด (khii-bàawt)
  • mouse = เมาส์ (máo)
  • plug = ปลั๊ก (bplák)
  • internet = อินเตอร์เน็ท (in-dtooe-nèt
  • website = เว็บไซต์ (wép-sái)
  • digital = ดิจิตอล (dí-gì-dtân)
  • update = อัพเดท (áp-dèet)

5 – Academics

  • graph = กราฟ (gráap)
  • quota = โควต้า (khoo-dtâa)
  • nuclear = นิวเคลียร์ (niu-kriia)
  • protein = โปรตีน (bproo-dtiin)
  • carbohydrate = คาร์โบไฮเดรต (khaa-boo-hai-drèet)
  • physic = ฟิสิกส์ (fí-sìk)
  • cell = เซลล์ (seen)
  • spore = สปอร์ (sà-bpoo)
  • course = คอร์ส (kháawt)
  • fossil = ฟอสซิล (fót-sîn)
  • thesis = ธีสิส (thii-sìt)
  • grade = เกรด (grèet)

6 – Clothes and Cosmetics 

  • bra = บรา (braa)
  • boxer shorts = บ็อกเซอร์ (bók-sôoe)
  • necktie = เน็คไท (nék-thai)
  • jeans = ยีนส์ (yiin)
  • dress = เดรส (dréet)
  • lipstick = ลิปสติก (líp-sà-dtìk)
  • eyeshadow = อายชาโดว์ (aai-shaa-dôo)
  • brush on = บรัชออน (bràt-aawn)
  • mascara = มาสคาร่า (máat-khaa-râa)
  • toner = โทนเนอร์ (thoon-nôoe)
  • moisturizer = มอยซ์เจอร์ไรเซอร์ (máauy-jooe-rái-sôoe)
  • lotion = โลชั่น (loo-chân)

7 – Places

  • office = ออฟฟิศ (áawp-fít)
  • clinic = คลีนิก (khlii-nìk)
  • resort = รีสอร์ท (rii-sàawt)
  • apartment = อพาร์ทเมนท์ (a-pháat-mén)
  • condominium = คอนโดมิเนียม (khon-doo-mí-nîiam)
  • club = คลับ (khlàp)
  • bar = บาร์ (baa)
  • farm = ฟาร์ม (faam)
  • lift = ลิฟท์ (líp)

8 – Animals 

  • giraffe = ยีราฟ (yii-ráap)
  • hippopotamus = ฮิปโปโปเตมัส (híp-bpoo-bpoo-dtee-mát)
  • koala = โคอาล่า (khoo-aa-lâa)
  • panda = แพนด้า (phaaen-dâa)
  • penguin = เพนกวิน (phen-gwîn)
  • dinosaur = ไดโนเสาร์ (dai-noo-sǎo)

A Mother Koala Bear with Its Baby

A lot of animal names in Thai are English loanwords.

9 – Health and Hospitals 

  • vitamin = วิตามิน (wi-dtaa-min)
  • vaccine = วัคซีน (wák-siin)
  • serum = เซรุ่ม (see-rûm)
  • virus = ไวรัส (wai-rát)
  • bacteria = แบคทีเรีย (bàaek-thii-riia)
  • X-ray = เอ็กซ์เรย์ (ék-sà-ree)
  • CT-scan = ซีทีแสกน (sii-thii-sà-gaaen)

10 – Verbs

  • copy = ก็อบปี้ (gáawp-bpîi)
  • click = คลิก (khlík)
  • cheer = เชียร์ (chiia)
  • charge = ชาร์จ (cháat)
  • check = เช็ค (chék)
  • shopping = ชอปปิ้ง (cháawp-bpîng)
  • print = ปรินท์ (bprín)

11 – Other English Loanwords in Thai 

  • plastic = พลาสติก (phláat-sà-dtìk)
  • gas = แก็ส (gáaet)
  • card = การ์ด (gáat)
  • cartoon = การ์ตูน (gaa-dtuun)
  • coupon = คูปอง (khuu-bpaawng)
  • guide = ไกด์ (gái)
  • tour = ทัวร์ (thuua)
  • queue = คิว (khiu)
  • spray = สเปร์ย (sà-phree)
  • spa = สปา (sà-bpaa)
  • TV = ทีวี (thii-wii)

3. How to Say These Names in Thai

In addition to คำทับศัพท์ (kham-tháp-sàp), or “loanwords,” there are many English words in the Thai language that derive directly from global brands or names. Like loanwords, these words have a different pronunciation in Thai. Read through this useful list we’ve compiled to get a better idea of how to pronounce global names in the Thai language! 

1 – Restaurant and Cafe Brands 

  • McDonald’s = แม็คโดนัล (máek-doo-nân)
  • KFC = เค เอฟ ซี (khee-éep-sii)
  • Burger King = เบอร์เกอร์ คิง (booe-gôoe-khing)
  • 7-Eleven = เซเว่น อีเลเว่น (see-wêen-ii-lee-wêen)
  • Family Mart = แฟมิลี่มาร์ท (faaem-mí-lîi-màat)
  • Starbucks = สตาร์บัค (sà-dtaa-bák)
  • Au Bon Pain = โอบองแปง (oo-baawng-bpaaeng)
  • Swensen = สเวนเซ่นส์ (sà-wên-sên)

2 – Entertainment-Related Names 

  • Marvel = มาร์เวล (maa-wêen)
  • Disney = ดิสนีย์ (dít-nîi)
  • Harry Potter = แฮร์รี่ พ็อตเตอร์ (haae-rîi-pháawt-dtôoe)
  • Lord of the Rings = ลอร์ด ออฟ เดอะ ริงส์ (làawt-áawp-dòe-ring)
  • Star Wars = สตาร์ วอร์ (sà-dtaa-waaw)
  • Iron Man = ไอรอนแมน (ai-râawn-maaen)
  • Captain America = กัปตันอเมริกา (gàp-dtan-à-mee-rí-gaa)
  • Hulk = ฮัค (hák)
  • Thor = ธอร์ (thaaw)
  • Black Widow = แบล็ควิโดว์ (bláaek-wí-dôo)
  • Hawkeye = ฮอร์คอาย (háawk-aai)
  • Spider-Man = สไปเดอร์แมน (sà-bpái-dôoe-maaen)
  • Antman = แอนท์แมน (áaen-maaen)
  • X-men = เอ็กซ์เมน (ék-meen)
  • Batman = แบทแมน (báaet-maaen)
  • Superman = ซุปเปอร์แมน (súp-phôoe-maaen)
  • Wonder Woman = วอนเดอร์วูแมน (wáawn-dôoe-wuu-mâaen)
  • Aquaman = อควาแมน (à-khwâa-maaen)
  • MIB = เอ็ม ไอ บี (em-ai-bii)
  • Transformers = ทรานซ์ฟอร์เมอร์ (thraan-faaw-môoe)
  • Toy Story = ทอยสตอรี่ (thaauy-sà-dtaaw-rîi)
  • Frozen = โฟรเซ่น (froo-sên)
  • Lion King = ไลออน คิงส์ (lai-âawn-king)
  • Mulan = มู่หลาน (mûu-lǎan)
  • Beauty and the Beast = บิวตี้ แอนด์ เดอะ บีสต์ (biu-dtîi-aaen-dòe-bìit)
  • Maleficent = มาลิฟิเซนต์ (ma-lí-fi-sén)

A Cartoon Drawing of Thor

Thor is ธอร์ in Thai.

3 – Singer and Band Names

  • Maroon 5 = มารูน ไฟฟ์ (maa-ruun-fái)
  • Linkin Park = ลินคิน พาร์ค (lin-khîn-pháak)
  • Black Eyed Peas = แบล็ค อาย พี (bláaek-aai-phii)
  • One Direction = วัน ไดเร็คชั่น (wan-dai-rék-chân)
  • The Pussycat Dolls = พุซซี่ แคทดอล (phút-sîi-kháet-daawn)
  • Fifth Harmony = ฟิฟ ฮาร์โมนี่ (fít-haa-moo-nîi)
  • Coldplay = โคล เพลย์ (khoo-phlee)
  • Beyonce = บียองเซ่ (bii-yaawng-sêe)
  • Taylor Swift = เทเลอร์ สวิฟต์ (thee-lôoe-sà-wíp)
  • Katy Perry = เคที่ เพร์รี (khee-thîi-phee-rîi)
  • Kanye = คานเย (khaan-yêe)
  • Snoop Dogg = สนูป ดอกซ์ (sà-núup-dáawk)
  • Jennifer Lopez = เจนนิเฟอร์ โลเปซ (jee-ní-fôoe-loo-phéet)
  • Mariah Carey = มาราย แครี่ (maa-raai-khee-rîi)
  • Charlie Puth = ชาร์ลี พุท (chaa-lii-phút)
  • Celine Dion = เซลีน ดีออน (see-riin-dii-aawn)
  • Nicki Minaj = นิคกี้ มินาจ (ník-gîi-míi-nàat)
  • Meghan Trainor = เมแกน เทรนเนอร์ (mee-gaaen-three-nôoe)
  • Justin Bieber = จัสติน บีเบอร์ (ját-thin-bii-bôoe)
  • Eminem = เอ็มมิเน็ม (em-mí-nem)
  • Selena Gomez = เซลาน่า โกเมซ (see-lee-nâa-goo-méet)
  • Bruno Mars = บรูโน่ มาร์ส (bluu-nôo-maa)

4 – Clothing Brands 

  • Victoria’s Secret = วิคตอเรีย ซีเคร็ท (wík-dtaaw-riia-sii-khrèt)
  • Playboy = เพลย์บอล (phlee-baauy)
  • H&M = เอช แอนด์ เอ็ม (éet-aaen-em)
  • Zara = ซาร่า (saa-râa)
  • Mango = แมงโก้ (maaeng-gôo)
  • Uniqlo = ยูนิโคล่ (uu-ní-khlôo)
  • Nike = ไนกี้ (nai-gîi)
  • Adidas = อาดิดาส (aa-di-dáat)
  • Puma = พูม่า (phuu-mâa)
  • Topshop = ท็อปช็อป (tháawp-chàawp)
  • Mark & Spencer = มาร์ค แอนด์ สเปนเซอร์ (máak-aaen-sà-phen-sôoe)
  • Flipflop = ฟิตฟลอป (fít-flàawp)
  • Birkenstock = เบอร์เก็นสต็อค (booe-gên-sà-dtáawk)

5 – Cosmetic Brands 

  • Mac = แม็ค (máek)
  • Benefit = เบเนฟิต (bee-nee-fìt)
  • Bobby Brown = บ็อบบี้ บราวน์ (bóp-bîi-braao)
  • Kiehl’s = คีลส์ (khiin)
  • L’oreal = ลอรีอัล (laaw-ríi-ân)
  • Maybelline = เมเบอร์ลีน (mee-booe-liin)
  • Clinique = คลีนิค (khlii-nìk)
  • Lamer = ลาแมร์ (laa-maae)

6 – Bag Brands 

  • Chanel = ชาแนล (chaa-naaen)
  • Coach = โค้ช (khóot)
  • Prada = ปราด้า (bpraa-dâa)
  • Kate Spade = เคท สเปซ (khéet-sà-bpéet)
  • Louis Vuitton = หลุยส์ วิคตอง (lǔi-vít-dtaawng)
  • Gucci = กุชชี่ (gút-chîi)

7 – Grocery Brands 

  • Unilever = ยูนิลีเวอร์ (uu-ní-lii-wôoe)
  • P&G = พี แอนด์ จี (phii-aaen-jii)
  • Nestle = เนสท์เล่ (néet-lêe)
  • Lion = ไลอ้อน (lai-âawn)


By now, you’ve learned many of the most popular English words in the Thai language. We bet you can remember most (if not all) of them, as they sound so similar to their English equivalents. Because Thai people use these words so often, memorizing them is an important step in your language learning journey. 

Were you surprised by any of the words on our list? Let us know in the comments, and feel free to list any more loanwords you know about! 

And as always, don’t forget to explore to find more interesting lessons. Not sure where to start? Here are a few we think you’ll like: 

Happy learning, and have fun practicing your Tinglish!

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A Brief Thai Culture Overview


If you’ve ever been to Thailand, you may have found yourself quickly becoming enthralled with the Thai culture. The culture of Thailand features some very distinct qualities that set it apart from Western culture. From the warm, friendly, and open smiles of its people to the national religion of Buddhism, Thailand will inspire any visitor to learn more about the Thai culture, people, and language. 

Before we dive in, how about a quick fun fact? There is a special Thai greeting called ไหว้ (wâi) that you won’t find in other cultures. To perform wai, hold your hands together and bring them up to just under your chin. Once your hands are in position, give a slight nod. Wai is the Thai equivalent of saying hello, goodbye, or any other greeting. 

Of course, there is much more to Thai culture that you should know. On this page, we’ll give you all the information you need to avoid Thai culture shock and learn more about Thai culture and traditions.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Values and Beliefs
  2. Philosophies and Religions
  3. Family and Work
  4. Art
  5. Food
  6. Traditional Holidays
  7. Conclusion

1. Values and Beliefs

A Thai Woman Performing a Traditional Dance

Let’s learn more about Thai culture and traditions.

To understand the behaviors and worldviews of Thai people, you need to be aware of the traditional Thai values and beliefs. There are two in particular that play a huge role in our daily lives. 

A- Social Hierarchy

Although Thailand has not been governed by an absolute monarchy for over a hundred years now, there is still a social hierarchy in the country. Thai people pay more respect to certain groups of people, such as the royal family and monks. Also, Thai people are taught to respect those who are older than themselves as well as their benefactors (parents, teachers, etc.). So don’t be surprised when you see the degree of respect shown in our interactions with elders and parents! 

B- Collectivism 

Thailand is often called “the land of smiles” because Thai people always seem to have a smile on their face. While it’s true that Thai people are friendly, visitors will be surprised to find out that a smile does not always equate to happiness. Different smiles can mean anything from pleasure to anger, and most of the time you won’t be aware of any negativity. This is because Thai culture values avoiding conflict and “saving face.” 

The reason behind this is that Thailand is a collectivist society. If you’re in Thailand long enough, you may start to notice that Thai people tend to go along with others when doing group activities. This is because Thai people want to be like others and remain as part of the group. As a result, they don’t dare to voice their opinions in front of others and prefer to compromise instead of really solving problems.    

2. Philosophies and Religions

In addition to smiles, Thailand is well-known for the Buddhist statues found all over the country. Buddhism is the national religion and over ninety percent of Thai people practice it. It’s common to see Buddhist monks in traditional robes walking just about everywhere you go. 

If you truly want to learn Thai, getting acquainted with the basics of Buddhism is not a bad idea. Of course, you don’t have to convert to Buddhism to master the language, but a good knowledge of the religion will go a long way toward understanding the country.

Someone Giving a Buddhist Monk Food Donations

Buddhism is the dominant religion in Thailand.

As you can guess, most Thai philosophies are influenced by Buddhism in one way or another. However, modern Thai culture is one of diversity. As Thai people are quite open-minded, they are also influenced by other religions and beliefs to some extent.  

Because there are many Thai-Chinese in Thai society, there are many practices influenced by Taoism and Confucianism. One example of this is the Vegetarian Festival, which is celebrated during October each year. This popular food festival is mainly celebrated by the Thai-Chinese, though the rest of the population also gets in on the action. Another Thai-Chinese custom is เชงเม้ง (cheeng-méng), when they pay respect to deceased ancestors. 

3. Family and Work

Family and work are integral aspects of society, no matter where you are in the world. In this section, we’ll discuss the essential features of Thai workplace culture and the Thai family. 

A- Family

The Thai culture is very family-oriented. In the past, it was common for Thai people to have large families.  Grandparents got to see their grandchildren, nieces, and nephews on a daily basis, as family members all lived in the same area.

Of course, things have changed over time. While you may see this type of big family in the countryside, it’s not very common in urban areas. Still, Thai families share a strong bond. Despite not living in the same area, family members often meet with each other or communicate via other means. This Thai value has played a large role in shaping the modern Thai society. The importance of family in Thai culture is also reflected in the various Thai words used for family members.

The concept of ความกตัญญู (khwaam-gà-than-yuu), or “gratitude,” is another thing that reflects Thailand’s family-oriented society. Because our parents raised us, it’s very important to take care of them when we grow up. Thus, Thai people won’t send their elderly parents to care centers unless they’re really sick. Doing so would mean that they don’t care for them.

Now let’s discuss a final point about family: marriage. In the past, men could have many wives but nowadays Thai people only practice monogamy. Despite this step forward, there are still some cultural elements that reflect gender inequality. For example, Thai women are pressured to get married earlier than men. While it’s fine for a man to be single in his thirties, this is not the case for women. On the other hand, a man has to pay a ‘bride price’ to a woman’s parents in order to marry her.

B- Work

Thai people are chill by nature and love to have fun. To some extent, this characteristic is reflected in the business world as well. If you ever decide to work in Thailand, you’ll find that Thai people aren’t very punctual in their work. Also, the work atmosphere tends to be less stressful than those in other countries.

Most Thai people work solely to make a living, not to do things they love or are passionate about. The Patronage system, which was a prominent feature in how Thailand was once governed, also plays a role in our work environment.

4. Art

Several aspects of the Thai culture and heritage feature heavily in our artwork, with many of our most popular paintings and sculptures having roots in Buddhism. For example, you can find various paintings of Buddhist stories in the temples and Buddha statues are viewed as an artform as well as a religious symbol. 

Thailand is also home to several impressive architectural feats, most notably our temples. In the past, temples were not only places for practicing religion, but they also served as the royal family’s palace. Because the temples in Thailand reflect this aspect of history, their extreme beauty should come as no surprise.

A Temple in Bangkok, Thailand

Beautiful Thai architecture

Earthenware is another outstanding Thai artform. While temples are related to religion, this type of art is more ordinary in nature. A famous type of earthenware is called “celadon ware,” or เครื่องสังคโลก (khrûueng-sǎng-khá-lôok). It originated in Sukhothai province during the Sukhothai Era.

As for literature, Thailand is known for its poetry. There are various types of poems written in the Thai language, many of which focus on storytelling. These poetic ‘stories’ are diverse, covering a range of genres from religion and fantasy to love and food.

Thailand boasts a range of musical instruments and styles. In Thai culture, music is a huge part of daily life and is also incorporated into special events. For example, Thai people like to sing a song called เพลงรำวงเกี่ยวข้าว (phleeng-ram-wong-gìiao-khâao), or “Harvest Song,” during the harvest. This is also a great example of their fun-loving nature, as they love to sing and dance even during work.

5. Food

Nowadays, Thailand is well-known for two things: its beautiful travel destinations and its delicious cuisine. Indeed, Thai food and culture go hand in hand. There’s even a special Thai phrase that ties into this topic:

  • ในน้ำมีปลา ในนามีข้าว” (nai-nám-mii-bplaa nai-naa-mii-khâao)

Literally meaning, “There are fish in the water and rice in the rice field,” this saying has been used since the Sukhothai Era to describe Thailand’s natural richness. From the past until now, Thailand has never lacked food. If you visit Thailand, you’ll be able to find food 24/7.  

Thai cuisine is known for its use of herbs and deep flavors, as well as its beautiful and colorful presentations. As mentioned earlier, Thai people are quite open-minded. This means you’ll find many Thai food items that have been influenced by foreign cuisines. For example, Thai sweets that use egg as an ingredient are the result of Portuguese influence.

Orange Curry, a Popular Thai Dish

Thai food is tasty and full of herbs.

6. Traditional Holidays

When it comes to traditional Thai holidays, there are two that stand out from the rest: วันสงกรานต์ (wan-sǒng-graan) and วันลอยกระทง (wan-laauy-grà-thong). 

A- วันสงกรานต์ (wan-sǒng-graan)

วันสงกรานต์ (wan-sǒng-graan), or the Thai New Year, takes place from April 13 to April 15 each year. During this holiday, Thai people go back to their hometown to visit their parents or travel with family

Popular วันสงกรานต์ (wan-sǒng-graan) activities include visiting temples to make merit and building pagodas made of sand and flowers. Thai people also รดน้ำดำหัวผู้ใหญ่ (rót-nám-dam-hǔua-phûu-yài), which is an activity to show one’s gratitude, ask for forgiveness, and get a blessing from one’s parents or grandparents. 

These activities clearly reflect the family-oriented society of Thailand.

Thai Water Sprinkling for Songkran Festival

รดน้ำดำหัวผู้ใหญ่ [rót-nám-dam-hǔua-phûu-yài]

In addition to the activities above, Thai people also play with water during this period. This is because วันสงกรานต์ (wan-sǒng-graan) is not only the solar new year, but also the hottest time of the year. Family gatherings and water games make วันสงกรานต์ (wan-sǒng-graan) a colorful holiday that foreigners and natives alike look forward to.

B- วันลอยกระทง (wan-laauy-grà-thong)

The history of วันลอยกระทง (wan-laauy-grà-thong) dates back to the Sukhothai Era. On this day, Thai people engage in certain activities to ask forgiveness from พระแม่คงคา (phrá-mâae-khong-khaa), the goddess of rivers. Thai people make กระทง (grà-thong), or “lotus-shaped boats,” from banana tree leaves and flowers and float them down the river.  

Nowadays, วันลอยกระทง (wan-laauy-grà-thong) is one of the most popular holidays in Thailand. There are many activities you can do on this day: observe the beautiful scenery at night, see women dressed in traditional Thai clothing, experience the beauty of Thai dancing, and much more.

Lotus-shaped Boats with Candles Floating Down the River for Loy Krathong

Let’s ลอยกระทง [laauy-grà-thong].

7. Conclusion

Learning about Thai culture and society is a good way to complement your language studies. In doing so, you’ll gain a deep appreciation for the language, and may even be inspired to take your studies further. 

If you’re looking for a language course, our Thai podcast lessons and other learning materials may be just what you need. At, we understand that busy individuals may find it hard to fit study time into their hectic schedules. That’s why we offer additional tools—such as themed vocabulary lists and a Thai-English dictionary—to help you learn Thai more quickly. In addition, you’ll find a number of articles related to Thai culture topics such as traditional clothing, history, and food. In short, we make learning Thai easy and fun!

Actually, the language itself is a great representation of Thai culture and values. In each of our lessons, we combine grammar and vocabulary points with practical cultural information. To get a taste of our teaching approach, create your free lifetime account today and check out our lessons for yourself. Our content will prepare you both linguistically and culturally for a range of daily situations, from talking about your pets or discussing your hobbies to planning a date

Before you go, let us know in the comments how Thai culture compares to that in your country. We look forward to hearing from you!

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An Easy-Breezy Thai Grammar Guide

In many languages, หลักภาษา (lhàk-phaa-sǎa), or “grammar,” is one of the most difficult aspects to learn. Fortunately for you, Thai grammar is notorious for its relatively simple rules and structures when compared to other languages.

Still, if you’re thinking about learning Thai or have recently started, you may have several questions concerning Thai grammar: Are there a lot of Thai grammar rules? Should I learn the Thai alphabet and grammar together, or would it be too hard? On this page, you’ll get answers to all of your Thai grammar questions.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Thai Grammar vs. English Grammar – The Basics
  2. Parts of Speech
  3. Unique Thai Grammar Concepts
  4. Conclusion

1. Thai Grammar vs. English Grammar – The Basics

As you know, the grammar of any language is supported by several grammar rules that must be followed. To make matters worse, the vast majority of these rules have a number of exceptions that can only be learned through memorization. When combined, these two factors tend to make people nervous about studying another language’s grammar.  

However, as we mentioned a moment ago, you’re not going to have very many issues with this when studying Thai grammar. As a matter of fact, there are very few fixed rules in Thai grammar. Not only that, but the few rules that do exist are very easy to understand.

Since you’re reading this page, you’re most likely a native English speaker or someone who has been studying English a long time. In order to help you fully appreciate how easy it can be to master Thai grammar, we’ll be using English as a benchmark. 

Now, let’s look at two crucial grammar elements you should understand before continuing: Thai sentence structure and verb conjugation. 

1 – Sentence Structure

Like English, Thai expresses complete ideas (sentences) through the use of subjects, verbs, and objects. 

Both languages use the SVO (Subject + Verb + Object) structure for basic sentences:

  • I (S) drink (V) coffee (O).

However, Thai people sometimes use OVS (Object + Verb + Subject), which is the passive form, when they want to focus on the object. 

  • The glass (O) broke (V) I (S). 
    • I broke the glass.

See? There aren’t too many differences between the Thai and English sentence structure rules! 

2 – Verb Conjugation

In English, and many other languages, verbs need to be conjugated depending on factors such as tense, mood, number, and gender. 

Well, we have some more good news for you: There’s no verb conjugation in Thai grammar! Better yet, Thai doesn’t have tenses to begin with. In other words, there’s no need to worry about any of the factors you may be concerned with in English. Just use the verb as-is and include other words (such as time words) to add context as needed.

2. Parts of Speech

That was easy, right? Now let’s go into more detail about the different parts of speech in Thai, and how they compare to their English counterparts. 

1 – Nouns

คำนาม (kham-naam), or Thai nouns, are grammatically categorized into five types: 

  • สามานยนาม (sǎa-maan-yá-naam)
  • วิสามานยนาม (wí-sǎa-maan-yá-naam)
  • สมุหนาม (sà-hmù-hà-naam)
  • ลักษณะนาม (lák-sà-nà-naam)
  • อาการนาม (aa-gaan-rá-naam)

You may be wondering if having these different types makes learning grammar hard. Not at all. There’s no need to be able to categorize the nouns as long as you can use them correctly.  

When compared to English nouns, those in Thai are far easier to get the hang of. This is because Thai grammar doesn’t have articles, use noun declension, or separate countable and uncountable nouns.

One thing you may need to get used to is that Thai nouns are used differently with adjectives than those in English are. Instead of using “adjective + noun” like English does, Thai uses “noun + adjective.”

    → If you want to expand your vocabulary, visit our video lesson on the Top 25 Thai Nouns!
Learning Thai Nouns

2 – Pronouns 

คำสรรพนาม (kham-sàp-phá-nam), or Thai pronouns, are grammatically categorized into six types: 

  • บุรุษสรรพนาม (bù-rùt-sàp-phá-naam)
  • ประพันธสรรพนาม (bprà-phan-thá-sàp-phá-naam)
  • นิยมสรรพนาม (ní-yá-má-sàp-phá-naam)
  • อนิยมสรรพนาม (à-ní-yá-má-sàp-phá-naam)
  • วิภาคสรรพนาม (wí-phâak-sàp- phá-naam)
  • ปฤจฉาสรรพนาม (bprùet-chǎa-sàp-phá-naam)

Like with the noun categories, you don’t need to worry too much about memorizing these.  

One similarity between Thai and English grammar is that they both make use of personal pronouns. However, once you start learning Thai, you’ll see that Thai has more pronouns than English does. Still, they’re not too hard to remember!  

As for differences, you’ll notice that relative clauses and question words are considered pronouns in the Thai language. But does this make Thai grammar difficult? Not really, as the most important thing is that you know how to use them correctly.

    → Make sure to check out our vocabulary list of the Most Useful Thai Pronouns so you don’t get lost in the huge number of pronouns we have!
Are Thai Pronouns Similar to Those in English?

3 – Verbs 

คำกริยา (kham-gà-rí-yaa), or Thai verbs, are grammatically categorized into four types: 

  • อกรรมกริยา (à-gam-gà-rí-yaa)
  • สกรรมกริยา (sà-gam-gà-rí-yaa)
  • วิกตรรถกริยา (wí-gà-dtàt-thà-gà-rí-yaa)
  • กริยานุเคราะห์ (gà-rí-yaa-nú-khráw)

As you can guess, there’s no need to remember the name of each type or to know which verb belongs to which category. You just need to use them correctly, which is very easy to do.  

As mentioned before, Thai has no tense or verb conjugation. This means that you don’t have to worry about changing a verb’s form for tense, mood, number, or gender like you would in many other languages. 

Both Thai and English use auxiliary verbs, but they’re much simpler to use in Thai. The auxiliary verb is simply put in front of the verb, and that’s it. There’s no need to consider the subject or change the verb form. 

    → Verbs are an essential part of speech, so it’s important that you know the most common ones. See our lesson on the Top 25 Thai Verbs to get a head start!

4 – Adjectives and Adverbs 

In Thai grammar, adjectives and adverbs are treated differently than they are in English. Namely, Thai people don’t separate adverbs and adjectives, but view them as one grammar element called คำวิเศษณ์ (kham-ví-sèet). They’re categorized into ten types, which you don’t need to remember at all in order to use them correctly.

3. Unique Thai Grammar Concepts

Not everything in Thai grammar is similar or comparable to English; there are certainly some unique Thai grammar rules, too. We’ll give you a few examples so that you get the idea.

I’m Studying Unique Thai Grammar Structures

1 – คำราชาศัพท์

Thai people use different words and phrases when speaking with the royal family or monks. This is an advanced Thai grammar component and it’s not very easy to learn—most Thai people don’t even use it correctly. It’s like you have to learn a new set of words. Here are some examples:

English meaningNormal Thai wordThai word for royal familyThai word for monks
เสวย (sà-wǒoei)ฉัน

Use Different Words with Monks

2 – A Special Type of Pronoun

In Thai, there’s a pronoun type called วิภาคสรรพนาม (wí-phâak-sàp-phá-naam). This type of pronoun is used with a group of nouns to show whether each component of that group performs the same action or not. 

For example, ทุกคนต่างช่วยกันทำงาน (thúk-khon-dtàang-chûuai-tham-ngaan) means “each of everyone is helping each other working,” or in other words, “everyone works together.”

There is no pronoun or word like this in English.  

3 – Numeric Classifiers

Numeric classifiers and quantifiers, or ลักษณะนาม (lák-sà-nà-naam), describe the physical characteristics of a noun. For example, in English you would say, “two bottles of milk” or “three pieces of cake.” The concept is similar to numerical classifiers in Thai language. 

4. Conclusion

By now, you should know that Thai language grammar isn’t that hard to learn. Why?  

To recap:

  • Thai and English use the same SVO word order for basic sentences.
  • Thai doesn’t have verb conjugation or verb tenses.
  • Thai doesn’t take things like plurals or gender into consideration. 
  • Thai doesn’t have noun declension.
  • Thai doesn’t use articles with its nouns.

Are you interested yet? 

If you decide to continue learning Thai and want to know more about Thai grammar, don’t waste any time trying to find a good Thai grammar book. You’re already looking at the best option for learning Thai grammar:! We provide our students with various lessons on the Thai language and culture, such as these: 

Of course, you can also click on any of the links we provided throughout the article to get more information on something we covered. 

So, what do you think? Do you find Thai grammar easy or pretty difficult so far? Let us know in the comments!

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Popular Thai Quotes and Proverbs


When learning a language, you’re bound to come across a word or phrase that truly impresses you. Language learning is about so much more than figuring out how to communicate; it’s also about discovering a culture that’s different from yours and becoming immersed in a new way of thinking.

Since you’re learning Thai, it makes sense to study Thai quotes. In addition to picking up some of the language, you can gain insight about Thai values and beliefs from these words of wit and wisdom. In particular, you’ll find that many Thai quotes are influenced by Buddhism, the country’s main religion. 

In this lesson, will present you with a list of Thai quotes in English that you should know.  From Thai motivational quotes to popular proverbs, you’ll have a ton of inspiring words to reflect on by the time you get to the end!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Thai Quotes About Work
  2. Thai Quotes About Life
  3. Thai Quotes About Time
  4. Thai Quotes About Love
  5. Thai Quotes About Friends and Family
  6. Thai Quotes About Happiness
  7. Thai Quotes About Language Learning
  8. Conclusion

1. Thai Quotes About Work

Let’s start with Thai quotes about success and work. As work is an important part of our lives, understanding Thai views on the topic will be immensely helpful to you as a learner.

1. เลือกทำงานที่เรารัก และจะไม่มีวันไหนที่รู้สึกว่าต้องทำงานเลย

Pronunciation: lûueak-tham-ngaan-thîi-rao-rák láe-jà-mâi-mii-wan-nǎi-thîi-rǔu-sùek-wâa-dtâawng- tham-ngaan-looei

Meaning: Choose the work you love and there won’t be a day you feel you have to work.

Author: Confucius (Chinese philosopher)

2. งานทุกอย่างที่สุจริตเป็นงานที่มีเกียรติทั้งนั้น

Pronunciation: ngaan-thúk-yàang-thîi-sùt-jà-rìt-bpen-ngaan-thîi-mii-gìiat-tháng-nán

Meaning: All trustworthy jobs are honorable.

Author: Panya Nanthaphiku (famous Thai monk)

This quote aims to teach people that all jobs are honorable, as long as they are legal and not immoral. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your job, for example, if it doesn’t pay well or is a labor job—at least you’re working!

3. งานที่เราชอบจะทำให้เราชอบทำงาน 

Pronunciation: ngaan-thîi-rao-châawp-jà-tham-hâi-rao-châawp-tham-ngaan

Meaning: The work you like makes you like to work.

Author: Wattana Weerayawattanon (singer and songwriter)

I Love My Job

4. อย่าทำงานเพื่อเก็บเงินไปใช้ในห้อง “ไอ ซี ยู”

Pronunciation: yàa-tham-ngaan-phûuea-gèp-ngoen-bpai-chái-nai-hâawng-ai-sii-yuu

Meaning: Don’t work and save money to spend it later for ICU.

Author: Meethiwachirodom (famous Thai monk)

This quote teaches the importance of time management and health. Some people work too much to earn a lot of money. As a result, they fail to take care of their health and end up spending all of their savings on hospital bills when they’re older and not as healthy as they used to be.

2. Thai Quotes About Life

Are you feeling stuck or dissatisfied with your life? There are a number of Thai quotes about life that teach valuable lessons you can apply to your situation right away. (These are also Instagram-friendly!)

    → Learn how to talk about Life Events in our relevant lesson, and be prepared for any major occasion in Thailand.

5. ชีวิตคนเรา…แสนสั้นเกินกว่าจะทำให้ทุกคน…พอใจ… และเชื่อว่าไม่มีใครคนไหนทำได้ 

Pronunciation: chii-wít-khon-rao-sǎaen-sân-gooen-gwàa-jà-tham-hâi-thúk-khon-phaaw-jai láe- chûuea-wâa-mâi-mii-khrai-khon-nǎi-tham-dâi

Meaning: Life is too short to be lived in order to please everyone, and there is no one who is capable of it. 

Author: Kutto (singer)

6. บ่อยครั้ง เรามักเผลอเอาสายตาของคนอื่นมาเป็นเครื่องวัดคุณค่าของเรา 

Pronunciation: bàauy-khráng rao-mák-phlǒoe-ao-sǎai-dtaa-khǎawng-khon-ùuen-maa-bpen- khrûueang-wát-khun-khâa-khǎawng-rao

Meaning: We often inadvertently use others’ judgement to value ourselves.

Author: Phaisan Visalo (famous Thai monk)

7. ถ้าคุณไม่อาจควบคุมอารมณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นมา อารมณ์จะพิพากษาชีวิตคุณ 

Pronunciation: thâa-khun-mâi-àat-khûuap-khum-aa-rom-thîi-gòoet-khûen-maa aa-rom-jà-phí-phâak- sǎa-chii-vít-khun

Meaning: If you cannot control your emotions, they will judge your life.

Author: Jatupol Chomphunit (famous orator)

People can be irrational and act cruel when they’re angry, and end up hurting someone or having regrets about what they said. Just one action controlled by anger can ruin your life.

Control Your Anger

8. ทางไปสู่ความลำบากนั้น…ไปสบาย ทางไปสู่ความสบายนั้น…ไปลำบาก 

Pronunciation: thaang-bpai-sùu-khwaam-lam-bàak-nán-bpai-sà-bàai thaang-bpai-sùu-khwaam-sà- baai-nán-lam-bàak

Meaning: The road to hardship is comfort but the road to comfort is hard.

Author: Su Boonliang (artist)

To live your life comfortably, you have to study and work hard to be successful in work (and vice-versa).  

9. การหาความมั่นคงในชีวิต ก็เหมือนคาดหวังว่าดวงอาทิตย์จะอยู่บนฟ้าตลอดเวลา 

Pronunciation: gaan-hǎa-khwaam-mân-khong-nai-chii-vít gâaw-mǔuean-khâat-wǎng-wâa-duuang- aa-thít-jà-yùu-bon-fáa-dtà-làawt-wee-laa

Meaning: To find stability in life is like expecting the sun to always be in the sky.

Author: Win Liaowarin (writer)

Buddhism teaches that one should never become attached to things—whether it be money, assets, one’s reputation or honor, etc.—because you can lose everything in a moment. Stability in life is another thing that one can lose; it’s impossible for one’s life to always be stable.  

3. Thai Quotes About Time

Time is precious. Study these Thai quotes about time to gain insight into how Thai people view this phenomenon. 

10. สายน้ำไม่ไหลย้อยกลับ 

Pronunciation: sǎai-nám-mâi-lǎi-yáawn-glàp

Meaning: The river has no return.

Author: quote from a song

11. อย่ามีชีวิต ชนิดที่เวลาผ่านมาแล้ว…มานึกเสียดายทีหลัง

Pronunciation: yàa-mii-chii-vít chá-nít-thîi-wee-laa-phâan-maa-láaeo maa-núek-sǐia-daai-thii-lǎng

Meaning: Don’t live your life in a way that you would regret when time passes.

Author: Wongthanong Chainarongsingh (founder of A Day magazine)

12. ระยะเวลา บอกแค่ว่าเรารู้จักกันนาน แต่ไม่ได้การันตีว่ารู้จักกันดี 

Pronunciation: rá-yá-wee-laa bàawk-wâa-rao-rúu-jàk-gàn-naan dtàae-mâi-dâi-gaa-ran-thii-wâa-rúu- jàk-gan-dii

Meaning: Time reflects that we have known each other for long, but doesn’t mean we know each other well.

Author: Napaporn Traiwitwareegul (DJ)

You can know someone for years and still not really know who they are as a person. 

13. การให้เวลา อาจมีค่ากว่าสิ่งของพิเศษ 

Pronunciation: gaan-hâi-wee-laa àat-mii-khâa-mâak-khwàa-sìng-khǎawng-phí-sèet

Meaning: Giving time is more precious than a special gift

Author: Round finger (writer)

14. เวลาและวารีไม่เคยคอยใคร 

Pronunciation: wee-laa-láe-waa-rii-mâi-khooei-raaw-khrai

Meaning: Time and tide wait for no man.

Author: Proverb

4. Thai Quotes About Love

Are you madly in love with someone? Or perhaps you’re a hopeless romantic? Either way, we think you’ll enjoy reading through these Thai love quotes with English translations!

15. รักแลกด้วยรัก ไม่ได้แลกด้วยชีวิต 

Pronunciation: rák-lâaek-dûuai-rák mâi-dâi-lâaek-dûuai-chii-vít

Meaning: To get love, you give love, not life.

Author: Napaporn Traiwitwareegul (DJ)

This famous quote means that if you want someone to love you, give him or her your love, not everything in your life.

16. “อกหัก” เป็นเวลาที่ดีที่สุดที่จะพิสูจน์ว่า เรารักคนอื่นมากกว่ารักตัวเองหรือไม่ 

Pronunciation: òk-hàk-bpen-wee-laa-thîi-dii-thîi-sùt-thîi-jà-phí-sùut-wâa rao-rák-khon-ùuen-mâak- gwàa-rák-dtuua-eeng-rǔue-mâi

Meaning: “Being heartbroken” is the best time to prove whether you love others more than yourself or not.

Author: Win Liaowarin (writer)

17. บางครั้งสิ่งที่เลวร้ายกว่าการอกหัก …ก็คือการสมหวังได้แต่งงาน… แล้วไม่พบความสมหวังของชีวิตคู่ 

Pronunciation: baang-khráng-sìng-thîi-leeo-ráai-khwàa-gaan-òk-hàk gâaw-khuue-gaan-sǒm-wǎng- dâi-dtàaeng-ngaan láaeo-mâi-phóp-khwaam-sǒm-wǎng-khǎawng-chii-vít-khûu

Meaning: Sometimes, the thing that is worse than heartbreak is to get married as you hope for but not being happy in married life.

Author: Win Liaowarin (writer)

I Hope to Get Married Someday

18. มันไม่ยากหรอกที่จะพูดคำว่ารัก แต่มันยากนักที่จะรักอย่างเข้าใจ 

Pronunciation: man-mâi-yâak-ràawk-thîi-jà-phûut-kham-wâa-rák dtàae-man-yâak-nák-thîi-jà-rák- yàang-khâo-jai

Meaning: It is not hard to confess love, but it is hard to love someone with comprehension.

Author: Mahasompong (famous Thai monk)

When you love someone, it’s easy to say so out loud. However, it is hard to love him or her with comprehension; to love is to support, not to intrude.  

19. อย่าวิ่งตามใครซักคนจนเราไม่เห็นคุณค่าของตัวเอง 

Pronunciation: yàa-wîng-dtaam-khrai-sák-khon-jon-rao-mâi-hěn-khun-khâa-khǎawng-dtuua-eeng

Meaning: Don’t chase someone to the point where you no longer see value in yourself. 

Author: Napaporn Traiwitwareegul (DJ)

When you love someone, you try hard to make him or her love you back. Sometimes, you try so hard to be the person they want that you no longer see good things in yourself.

5. Thai Quotes About Friends and Family

If you want to learn how friendship and family are perceived in Thai culture, these Thai quotes about family and friends are a great place to start.

20. อย่าแคร์คนอื่นมากกว่าครอบครัว อย่าตามใจตัวจนลืมว่าครอบครัวก็สำคัญ 

Pronunciation: yàa-khaae-khon-ùuen-mâak-gwàa-khrâawp-khruua yàa-dtaam-jai-dtuua-jon-luuem- wâa-khrâawp-khruua-gâaw-sǎm-khan

Meaning: Don’t care about others more than your family and don’t be self-indulgent to the point where you forget that family is also important.

Author: Mahasompong (famous Thai monk)

My Happy Family

21. นับเพื่อน อย่านับตอนดี ๆ นับตอนที่ชีวิตกำลังแย่ กำลังตกต่ำ นั่นแหละเพื่อนแท้ 

Pronunciation: náp-phûuen yàa-náp-dtaawn-dii-dii náp-dtaawn-thîi-chii-vít-gam-lang-yâae gam-lang-dtòk-dtàm nân-làae-phûuen-tháae

Meaning: Don’t count the number of friends when your life is good. You will know the number of your true friends when your life is at its worst. 

Author: Kutto (singer)

22. เพื่อนที่ไม่ยอมหรือไม่อาจตักเตือนเพื่อน ก็ต้องถือว่าหมดความเป็นเพื่อนเสียแล้ว 

Pronunciation: phûuen-thîi-mâi-yaawm-rǔue-mâi-àat-dtàk-dtuuen-phûuen gâaw-dtâawng-thǔue- wâa-mòt-khwaam-bpen-phûuen-sǐia-láaeo

Meaning: A friend who doesn’t or cannot give you criticism is no longer your friend.

Author: Phuthathatphiku (famous Thai monk) 

To be friends with someone, you must have good intentions toward them. Thus, friends must be able to tell each other if they do wrong and keep each other accountable for their actions.

23. เพื่อนกินหาง่าย เพื่อนตายหายาก 

Pronunciation: phûuen-gin-hǎa-ngâai phûuen-dtaai-hǎa-yâak

Meaning: A faithful friend is hard to find.

Author: Proverb

24. เลือดข้นกว่าน้ำ 

Pronunciation: lôoet-khôn-gwàa-nám

Meaning: Blood is thicker than water.

Author: Proverb

6. Thai Quotes About Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone is happy nowadays. We hope that these quotes help you find happiness in life.

25. ที่สุดของคน คือ การเป็นคนธรรมดาที่มีความสุข 

Pronunciation: thîi-sùt-khǎawng-khon khuue-gaan-bpen-khon-tham-má-daa-thîi-mii-khwaam-sùk

Meaning: The best thing a man can ask for is to be a normal person who is happy.

Author: Meethiwachirodom (famous Thai monk)

26. อย่ามองหาสิ่งที่ขาด จนพลาดที่จะมีความสุขกับสิ่งที่มี 

Pronunciation: yàa-maawng-hǎa-sìng-thîi-khàat jon-plâat-thîi-jà-mii-khwaam-sùk-gàp-sìng-thîi-mii

Meaning: Don’t try to achieve things you don’t have to the point you fail to be happy with what you have.

Author: Saithip Montrigul Na Ayudhya (DJ)

Sometimes, you only see the things that you don’t have and try hard to get them. In doing so, you fail to enjoy the things you already have. For example, you want to be the most successful businessman, so you work so hard that you no longer have time for your family.

27. อย่าหยุดตัวเองไว้กับความทุกข์ คุณมีสิทธิที่จะมีความสุขไม่น้อยกว่าคนอื่น 

Pronunciation: yàa-yhùt-dtuua-eeng-wái-gàp-khwaam-thúk khun-mii-sìt-thîi-jà-mii-khwaam-sùk-mâi- náauy-gwàa-khon-ùuen

Meaning: Don’t drown yourself in sadness, you have the right to be happy as much as everybody.

Author: Meethiwachirodom (famous Thai monk)

You Have the Right to be Happy

7. Thai Quotes About Language Learning

To close, let’s look at a couple of inspirational Thai quotes from language teachers about language learning! 

28. ภาษาคือการสื่อสารกันและกัน ตราบใดที่สื่อสารกันแล้วรู้เรื่อง นั่นก็ยอดเยี่ยมแล้ว 

Pronunciation: phaa-sǎa-khuue-gaan-sùue-sǎan-gan-láe-gan dtràap-dai-thîi-sùue-sǎan-gan-láaeo- rúu-rûueang nân-gâaw-yàawt-yìiam-láaeo

Meaning: Language is about communication. As long as it’s understandable, that’s great.

Author: Khanatip Sunthornrak (famous English teacher)

This quote teaches that when you learn a new language, you shouldn’t worry too much about all of the details (such as grammar or accents) as it discourages you from speaking. Instead, do your best to communicate; as long as the other parties understand, that is already a success.

29. การเรียนไม่ใช่เรื่องยาก ถ้ามองอุปสรรคเห็น และทำลายอุปสรรคเป็น 

Pronunciation: gaan-riian-mâi-châi-rûueang-yâak thâa-maawng-ùp-bphà-sàk-hěn láe-tham-laai-ùp- bphà-sàk-bpen

Meaning: Learning is not hard if you know the obstacle and how to overcome it.

Author: Somsri Thammasansophon (famous English teacher)

When you learn a new language, there will be areas that you excel in and others you’re not as good at. All you need to do is focus on your weaknesses and find a good learning method to help you overcome them.

I’m Inspired by Thai Quotes

8. Conclusion

Do you feel inspired and motivated after reading all of these Thai quotes and proverbs? Does your native language have similar quotes? Share with us in the comments below.

Learning Thai quotes can be a little difficult if you don’t know much vocabulary. That said, it is a good way to familiarize yourself with the Thai language and culture. Keep practicing! 

When you feel ready to move forward, has many more useful lessons for you, such as words about sickness or taking a trip to Tiger Temple.

Happy learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai

Must-Know Thai Business Phrases and Vocabulary


Why are you learning Thai?  

One of the most common reasons people learn the language is that they’re doing business in Thailand or with Thai people. This makes a lot of sense, because knowing at least the most common business phrases in Thai is an advantage in the workplace. 

In this lesson, you’ll learn all of the Thai business phrases you need to get started, as well as the grammar behind them. In addition, we’ll provide you with a list of business terms you should know, categorized by what kind of situation you’d hear them in. 

Improve your Thai business language today!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Thai Business Phrases for a Job Interview
  3. Thai Business Phrases for Coworker Interaction
  4. Phrases for a Thai Business Meeting
  5. Thai Business Phrases for Phone Calls and Emails
  6. Thai Business Phrases for a Business Trip
  7. Conclusion

1. Getting Started


Before we get into Thai business words and their meanings in English, you should know how to speak formally with others in a business setting.

1- Formal Thai Pronouns

Below is a list of Thai pronouns you’re likely to use in Thailand business settings, so we advise you to memorize them before you try learning any other Thai business words or phrases.

2- Khráp and Khâ

To make a sentence sound formal in Thai, put the word ครับ (khráp) or ค่ะ (khà) at the end of a sentence when speaking. ครับ (khráp) is used when the speaker is male, while ค่ะ (khâ) is used when the speaker is female. 

2. Thai Business Phrases for a Job Interview

Job Interview

The first step in beginning your career is the job interview. As such, it’s to your advantage that you leave a nice first impression on your interviewer. Here are some common Thai business phrases you should know before your interview. 

1- Phrases Your Interviewer May Use


  • In Thai: สวัสดี 
  • Pronunciation: sà-wàt-dii

While saying สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii), it is best to do the action called ไหว้ (whâi), which is a Thai way of greeting.

Please have a seat.

  • In Thai: เชิญนั่ง 
  • Pronunciation: chooen-nâng

In Thai culture, it’s best to wait for your interviewer to ask you to sit down before you do so.

Please turn off your phone.

  • In Thai: กรุณาปิดโทรศัพท์มือถือด้วย 
  • Pronunciation: gà-rú-naa-bpìt-thoo-rá-sàp-muue-thǔue-dúuai

An interviewer will normally ask you to turn off your phone. If your phone rings during the interview, it may leave a bad impression on your interviewer, so it is proper Thai business etiquette to turn it off right away. 

However, if there’s any reason you can’t turn it off, you can tell the interviewer: ไม่สะดวกปิดโทรศัพท์ เพราะ___ ต้องขอโทษด้วย (mâi-sà-dùuak-bpìt-thoo-rá-sàp práw___ dtâawng-khǎaw-thôot-dûuai), which means “I can’t turn off the phone because ___, I’m sorry.”

Please introduce yourself.

  • In Thai: กรุณาแนะนำตัว 
  • Pronunciation: gà-rú-naa-náe-nam-dtuua
Please Introduce Yourself

What is your strength and weakness?

  • In Thai: ข้อดีและข้อเสียของคุณคืออะไร 
  • Pronunciation: khâaw-dii-láe-khâaw-sǐia-khǎawng-khun-khuue-à-rai

Do you have any questions?

  • In Thai: มีคำถามอะไรจะถามมั้ย 
  • Pronunciation: mii-kham-thǎam-à-rai-jà-thǎam-mái

2- List of Phrases You May Use

My name is ___.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันชื่อ ___ 
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-chûue-___

I graduated from ___ University in the faculty of ___, majoring in ___.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันเรียนจบจากมหาวิทยาลัย___คณะ___ สาขา___ 
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-riian-jòp-jàak-má-hǎa-wít-thá-yaa-lai-___-khá-ná-___-sǎa-khǎa-___

In the first blank, put the name of your university; in the second blank, put the name of the faculty; and in the third blank, put the name of your major.

I have experience in ___ for ___ years.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันมีประสบการณ์ในสายงาน ___ ทั้งหมด ___ ปี 
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-mii-bprà-sòp-gaan-nai-sǎai-ngaan-___-tháng-mòt-___-bpii

In the first blank, put your field of experience; in the second blank, put the number of years you’ve been in that field.

My responsibility is ___.

  • In Thai: หน้าที่ของผม / ดิฉัน คือ ___
  • Pronunciation: nâa-thîi-khǎawng-phǒm / dì-chǎn-khuue-___

My strength is ___.

  • In Thai: ข้อดีของผม / ดิฉัน คือ ___
  • Pronunciation: khâaw-dii-khǎawng-phǒm / dì-chǎn-khuue-___

My weakness is ___.

  • In Thai: ข้อเสียของผม / ดิฉัน คือ ___
  • Pronunciation: khâaw-sǐia-khǎawng-phǒm / dì-chǎn-khuue-___

Please repeat the question again.

  • In Thai: ช่วยทวนคำถามได้มั้ย
  • Pronunciation: chûuai-thuuan-kham-thǎam-dâi-mái

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed.

  • In Thai: ขอบคุณที่ให้โอกาสมาสัมภาษณ์งาน
  • Pronunciation: khàawp-khun-thîi-hâi-oo-gàat-maa-sǎm-phâat-ngaan

3. Thai Business Phrases for Coworker Interaction

Business Phrases

When doing business with Thai people, knowing business Thai vocabulary isn’t enough. You should also know how to communicate with your coworkers at both the business level and the social level. Here are some phrases you may find helpful.

1- Business Introductions

Self-introduction for males

  • สวัสดีครับ ผมชื่อ___เป็นพนักงานใหม่อยู่แผนก___ครับ
  • sà-wàt-dii-khráp phǒm-chûue-___-bpen-phá-nák-ngaan-mài-yùu-phá-nàaek-___-khráp
  • “Hello, my name is____. I’m a new employee in ___ Department.”

In the first blank, put your name; in the second blank, put your department. 

Self-introduction for females

  • สวัสดีค่ะ ดิฉันชื่อ___เป็นพนักงานใหม่อยู่แผนก___ค่ะ
  • sà-wàt-dii-khà dì-chǎn-chûue-___-bpen-phá-nák-ngaan-mài-yùu-phá-nàaek-___-khà
  • “Hello, my name is ___. I’m a new employee in ___ Department.”

Giving phone numbers and email

  • นี่คือเบอร์โทรและอีเมลของผม / ฉัน
  • nîi-khuue-booe-thoo-láe-ii-meeo-khǎawng-phǒm / chǎn
  • “This is my phone number and email.”

2- Business Performance Evaluations

Compliments about work performance

  • คุณทำดีมาก
  • khun-tham-dii-mâak
  • “You did a great job.”
  • ผลงานของคุณดีมาก
  • phǒn-ngaan-khǎawng-khun-dii-mâak
  • “Your performance is very good.”
  • อันนี้ใช้ได้แล้ว
  • an-níi-chái-dâi-láaeo
  • “This one is okay.”

Feedback about work performance

  • อันนี้ไม่ผ่านนะ ไปแก้มาใหม่
  • an-níi-mâi-phàan-ná bpai-gâae-maa-mài
  • “This one needs to be fixed.”
  • ช่วงนี้คุณทำงานไม่ค่อยดีเท่าไหร่ มีปัญหาอะไรรึเปล่า
  • chûuang-níi-khun-tham-ngaan-mâi-khâauy-dii-thâo-rài mii-bpan-hǎa-à-rai-rúe-bplào
  • “You are not doing well recently. Are there any problems?”

3- Phrases for Other Business Situations

Asking for help

  • ช่วยดูตรงนี้ให้หน่อยได้มั้ย
  • chûuai-duu-dtrong-níi-hâi-nàauy-dâi-mái
  • “Could you please take a look at this?”
Could You Please Take a Look at This?
  • ขอคำแนะนำเรื่อง___หน่อย
  • khǎaw-kham-náe-nam-rûueang-___-nàauy
  • “Please give me advice about___.”

Thank you

  • ขอบคุณ
  • khàawp-khun
  • Thank you.”


  • ขอโทษ
  • khǎaw-thôot
  • Sorry.”

4. Phrases for a Thai Business Meeting

Let’s go over some important phrases for Thai business meetings. If you’ve spent any time in the business world, you know that meetings are an essential aspect of any job. Knowing the most common phrases and implementing proper Thai business meeting etiquette will give you a huge advantage. 

Let’s start the meeting.

  • In Thai: ขอเริ่มการประชุม
  • Pronunciation: khǎaw-rôoem-gaan-bprà-chum

Do you have any questions?

  • In Thai: มีคำถามอะไรมั้ย
  • Pronunciation: mii-kham-thǎam-à-rai-mái

Do you have any comments?

  • In Thai: มีความเห็นอะไรมั้ย
  • Pronunciation:mii-khwaam-hěn-à-rai-mái
Do You Have Any Comments?

I agree.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันเห็นด้วย
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-hěn-dûuai

I disagree.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันไม่เห็นด้วย
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-mâi-hěn-dûuai

What do you think about this?

  • In Thai: คุณมีความเห็นอย่างไรเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้
  • Pronunciation: khun-mii-khwaam-hěn-yàang-rai-gìiao-gàp-rûueang-níi

I think ___.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันคิดว่า___
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-khít-wâa

I want more information about ___.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันขอข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับ___
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-khǎaw-khâaw-muun-gìiao-gàp-___

If we agree to this, will there be any problem?

  • In Thai: ถ้าเราตกลงตามนี้ จะมีปัญหาอะไรมั้ย
  • Pronunciation: thâa-rao-dtòk-long-dtaam-ní jà-mii-bpan-hǎa-à-rai-mái

If we agree to buy from you, what is your offer?

  • In Thai: ถ้าเราตกลงซื้อจากคุณ คุณมีข้อเสนออะไรให้เราบ้าง
  • Pronunciation: thâa-rao-dtòk-long-súue-jàak-khun khun-mii-khâaw-sà-nǒoe-à-rai-hâi-rao-bâang

Any discount?

  • In Thai: มีส่วนลดมั้ย
  • Pronunciation: mii-sùuan-lót-mái

I have a special offer.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันมีข้อเสนอพิเศษ
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-mii-khâaw-sà-nǒoe-phí-sèet

5. Thai Business Phrases for Phone Calls and Emails

If you’re doing business in Thailand, being able to communicate via phone and email is pretty important. Below are some words and phrases you’ll find useful.

1- Phrases for Phone Calls

Hello, this is ___. Whom do you want to speak to?

  • In Thai: สวัสดี ที่นี่___ ต้องการติดต่อใคร
  • Pronunciation: sà-wàt-dii thîi-níi-___ dtâawng-gaan-dtìt-dtàaw-khrai-khá

As a staff member of a company, this is the phrase you use to answer the phone.

Hello, I want to talk to ___.

  • In Thai: สวัสดี ขอเรียนสาย___
  • Pronunciation: sà-wàt-dii khǎaw-riian-sǎai___

You say this when you call someone in a company whom you don’t have direct contact with.

Hello, I Want to Talk to the Manager.

Hello, my name is ___. I’m calling from ___. [name of company]

  • In Thai: สวัสดี ผม / ดิฉันชื่อ… ติดต่อมาจาก___
  • Pronunciation: sà-wàt-dii phom / di-chan-chûue-___ dtìt-dtàaw-maa-jàak-___

This is another phrase you can use when calling someone. This one is a little more formal than the one above. It’s often used when the party you’re calling doesn’t know you.

Please wait for a moment, I will transfer you.

  • In Thai: เดี๋ยวจะโอนสายให้ รบกวนถือสายรอซักครู่
  • Pronunciation: dǐiao-jà-oon-sǎai-hâi róp-guuan-thǔue-sǎai-raaw-sák-khrûu

Now ___ isn’t available. Will you leave a message or give him/her a phone number to call back?

  • In Thai: ตอนนี้คุณ___ไม่สะดวกรับสาย จะฝากข้อความหรือเบอร์ติดต่อกลับไว้มั้ย
  • Pronunciation: dtaawn-níi-khun-___-mâi-sà-dùuak-ráp-sǎai jà-fâak-khâaw-khwaam-rǔue-booe- thoo-dtìt-dtàaw-glàp-wái-mái

That is okay. I will call again.

  • In Thai: ไม่เป็นไร เดี๋ยวจะติดต่อมาใหม่
  • Pronunciation: mâi-bpen-rai dǐiao-jà-dtìt-dtàaw-maa-mài

Phrase for ending a phone call

  • In Thai: แค่นี้นะ สวัสดี
  • Pronunciation: khâae-níi-ná sà-wàt-dii

2- Phrases for Email

Dear ___,

  • In Thai: เรียน
  • Pronunciation: riian

Please be informed accordingly

  • In Thai: จึงเรียนมาเพื่อทราบ
  • Pronunciation: jueng-riian-maa-phûuea-sâap

Best Regards,

  • In Thai: ขอแสดงความนับถือ
  • Pronunciation: khǎaw-sà-daaeng-khwaam-náp-thǔue

6. Thai Business Phrases for a Business Trip

Our final category is Thai phrases for business trips. If you travel a lot, you should remember these.

1- Making a Reservation

I want to book a one-way trip / round trip ___ [vehicle] ticket to ___ [place].

  • In Thai: ผม / ฉันต้องการจองตั๋ว ___ [vehicle] แบบเที่ยวเดียว / ไปกลับ ไปที่___ [place]
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / chǎn-dtâawng-gaan-jaawng-dtǔua-___-bàaep-thîiao-diiao / bpai-glàp -bpai-thîi-___

เที่ยวเดียว (thîiao-diiao) means “one-way trip,” while ไปกลับ (bpai-glàp) means “round trip.” 

I want to book a room for ___ people.

  • In Thai: ผม / ฉันต้องการจองห้องพักสำหรับ ___ คน
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / chǎn-dtâawng-gaan-jaawng-hâawng-phák-sǎm-ràp-___-khon

Which date do you want to check in?

  • In Thai: ลูกค้าต้องการเข้าพักวันไหนคะ
  • Pronunciation: lûuk-kháa-dtâawng-gaan-khâo-phák-wan-nǎi-khá

ลูกค้า (lûuk-kháa) means “customer” in Thai. Instead of using “you,” hotel staff often use ลูกค้า (lûuk-kháa) to refer to their customer.

How long do you want to stay?

  • In Thai: ลูกค้าต้องการพักกี่คืน
  • Pronunciation: lûuk-kháa-dtâawng-gaan-phák-gìi-khuuen

Any promotion or discount?

  • In Thai: มีโปรโมชั่นหรือส่วนลดอะไรมั้ย
  • Pronunciation: mii-bproo-moo-chân-rǔue-sùuan-lót-à-rai-mái

2- Your Stay in the Hotel

I want to check in. I already made a reservation.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันต้องการเช็คอิน จองห้องไว้แล้ว
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-dtâawng-gaan-chék-in jaawng-hâawng-wái-láaeo

There’s no Thai word for “check in.” Thai people use the same word as in English.

Your room is on ___ floor, number ___.

  • In Thai: ห้องพักของลูกค้าอยู่ชั้น ___ [floor number] ห้อง ___ [room number]
  • Pronunciation: hâawng-phák-khǎawng-lûuk-kháa-yùu-chán-___-hâawng-___

Here is a key and breakfast coupon.

  • In Thai: นี่คือกุญแจและคูปองอาหารเช้า
  • Pronunciation: nîi-khuue-gun-jaae-láe-khuu-bpaawng-aa-hǎan-cháo

I want to check out.

  • In Thai: ผม / ดิฉันต้องการเช็คเอาท์
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / dì-chǎn-dtâawng-gaan-chék-áo

There is no Thai word for “check out.” Thai people use the same word as in English.

I Want to Check Out

2- More Useful Phrases

Where should we meet?

  • In Thai: เราจะเจอกันที่ไหนดี
  • Pronunciation: rao-jà-jooe-gan-thîi-nǎi-dii

When should we meet?

  • In Thai: เราจะเจอกันกี่โมง
  • Pronunciation: rao-jà-jooe-gan-gìi-moong

I will pick ___ up from the ___ at ___.

  • In Thai: ผม / ฉันจะไปรับ ___ [person] ที่ ___ [place] ตอน ___ [time]
  • Pronunciation: phǒm / chǎn-jà-bpai-ráp-___-thîi-___-dtaawn-___

Thank you for this trip.

  • In Thai: ขอบคุณสำหรับทริปนี้
  • Pronunciation: khàawp-khun-sǎm-ràp-tríp-níi

7. Conclusion

How do you feel after going over all of these Thai business phrases? Are you more confident in your business communication skills? Let us know in the comments below.

If you want to learn more-specific terms, words, or phrases than the ones we covered here, check out our other lessons on Here are some lessons you may be interested in: 

Happy Thai learning, and good luck with your business endeavors!

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The Best Thai YouTube Channels to Learn Thai in 2020


We think it’s safe to say that everyone has been guilty of spending hours upon hours on YouTube, going from one video to the next. Video is the most popular content format nowadays, and it’s so easy to become addicted…  

So why not learn the Thai language on YouTube? If you’re like many people, you simply don’t know where to start—or if it’s even possible.

We’re here to tell you that you can actually learn Thai online for free on YouTube. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top Thai YouTube channels for learners, so you’ll know exactly where to start. We’ve provided some great channels in a variety of categories, so that you’ll definitely be able to find something you’re interested in. 

One of the best options is the ThaiPod101 YouTube channel, and we’ll give you more details about this later.  But first, here are our top Thai YouTube picks!

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  1. Hot Thai Kitchen
  2. Mark Weins
  3. GMM International
  4. VoBrain
  5. Peachii
  6. Loukgolf’s English Room
  7. Itchy feet ภาษาอังกฤษติดเที่ยว
  8. GMM TV
  9. ครูโอ๋ สื่อการเรียนการสอน (khruu-ǒo-sùue-gaan-riian-gaan-sǎawn)
  10. ThaiPod101
  11. Conclusion

1. Hot Thai Kitchen

Category: Food
YouTube channel link:
Level: Beginner

Do you like Thai food? Do you like to cook? If so, then this is the channel for you.  

Pailin is a Thai woman living in Canada and working as a professional chef. On her Thai cooking YouTube channel, she shares a lot of videos on how to cook a variety of traditional dishes. She speaks mostly in English, but she also teaches Thai vocabulary about food. Her videos make it easy for new learners to pick up simple vocabulary, as well as learn about Thai food and culture.  

Our only warning: Don’t watch her channel late at night, because you’ll get hungry!

A Thai Woman Cooking Food

Let’s cook Thai food together

2. Mark Weins

Category: Food
YouTube channel link:
Level: Beginner

For the foodies and culture vultures, here’s another wonderful channel on YouTube. Thai food, travel, and cultural insight all make an appearance in Mark’s videos. To give you some context, Mark Wiens is an American who loves Thai food, and eventually married a Thai woman and moved to Thailand. 

His vlog videos are recorded in English, and they show his journey of trying Thai street food and exploring Thai culture. This channel is a good place for beginners to learn the Thai language, as you’ll hear some Thai conversations between Mark and local Thai people

3. GMM International

Category: Thai songs
YouTube channel link:
Level: Intermediate – Advanced

ดนตรีไม่มีพรมแดน (don-dtrii-mâi-mii-phrom-daaen) is a Thai saying that means: “You can enjoy the music without really understanding the language.”  

While this is true, we think that you’ll enjoy Thai music more if you understand what the lyrics mean. This is why we recommend checking out GMM Grammy, one of the biggest Thai record labels. Currently, it has a special channel for international fans.  

On its Thai YouTube music channel, there are many music videos with subtitles available in English, Japanese, and Chinese. Of course, Thai learners can take advantage of this and use the channel to learn Thai while enjoying some great music. Songs can be especially helpful for learning new vocabulary and becoming familiar with Thai pronunciation.

A Woman Listening to Music with Earbuds

I love Thai songs.

4. VoBrain

Category: Thai songs
YouTube channel link:
Level: Intermediate – Advanced

This is another great channel for Thai music lovers. 

VoBrain aims to teach English to Thai people through songs and educational videos, so it uploads many Thai songs with English subtitles.  

Despite not being made directly for Thai language learners, these Thai YouTube videos contain great content that you can use to learn Thai as well. However, the downside of this channel is that you can only learn the meaning of Thai words, and not their pronunciation. 

5. Peachii

Category: Lifestyle
YouTube channel link:
Level: Intermediate – Advance

This is one of the most popular channels among Thai teenagers. 

Peachii is a Thai business woman who lives in London and married a British man, known as Stephen Oppa. She is one of the owners of the Gouni business, which helps Thai people study abroad. She does vlogging and posts videos to capture the different moments of her life, teach English to Thai people, and promote her business.  

Her videos are recorded using a mix of Thai and English. This means that, while her videos are aimed at teaching English, you can still watch this channel to pick up some new Thai words. Because Peachii is a native Thai, you’ll also be able to familiarize yourself with the Thai accent and culture.

One of the strengths of learning Thai online with her YouTube channel is the interesting content. Her videos are so varied that you’ll never get bored! 

6. Loukgolf’s English Room

Category: Educational TV Show
YouTube channel link:
Level: Beginner – Intermediate

If you were to ask Thai students about the most popular English teachers, Loukgolf would absolutely come up a lot. He is a passionate teacher who understands and gets along with students and teenagers well.  

Apart from owning an English school, he also did educational TV shows. He would invite Thai celebrities and talk to them in English, as a way to encourage young Thai people to learn and speak English. The show is done in about 70% English and 30% Thai with English subtitles.  

Despite being geared toward English learners, Thai learners can also benefit from these shows. You can learn new vocabulary and get familiar with how Thai people speak in daily life. Moreover, this show is very fun—if you love Thai celebrities, don’t miss this channel!

7. Itchy feet ภาษาอังกฤษติดเที่ยว

Category: Educational TV Show
YouTube channel link:
Level: Intermediate – Advanced

This channel is perfect for Thai learners who love traveling.  

This show features both Thai and English speech, as well as subtitles in both languages. Actually, this channel aims to teach English to Thai people through videos about trips to various places. The host speaks in English and then translates what he just said into Thai.  

If you’ve been learning Thai for a while and understand at least the basics, you can practice your Thai listening skills by watching these videos.

A Woman Photographing Something on Her Trip

Learn through the trip


Category: TV Drama
YouTube channel link:
Level: Intermediate – Advanced

Thai dramas on YouTube? Yes please! 

If you want to enjoy watching a good TV drama, not understanding the language can be a problem. In order to completely understand what’s being said in a Thai TV drama, your Thai skills have to be pretty good.  

But if your Thai isn’t at that level yet, you can still enjoy Thai TV dramas and learn the language at the same time. GMM TV uploads many TV dramas with English subtitles, so you can improve your Thai skills with little to no effort. 😉

A Woman Eating Popcorn and Watching TV

Thai TV drama is fun.

9. ครูโอ๋ สื่อการเรียนการสอน (khruu-ǒo-sùue-gaan-riian-gaan-sǎawn)

Category: Thai Learning
YouTube channel link:
Level: Beginner

ครูโอ๋ (khruu-ǒo) is a Thai teacher who uploads many educational videos for Thai children.  His channel name means “Teacher Oh – education media.”

He believes that good and fun video content helps children learn better, and his channel mainly targets young Thai children. All of the lessons are in Thai, but Thai learners can still benefit from these Thai language lessons. For example, you can learn how to read and write the Thai alphabet.

10. ThaiPod101

Category: Thai Learning
YouTube channel link:
Level: Beginner – Advanced

There are many channels you can visit if you want to learn Thai through YouTube videos. But you probably noticed that many of them aren’t actually designed to teach Thai to foreigners. 

If you want to learn Thai online in the most effective way possible, visit the ThaiPod101 YouTube channel today. We provide all kinds of good Thai language lessons for you, from the Thai alphabet to Thai pronunciation and grammar. In addition, you’ll find plenty of native Thai dialogues and language-learning tips. Plus, ThaiPod101 uploads videos regularly to ensure you always have tons of videos to choose from. We hope to see you around!

Woman Watching the ThaiPod101 YouTube Channel with Headphones

I learn Thai at ThaiPod channel.

11. Conclusion

There are many different channels that can serve as effective supplements to your normal language learning routine, but ThaiPod101 is the best! See for yourself, and start speaking real Thai today.

Are there any other YouTube channels you use to learn Thai? Please share with us in the comments! ^^

After spending some time on your favorite Thai learning YouTube channels, visit and explore all that we have to boost your studies. For example: 

Happy Thai learning!

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Your Ultimate Guide to Learning Thai Tones

เป้าเป่าซาลาเปาร้อน ๆ ก่อนเก็บลงกระเป๋า (bpâobpào-saa-laa-bpao-ráawn-ráawn-gàawn-gèp-long-grà bpǎo) means “Bpâo blew the hot bun before putting it in the bag” in Thai.  

For those who aren’t familiar with the Thai language, or who have just started learning it, when you hear this sentence, you may wonder why Thai people repeat the same word so often. However, Thai people didn’t repeat the same word; the words in color, despite sounding very similar, have different tones.

Thai is one of many languages that uses tone. Thus, to communicate in Thai, it’s important that you master Thai tones. Luckily for you, this lesson will teach you everything you need to know. 

How many tones are there in Thai? How can you identify Thai tone markers in writing? In this article, we’ll cover a variety of essential topics ranging from Thai tone symbols to their pronunciation. We’ll also provide you with some tips on how to learn Thai tones effectively. 

Let’s get started! Start with a bonus, and download the Must-Know Beginner Vocabulary PDF for FREE! (Logged-In Member Only)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Basic Information About Tones in Thai
  2. Mid Tone
  3. Low Tone
  4. Falling Tone
  5. High Tone
  6. Rising Tone
  7. Comparing Thai Language Tones
  8. Thai Tone Rules and Exceptions
  9. Tips on Mastering Thai Tones
  10. Conclusion

Man Practicing His Thai Tone Pronunciation

1. Basic Information About Tones in Thai 

เสียงวรรณยุกต์ (sǐiang-wan-ná-yúk) is “tone” in the Thai language, and there are five Thai tones that you’ll need to master. When Thai people say the name of each tone, they use เสียง (sǐiang) + the name of the tone.  

วรรณยุกต์ (wan-ná-yúk) is “tone mark” in Thai, and there are only four Thai tone marks: 

However, it’s important to keep in mind that you can’t just rely on tone marks to guide your pronunciation and tone changes. Thai alphabet tones also matter, and thus the only way to pronounce the correct tone is to combine the sounds of consonants, vowels, and tone marks together.   

The Thai tones chart below summarizes everything you need to know about the five tones of Thai.

Tone NameMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone
Thai Tone Nameสามัญ
Romanization Tone Marknone
Tone Level
ExampleThai Wordกาก่าก้าก๊าก๋า

In the following sections, will explain each Thai tone in detail. We’ll also provide example sentences, phrases, or dialogues with each of the Thai tones. 

2. Mid Tone 

Tone name: สามัญ (sǎa-man)

Romanization tone mark: For the mid tone, there is no romanization tone mark.

Pronunciation: If you think of Thai tones as being like music, the mid tone, like its name suggests, is in the middle.  

Example 1:
“The weather today is good.”

Example 2:
The curry at this restaurant is very salty.”

Example 3:
“Her grandfather is very old.”

Example 4:
“My professor is kind.”

My Professor Is Kind

Example 5:
“A big crow is on the tree’s branch.”

3. Low Tone 

Tone name: เอก (èek)

Romanization tone mark: For the low tone, a short line that’s higher on the left end is put on the first vowel of the word. ( -̀ )

Pronunciation: Using the music analogy again, the low tone is lower than the mid tone, but higher than the rising tone.

Example 1:
“Eggs are good for your health.”

Example 2:
“Where is this letter from?”

Example 3:
เด็ก ๆ กำลังเล่นน้ำอย่างสนุก
“Children are now playing in the water cheerfully.”

Example 4:
ปู่เลี้ยงเต่าตัวเล็ก ๆ เอาไว้หลายตัว
My grandfather has many small turtles.”

Example 5:
“The dog barks loudly.”

The Dog Barks Loudly

4. Falling Tone

Tone name: โท (thooe)

Romanization tone mark: For the falling tone, a little hat is put on the first vowel of the word. ( -̂ )

Pronunciation: The falling tone is lower than the high tone, but higher than the mid tone.

Example 1:
บ้านของป้าฉันหลังไม่ใหญ่ แต่สวยมาก
bâan-khǎawng-bpâa-chǎn-lhǎng-mâi-yhài dtàae-sǔuay-mâak
“My aunt’s house is not big, but is very beautiful.”

Example 2:
“She finished five books in nine days.”

Example 3:
“Grilled food is very popular now.”

Example 4:
“During winter, oranges taste good and are not expensive.”

Oranges During Winter Are Good

Example 5:
แม่บอกว่าเธออ้วนขึ้น ต้องลดน้ำหนักแล้ว
mâae-bàawk-wâa-thooe-aûuan-khûen dtâawng-lód-nám-nhàk-láaew
“Mom said she is getting fatter and must go on a diet now.”

5. High Tone 

Tone name: ตรี (dtrii)

Romanization tone mark: For the high tone, a short line that’s higher on the right end is put on the first vowel of the word. ( -́ )

Pronunciation: The high tone is the highest tone.

Example 1:
“The sea at Phetburi is crystal-clear.”

Example 2:
“My aunt’s eyebrows are very beautiful.”

Example 3:
ตอนนี้ฟ้ามืดลงเรื่อย ๆ เหมือนฝนจะตกเลย
“The sky is getting darker and darker now; it looks like it will rain soon.”

(It Will Rain Soon

Example 4:
“Have you ever seen an elephant playing football?”

Example 5:
“Today, there are a lot of people coming to the shop to buy things.”

6. Rising Tone 

Tone name: จัตวา (jàt-dtà-waa)

Romanization tone mark: For the rising tone, a little “v” is put on the first vowel of the word. ( -̌ )

Pronunciation: The rising tone is the lowest tone.

Example 1:
“Dad reads the newspaper every morning.”

Example 2:
“The weather in northern Thailand is getting cold now.”

Example 3:
“My brother wants to go see the tiger at the zoo.”

My Brother Wants to Go See the Tiger at the Zoo

Example 4:
ผิวหน้าของเธอดีมาก ๆ
“Her complexion (literally: facial skin) is very good.”

Example 5:
“I don’t like dogs.”

7. Comparing Thai Language Tones

You now know that there are five tones in Thai, and you’ve learned the basic Thai tone rules for pronunciation. In terms of vocabulary, knowing how to pronounce Thai tones accurately is crucial. A little change in tone can completely change the meaning of a word. 

In this section, we’re going to give you a little bit of practice material to help you see what we mean! These are examples of Thai words with different tones.

1- Near / Far 

  • ใกล้ (glâi) is “near” in Thai.
  • ไกล (glai) is “far” in Thai.

ToneMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone
Thai ไกลไกล่ใกล้ใกล๊ไกล๋

2- Fishy / News / Rice / White 

  • คาว (khaao) is “fishy” in Thai.
  • ข่าว (khàao) is “news” in Thai.
  • ข้าว (khâao) is “rice” in Thai.
  • ขาว (khǎao) is “white” in Thai.

ToneMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone
Thai คาวข่าวข้าวค้าวขาว

3- Come / Horse / Dog 

  • มา (maa) is “come” in Thai.
  • ม้า (máa) is “horse” in Thai.
  • หมา (mǎa) is “dog” in Thai.

ToneMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone
Thai มาหม่าม่าม้าหมา

4- Envelope / Look through / Brothel / Acclaim / Two  

  • ซอง (saawng) is “envelope” in Thai.
  • ส่อง (sàawng) is “look through” in Thai.
  • ซ่อง (sâawng) is “brothel” in Thai.
  • ซ้อง (sáawng) is “acclaim” in Thai.
  • สอง (sǎawng) is “two” in Thai.

ToneMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone
Meaning“envelope”“look through”“brothel”“acclaim”“two”

5- Carry / Hungry

  • หิ้ว (hîu) is “carry” in Thai.
  • หิว (hǐu) is “hungry” in Thai.

ToneMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone

8. Thai Tone Rules and Exceptions

As mentioned at the beginning of this lesson, Thai tone marks aren’t the only factor that affect the tone of a word. The information we’re going to cover here is a bit more advanced than what you’ve learned so far. If you understand it, that’s great! It will help you understand the logic behind Thai tones.  

However, if you find this part hard, don’t pressure yourself. When Thai children learn how to pronounce tones, they don’t learn about lessons like this until later. So you don’t need to fully understand these rules and exceptions to pronounce Thai tones correctly.

1- Three Classes of Thai Consonants

In Thai, consonants affect how you pronounce a word. You may have noticed in the examples from the previous section that some letters can take on every tone, while some can’t. This is because there are ไตรยางศ์ (dtrai-yaang), or “three classes of Thai consonants”: 

  • High-toned alphabet
  • Middle-toned alphabet
  • Low-toned alphabet 

Middle-toned letters can take on all five tones, so if the initial letter of a word is middle-toned, that word has five possible tones. High-toned and low-toned letters can only take on three tones, so in order to pronounce five tones, you need two initial letters.  

There’s no need to remember which letter is in which class since it’s likely to confuse you more. Just remember that some words can only have three tones, and you have to change the initial letter in order to pronounce five tones. Also, when you try to pronounce a word, if you pronounce the Thai consonants and vowels correctly, this will help you get the right tone.

can be used with every tone.

ToneMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone
Thai ไกลไกล่ใกล้ใกล๊ไกล๋

and can only be used with certain tones. 

ToneMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone
Meaning“come”“look through”“brothel”“acclaim”“two”

2- Dead Syllables and Live Syllables 

Other factors that affect a word’s tone are the sound of the vowels and the final letter. คำเป็น (kham-bpen) means “live syllables” and คำตาย (kham-dtaai) means “dead syllables.” Dead syllables and live syllables are special classifiers Thai people use; we’ll explain this more below.

A- Live syllables

Thai words that are considered to be “live syllables” must have one of these characteristics:

  • If the word has no final alphabet, it must have a long vowel. For example, สามี (sǎa-mii) which is “husband” and อาหาร (aa-hǎan) which is “food.”

    The final alphabet is the last alphabet of the syllable or word. Some syllables or words may not have a final alphabet. For example, มีด (mîit), meaning “knife,” is composed of ม, -ี, and ด. ม is the initial alphabet. -ี is a vowel. ด is the final alphabet.
  • If the word has a final alphabet, it must end with sonorant final letters (ng, n, m, i, and o in romanization). For example, ส้ม (m), which is “orange,” and กางเกง (gaang-geeng), which is “pants.”

Words that are live syllables can be used with three to five tones, depending on the class of the initial alphabets.

B- Dead syllables

Thai words that are considered to be “dead syllables” must have one of these characteristics:

  • If the word has no final alphabet, it must have a short vowel. For example, มะลิ (má-lí), which is “jasmine,” and กระทะ (grà-thá), which is “pan.” 
  • If the word has a final alphabet, it must end with a stop consonant (k, t, and p in romanization). For example, ซัก (k), which is “wash,” and ขับ (khàp), which is “drive.”

Words that are dead syllables can be used with two to four tones, depending on the class of the initial alphabets. Mid-tone and dead syllable words can’t be used together.

9. Tips on Mastering Thai Tones

As mentioned before, tones play a very important role in pronunciation. Unfortunately, if your native language has no tones, you’ll find Thai pronunciation and tones quite difficult. We have some tips for you on how to practice Thai tones effectively. 

1- Practice All Five Tones for New Words

ผันวรรณยุกต์ (phan-wan-na-yuk) is “pronounce five tones of words” in Thai. 

When you learn new words, one of the best ways to get in some Thai tones practice is to try pronouncing that word in all five of its tones (not just the one you’re learning). For example:

ToneMid ToneLow ToneFalling ToneHigh ToneRising Tone
Thai พาผ่าผ้าพ้าผา

By practicing the pronunciation of all five tones, you’ll be able to distinguish between each tone better. This is how Thai children learn the different Thai tones as well.

2-  Listen to Native Thai Speakers Often

When it comes to understanding Thai tones, listening and speaking go hand-in-hand. By listening to Thai people speak a lot, you’ll get used to how Thai people speak and will eventually be able to hear the differences between tones.  

3- Watch Thai Educational Programs for Kids

For those who have just started learning Thai, watching Thai educational programs for kids can certainly help. Normally, hosts or characters in programs like this talk or pronounce words slowly and clearly. This makes it easier for you to practice repeating what they say.

10. Conclusion

You’ve reached the end of this lesson! Do you feel like you’re any closer to distinguishing between and pronouncing Thai tones? We hope you at least know how many tones there are in Thai. Let us know by commenting below.

Learning Thai tones is a very important step in mastering the language. So we hope you practice this lesson a lot. It may be hard now, but you’ll get used to Thai tones in no time.

Be sure to check out other fun lessons on We make learning Thai both fun and informative.

Happy Thai learning! 

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Best Guide to Learn About Thai Numerical Classifiers


In Thai, if you want to tell the number or amount of a noun (both countable and uncountable), knowing the numbers and the most common nouns isn’t enough. Unlike in English, you need Thai numerical classifiers to complete the phrase or sentence. So, as a Thai learner, you need to learn about numeric classifiers in Thai in order to speak like a native.

In this lesson, we’ll introduce you to Thai numeric classifiers. You’ll also learn the structure of numerical classifiers in Thai along with how to use them. And lastly, we’ll provide you with a list of Thai classifiers. Start with a bonus, and download the Must-Know Beginner Vocabulary PDF for FREE! (Logged-In Member Only)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. What are Thai Numeric Classifiers?
  2. Thai Numeric Classifiers for Living Things
  3. Thai Numeric Classifiers for Clothes and Accessories
  4. Thai Numeric Classifiers for Objects in the House
  5. Thai Numeral Classifiers for Stationery/Office Supplies
  6. Thai Numeral Classifiers for Musical Instruments
  7. Thai Numeral Classifiers for Food
  8. Thai Numerical Classifiers by Shape
  9. Conclusion

1. What are Thai Numeric Classifiers?

First, let’s break down some basic vocabulary you’ll want to know:

By combining the meanings of the last two words together, you can guess the function of numeral classifiers in Thai: they’re used to describe the physical characteristics of a noun.

1- Structure of numerical classifiers in Thai

In Thai, there are no plural numerical classifiers. Further, there’s no relationship between noun classes and classifiers. The main thing you need to remember is: Thai numeral classifiers are always put after nouns.

There are two ways of using numeral classifiers in Thai, shown below.

A. Noun + number + numerical classifiers

How to use: This structure is used to tell the amount or number of a noun. 

หนังสือ 2 เล่ม
“Two books”

Additional note: If you want to change the sentence to a question, put กี่ (gìi) instead of a number.

He Has Two Books.

B. This/That + noun + numerical classifiers

How to use: This structure is used to specify which noun you’re talking about.

“That book”

Additional note: นี้ (níi) is “this” in Thai, and นั้น (nán) is “that.”

Now that you have some basic information about Thai numeral classifiers, let’s learn the most common Thai classifiers. The following section is a categorized list of these classifiers, along with examples of how they’re used in a sentence. 

2. Thai Numeric Classifiers for Living Things

1- Humans

Thai numeric classifier: คน (khon)

Example 1:   
“How many guests have you invited?”

Example 2:  
“Give the letter to that woman.”

2- Animals

Thai numeric classifier: ตัว (dtuua)

Example 1:   
พ่อเลี้ยงสุนัขไว้ 2 ตัว
“My father has two dogs.”

Example 2:  
“This cat is very cute.”

3- Monks

Thai numeric classifier: รูป (rûup)

Example 1:   
แม่นิมนต์พระมา 5 รูป
“My mother invited five monks.”

Example 2:  
That monk is very tall.”

4- Angels and Buddha Statues

Thai numeric classifier: องค์ (ong)

Example 1:   
“Do you wonder how many angels there are in heaven?”

Example 2:  
“That Buddha statue is very beautiful.”

5- Monsters and Hermits

Thai numeric classifier: ตน (dton)

Example 1:   
ในนิยายเรื่องนี้ มีฤาษีอยู่ 1 ตน
nai-ní-yaai-rûueang-níi mii-ruue-sǐi-yùu-nùeng-dton
“There is one hermit in this novel.”

Example 2:  
“Which monster is the scariest one?”

6- Trees

Thai numeric classifier: ต้น (dtôn)

Example 1:   
“There are many trees in the garden.”

Example 2:  
“How tall is that tree?”

7- Flowers

Thai numeric classifier: ดอก (dàawk)

Example 1:   
แม่ซื้อดอกไม้มา 5 ดอก
“My mother bought five flowers.”

Example 2:  
ฉันชอบดอกไม้ดอกนั้นมาก มันชื่ออะไร
chǎn-châawp-dàawk-mái-dàawk-nán-mâak man-chûue-à-rai
“I really like that flower. What is it called?”

I Really Like That Flower. What Is It Called?

8- Leaves

Thai numeric classifier: ใบ (bai)

Example 1:   
“How many leaves do you want me to put in the basket?”

Example 2:  
“The shape of that leaf is unique.”

3. Thai Numeric Classifiers for Clothes and Accessories

1- Shirts, Skirt, Pants, Shorts, and Underwear

Thai numeric classifier: ตัว (dtuua)

Example 1:   
“How many skirts did you bring?”

Example 2:  
“I will buy that pair of pants.”

2- Neckties, Belts, Necklaces, and Bracelets

Thai numeric classifier: เส้น (sên)

Example 1:   
พ่อลืมเข็มขัดไว้ในรถ 1 เส้น
“Dad forgot one belt in the car.”

Example 2:  
“How much is this necktie?”

Additional note: เส้น (sên) is normally used to describe nouns that are long and straight (like a line).

3- Pairs of Socks, Shoes, and Earrings

Thai numeric classifier: คู่ (khûu)

Example 1:   
ปลาทำถุงเท้าหายไป 3 คู่
“Bplaa lost three pairs of socks.”

Example 2:  
“Mom wants this pair of earrings.”

Additional note: There are two numerical classifiers in Thai for socks, shoes, and earrings. When these nouns are in pairs, we use คู่ (khûu).

4- Socks, Shoes, and Earrings

Thai numeric classifier: ข้าง (khâang)

Example 1:   
เธอทำถุงเท้าขาดไป 3 ข้าง
“She lost three socks.”

Example 2:  
“That shoe is very dirty.”

Additional note: This is the second Thai classifier for socks, shoes, and earrings. When these nouns are not in pairs, we use ข้าง (khâang).

5- Scarves

Thai numeric classifier: ผืน (phǔuen)

Example 1:   
วันนี้ฉันขายผ้าพันคอได้ 9 ผืน
“Today, I sold nine scarves.”

Example 2:  
“Where is that red scarf?”

Additional note: ผืน (phǔuen) is used as a Thai numerical classifier for plain cloth that’s not designed into an actual article of clothing like a shirt, skirt, pants, or shorts.

Where Is That Red Scarf?

6- Hats and Caps

Thai numeric classifier: ใบ (bai)

Example 1:   
น้องมีหมวกสีดำ 4 ใบ
“My brother has four black hats.”

Example 2:  
“Don’t lose that hat.”

7- Rings

Thai numeric classifier: วง (wong)

Example 1:   
“Mom has many rings.”

Example 2:  
“Where is that gold ring?”

8- Watches

Thai numeric classifier: เรือน (ruuean)

Example 1:   
“Dad has many watches.”

Example 2:  
“Which watch do you like?”

4. Thai Numeric Classifiers for Objects in the House

1- Houses and Buildings

Thai numeric classifier: หลัง (lǎng)

Example 1:   
ฉันมีบ้าน 2 หลัง
“I have two houses.”

Example 2:  
“This house is near my office.”

2- Rooms

Thai numeric classifier: ห้อง (hâawng)

Example 1:   
“How many rooms are there in this house?”

Example 2:  
“This white room is mine.”

3- Electric Appliances

Thai numeric classifier: เครื่อง (khrûueng)

Example 1:   
บ้านฉันมีโทรทัศน์ 5 เครื่อง
“There are five televisions in my house.”

Example 2:  
“How much is this telephone?”

4- Tables, Desks, and Chairs

Thai numeric classifier: ตัว (dtuua)

Example 1:   
ในห้องนั่งเล่นมีเก้าอี้ 4 ตัว
“There are four chairs in the living room.”

Example 2:  
“The bag is on that table.”

Additional note: For small furniture, Thai people mostly use ตัว (dtuua) as a numeric classifier.

5- Beds and Cupboards

Thai numeric classifier: หลัง (lǎng)

Example 1:   
ฉันทำความสะอาดเตียงไป 3 หลังแล้ว
“I already cleaned three beds.”

Example 2:  
“That cupboard is very old.”

Additional note: For big furniture, Thai people mostly use หลัง (lǎng) as a numeric classifier.

6- Doors, Windows, and Mirrors

Thai numeric classifier: บาน (baan)

Example 1:   
ในห้องนอนฉันมีกระจก 1 บาน
“There is one mirror in my bedroom.”

Example 2:  
“You can see the garden through that window.”

7- Plates, Dishes, Bowls, Cups, Glasses, Pots, and Pans

Thai numeric classifier: ใบ (bai)

Example 1:   
เอาจาน 4 ใบวางไว้บนโต๊ะ
“There are four plates on the table.”

Example 2:  
“Be careful or you will break that cup.”

8- Spoons and Forks

Thai numeric classifier: คัน (khaan)

Example 1:   
เอาช้อน 6 คันนั้นไปไว้ในอ่างล้านจาน
“Put those six spoons into dishes.”

Example 2:  
“Bring me that fork.”

9- Pairs of Chopsticks

Thai numeric classifier: คู่ (khûu)

Example 1:  
เมื่อวานนี้ ฉันซื้อตะเกียบมาใหม่ 7 คู่
mûua-waan-níi chǎn-súue-dtà-gìiap-maa-mhài-jèt-khùu
“I bought seven pairs of chopsticks yesterday.”

Example 2:   
“Don’t use the pair of chopsticks that are on the table.”

10- Knives

Thai numeric classifier: เล่ม (lèm)

Example 1:   
พ่อวางมีด 2 เล่มไว้บนโต๊ะ
“Dad put two knives on the table.”

Example 2:  
“That knife is very sharp.”

11- Cloths, Towels, Bedsheets, Duvets, Bed Covers

Thai numeric classifier: ผืน (phǔuen)

Example 1:   
“How many bedsheets do you have?”

Example 2:  
“That towel is mine.”

13- Toothpaste

Thai numeric classifier: หลอด (lhàawt)

Example 1:   
ฉันมียาสีฟันรสมินต์ 2 หลอด
“I have two mint toothpastes.”

Example 2:  
“Bring me that toothpaste.”

14- Toothbrushes

Thai numeric classifier: ด้าม (dâam)

Example 1:   
พ่อมีแปรงสีฟันสีฟ้า 3 ด้าม 
“Dad has three blue toothbrushes.”

Example 2:  
“That toothbrush is very expensive.”

5. Thai Numeral Classifiers for Stationery/Office Supplies

1- Paper

Thai numeric classifier: ใบ (bai)

Example 1:   
ขอกระดาษ 2 ใบ
“Give me two pieces of paper.”

Example 2:  
“Put that paper on the table.”

2- Books

Thai numeric classifier: เล่ม (lêm)

Example 1:   
แม่วางหนังสือ 3 เล่มไว้บนเตียง
“Mom put three books on the bed.”

Example 2:  
“That book is very good.”

3- Pencils

Thai numeric classifier: แท่ง (thâaeng)

Example 1:   
ฉันทำดินสอหักไป 5 แท่ง
“I broke five pencils.”

Example 2:  
“That pencil is very cheap.”

4- Pens and Scissors

Thai numeric classifier: ด้าม (dâam)

Example 1:   
น้องทำปากกาหายไป 4 ด้ามเมื่อวาน
“My sister lost four pens yesterday.”

Example 2:  
“How much is this pen?”

5- Erasers

Thai numeric classifier: ก้อน (gâawn)

Example 1:   
ในกล่องดินสอ มียางลบอยู่ 2 ก้อน
“There are two erasers in the pencil box.”

Example 2:  
“Whose eraser is that?”

6- Rulers

Thai numeric classifier: อัน (an)

Example 1:   
ฉันทำไม้บรรทัดสีดำหายไป 1 อัน
“I lost one black ruler.”

Example 2:  
“My sister wants that ruler.”

7- Calculators

Thai numeric classifier: เครื่อง (krûueang)

Example 1:   
เครื่องคิดเลข 5 เครื่องอยู่ในลิ้นชัก
“There are five calculators in the drawer.”

Example 2:  
“Which calculator is yours?”

6. Thai Numeral Classifiers for Musical Instruments

1- Pianos

Thai numeric classifier: หลัง (lǎng)

Example 1:   
ที่โรงเรียนมีเปียโน 2 หลัง
“There are two pianos at the school.”

Example 2:  
“That piano is very expensive.”

2- Guitars

Thai numeric classifier: ตัว (dtuua)

Example 1:   
น้องมีกีตาร์ 3 ตัว
“My younger brother has three guitars.”

Example 2:  
ในบรรดากีตาร์ 3 ตัวนั้น กีตาร์ตัวนี้เก่าที่สุด
nai-ban-daa-gii-dtâa-sǎam-dtuua-nán gii-dtâa-dtuua-níi-gào-thîi-sùt
“Among these three guitars, this one is the oldest.”

3- Violins

Thai numeric classifier: คัน (khan)

Example 1:   
ไวโอลิน 2 คันนั้น ตัวไหนแพงกว่า
wai-oo-lin-sǎawng-khan-nán dtuua-nǎi-phaaeng-gwàa
“Between these two violins, which one is more expensive?”

Example 2:  
“That violin is my grandma’s.”

4- Flutes

Thai numeric classifier: เลา (lao)

Example 1:   
ที่บ้านมีขลุ่ย 1 เลา
“There is a flute at my house.”

Example 2:  
“That flute is my grandpa’s.”

7. Thai Numeral Classifiers for Food

1- Root Vegetables

Thai numeric classifier: หัว (hǔua)

Example 1:   
แม่เพิ่งซื้อแครอทมา 3 หัว
“Mom just bought three carrots.”

Example 2:  
“Mom will use that carrot for soup.”

Mom Will Use That Carrot for Soup

2- Leaf Vegetables

Thai numeric classifier: ต้น (dtôn)

Example 1:   
ขั้นต่อไปคือสับต้นหอม 2 ต้น
“The next step is chopping two green onions.”

Example 2:
“That Chinese broccoli is very fresh.”

3- Fruits

Thai numeric classifier: ผล (phǒn) / ลูก (lûuk)

Example 1:   
“There are many rambutans in the fridge.”

Example 2:  
This orange is delicious.”

Additional note: Comparing these two classifiers in Thai, ผล (phǒn) is more formal than ลูก (lûuk).

4- Bunches of Grapes

Thai numeric classifier: พวง (phuuang)

Example 1:   
“How many bunches of grapes do you want?”

Example 2:  
“This bunch of grapes is very sour.”

Additional note: For bunches of grapes, พวง (phuuang) is used as a numeral classifier in Thai. However, for a single grape, you can use ลูก (lûuk).

5- Bunches of Bananas

Thai numeric classifier: หวี (wǐi)

Example 1:   
กล้วย 1 หวีราคาเท่าไหร่
“How much is a bunch of bananas?”

Example 2:  
“This bunch of bananas has already ripened.”

Additional note: For bunches of bananas, หวี (wǐi) is used as a numeral classifier in Thai. However, for a single banana, you can use ลูก (lûuk).

How Much Is a Bunch of Bananas?

6- Durian Pieces

Thai numeric classifier: พลู (phluu)

Example 1:   
ทุเรียน 1 พลูราคาเท่าไหร่
“How much is a piece of durian?”

Example 2:  
“Is this piece of durian sweet?”

Additional note: For pieces of durian, พลู (phluu) is used as a numeral classifier in Thai. However, for a whole durian, you can use ลูก (lûuk).

7- Eggs

Thai numeric classifier: ฟอง (faawng)

Example 1:   
พ่อกินไข่วันละ 2 ฟอง
“Dad eats two eggs a day.”

Example 2:  
“Is this egg a chicken egg or duck egg?”

8- Bread

Thai numeric classifier: แผ่น (phàaen) / ชิ้น (chín)

Example 1:   
เมื่อเช้าแม่กินขนมปังไป 2 แผ่น
“Mom ate two slices of bread this morning.”

Example 2:  
“This bread smells really good.”

Additional note: For slices of bread, แผ่น (phàaen) is used as a numeral classifier in Thai. For other types of bread, you can use ชิ้น (chín).

9- Cake Slices and Cookies

Thai numeric classifier: ชิ้น (chín)

Example 1:   
เค้ก 3 ชิ้นราคาเท่าไหร่
“How much is three slices of cake?”

Example 2:  
“This cookie is really bitter.”

10- Rice

Thai numeric classifier: เม็ด (mét)

Example 1:   
ข้าว 2-3 เม็ดตกอยู่บนพื้น
“There is a little rice on the floor.”

Example 2:  
“This sticky rice looks very good.”

Additional note: In Thai, in addition to using เม็ด (mét) which is quite impractical, you can also use the container as a numerical classifier. For example, ข้าว 1 จาน (khâo-nùeng-jaan) is “one plate of rice” in Thai.

8. Thai Numerical Classifiers by Shape

You’ve already learned a lot about Thai numeral classifiers. Still, there are a lot of Thai numerical classifiers you’re yet to learn. Fortunately, as mentioned above, numerical classifiers are used to describe the physical characteristics of a noun. So you can guess the proper numerical classifier by the shape of an object.

For uncountable nouns, you can use the container it’s in as the numeral classifier. 

Here’s a list of the numeral classifiers in Thai you need to remember in order to do this. 

1- Box-shaped Objects

Thai numeric classifier: กล่อง (glàawng)

Explanation: This is a numeral classifier for box-shaped objects or uncountable nouns that are in a box-shaped container.

Example 1:   
ช่วยซื้อซีเรียลให้ 3 กล่องได้มั้ย
“Can you buy me three boxes of cereal?”

Example 2:  
“This box of snacks is almost expired.”

2- Bottle-shaped Objects

Thai numeric classifier: ขวด (khùuat)

Explanation: This is a numeral classifier for bottle-shaped objects or uncountable nouns that are in a bottle-shaped container.

Example 1:   
โซดา 2 ขวดราคา 20 บาท
“Two bottles of soda cost 20 Baht.”

Example 2:  
“This bottle of juice is very sweet.”

3- Cup-shaped Objects

Thai numeric classifier: ถ้วย (thûuai)

Explanation: This is a numeral classifier for cup-shaped objects or uncountable nouns that are in a cup-shaped container.

Example 1:   
น้องกินขนมหวานไป 5 ถ้วย
“My younger sister ate five cups of dessert.”

Example 2:  
“Whose cup of ice cream is this?”

4- Bowl-shaped Objects

Thai numeric classifier: ชาม (chaam)

Explanation: This is a numeral classifier for bowl-shaped objects or uncountable nouns that are in a bowl-shaped container.

Example 1:   
ฉันกินก๋วยเตี๋ยว 1 ชามเป็นมื้อกลางวัน
“I had a bowl of noodles for lunch.”

Example 2:  
ระวังนะ ซุปชามนั้นร้อนมาก
rá-wang-ná súp-chaam-nán-ráawn-mâak
“Be careful, that bowl of soup is really hot.”

5- Bag-shaped Objects

Thai numeric classifier: ถุง (thǔng)

Explanation: This is a numeral classifier for bag-shaped objects or uncountable nouns that are in a bag-shaped container.

Example 1:   
พี่ซื้อมันฝรั่งทอดมา 3 ถุง
“My brother bought three bags of potato chips.”

Example 2:  
น้ำยาซักผ้าถุงนี้ราคา 50 บาท
“This bag of liquid detergent costs 50 Baht.”

9. Conclusion

Give yourself a big hand for finishing this lesson. You’ve now learned about Thai numerical classifiers, and hopefully you can remember the common Thai classifiers from the list we provided. Does your native language have numerical classifiers? What do you think about this lesson? Please comment to let us know.

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Appreciating Our Mentors: Teachers’ Day in Thailand

Teachers are valued in every country around the world, but few nations show teachers their due respect like Thailand does. This is reflected in Thai Teachers’ Day, celebrated each year to encourage the humility of students before their teachers. 

In this article, you’ll learn all about Teachers’ Day in Thailand, from its recent beginnings to how it’s celebrated. Let’s get started!

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1. What is Teachers’ Day?

A Teacher Standing in Front of a Blackboard

National Teachers’ Day is a Thai holiday celebrated each year on January 16. On this day, students go out of their way to show their teachers ความเคารพ (khwaam khao-róp), or “respect.” 

It was General Phiboonsongkram who first suggested the creation of Teachers’ Day in Thailand. He spoke on the topic with teachers, the mass media got involved in promoting the holiday’s implementation, and the National Cabinet made it an official holiday in 1956. The first celebration took place the next year in 1957. 

This holiday is rooted in the belief that teachers are some of the most valuable contributors to society, and as such, deserve to be recognized and appreciated for their devotion. This extends not only to school teachers, but to teachers in any field of life. 

Thai people often associate the profession of teaching with that of the taxi-boat profession. The taxi-boat service was once a crucial element of Thai society because Thai people traveled largely by river in the past. Just as a taxi-boat driver takes passengers to their destination and goes back for more passengers, so do teachers bring students to their destinations and continue to do so for students over the years. Teachers are seen as a path to the future. 

2. Teachers’ Day Traditions and Celebrations

A Student Giving Her Teacher Gift

In Thailand, Teachers’ Day celebrations begin the day before. 

Every โรงเรียน (roong-riian), or “school,” in the nation hosts special events honoring teachers. The first activity is for teachers and students to make merit by offering food to the monks. Afterward, students honor their teachers by bringing them a พานไหว้ครู (phaan wâai khruu), or “flower tray with candles and incense,” and bowing at their feet. In addition, there are competitions to see which student can create the best Teachers’ Day slogan; the winner receives a small scholarship. 

In some high schools, students may give speeches on this day to reflect on the influence of teachers in their lives. Teachers themselves are encouraged to think back on their own teachers. 

Teachers’ Day celebrations in Thailand involve a lot of symbolism. There are four symbols that are particularly important: 

  • ดอกเข็ม (dàawk khĕm), or “Ixora,” flowers.

    Ixora flowers have sharp petals, which represent a sharp mind.
  • Eggplant flowers.

    Eggplant flowers grow downward, which represents the humility of students toward their teachers and their willingness to เรียน (riian), or “study.”
  • Cynodon grass.

    Cynodon grass grows easily, which represents the growth of students’ knowledge.
  • Tok rice.

    Tok rice is a white rice that has been roasted and popped, representing the ability of students to flourish and shine brightly with enough discipline.

Visit our ‘Plants’ Culture Class lesson to learn about five other plants that are common in Thailand.

3. The Wai Kru Ceremony

การศึกษา (gaan sùek-sǎa), or “education,” is taken very seriously in Thailand, as is the art of teaching. So it should come as no surprise that there is another special day for teachers in Thailand: Wai Kru, or Teacher Appreciation Day. This ceremony takes place near the beginning of the Thai school year (normally mid-May), and involves students showing respect and humility toward their new teachers. 

The most important activities for this day include saying a Buddhist prayer, reciting a chant, offering gifts to teachers, and engaging in special performances. Sometimes, the head teacher of a school will give a speech and present awards to certain students. 

Wai Kru in Thailand is also performed outside of the formal education system. For example, it is popular in the arts. 

4. Essential Vocabulary for Teachers’ Day in Thailand

Flower Tray with Candles and Incense

Now let’s review some of the words from this article, plus a few more! 

  • สอน (sǎawn) – “teach” [v]
  • โรงเรียน (roong-riian) – “school” [n]
  • การศึกษา (gaan sùek-sǎa) – “education” [n]
  • ครู (khrŭu) – “teacher” [n]
  • นักเรียน (nák-riian) – “student” [n]
  • เรียน (riian) – “study” [v]
  • กตัญญู (gà-dtan-yuu) – “grateful” [adj.]
  • ดอกเข็ม (dàawk khĕm) – “Ixora” [pr. n]
  • เรียนรู้ (riian rúu) – “learn” [v]
  • ความเคารพ (khwaam khao-róp) – “respect” [n]
  • พานไหว้ครู (phaan wâai khruu) – “flower tray with candles and incense” [n]

Remember that you can hear the pronunciation of each word on our Teachers’ Day vocabulary list! 

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about this popular Thai holiday with us, and that you’re feeling inspired to keep studying. Is there a Teachers’ Day celebration in your country? Or maybe a particular teacher you are กตัญญู (gà-dtan-yuu), or “grateful,” to have had in your life? Let us know in the comments! 

To learn even more about Thai culture and holidays, you can read the following blog posts from

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Different Ways to Say Goodbye in Thai

In Thailand, there’s a saying we apply to our daily interactions with others: ไปมาลาไหว้ (bpai-maa-laa-wâi). In English, this means: “You should say hello and goodbye when you meet and part from each other.”

If you read our article on How to Say Hello in Thai, you’re already halfway there! Today, we’re going to teach you some different ways to say goodbye in Thai so that you can end your conversations with social finesse! 

By using these popular Thai goodbye phrases, you’ll sound more like a native speaker and will more easily form long-lasting relationships with natives. As you study them, you’ll also gain more cultural insight about Thailand and her people! 

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Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Thai Table of Contents
  1. Before We Start…
  2. Specific Ways to Say Goodbye in the Thai Language
  3. Phrases to Accompany Your Goodbye
  4. Actions Thai People Do When Saying Goodbye
  5. Conclusion

1. Before We Start…

Before we teach you how to say goodbye in Thai, let’s look at some new vocabulary:  

Keep in mind that the second word, ลาก่อน (laa-gàawn), is rarely used in day-to-day life. 

Instead, the most common way to say goodbye in Thai is สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii), which means “goodness,” “beauty,” “prosperity,” and “safety.” Due to its positive meanings, Thai people use this word for both greetings and farewells.  

If you happen to be in Thailand (or meet Thai people elsewhere), and want to impress them, you can always end your conversation with สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii) and do an action called ไหว้ (wâi).

2. Specific Ways to Say Goodbye in the Thai Language

Most Common Goodbyes

Apart from saying สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii), there are a couple of other phrases you can use to say goodbye.

1 – บ๊าย บาย

Thai pronunciation: báai-baai
English translation: “Bye”

This Thai word for goodbye actually comes from English. Thai people often use this in casual situations, usually among friends or family. However, keep in mind that Thai people don’t ไหว้ (wâi) when saying this; instead, they just wave goodbye.

หนูไปหาเพื่อนก่อนนะแม่ บ๊ายบาย
nǔu-bpai-hǎa-phûuean-gàawn-ná-mâae báai-baai
“I am going to meet my friend now. Bye.” [Talking to your mother]

A Woman Waving Goodbye

I am going to meet my friend now. Bye.

2 – แค่นี้นะ

Thai pronunciation: khâae-níi-ná
English translation: “Bye”

This is how to say goodbye in Thai before hanging up the phone.

เดี๋ยวพรุ่งนี้เจอกัน แค่นี้นะ
dǐiao-phrûng-níi-jooe-gan khâae-níi-ná
“See you tomorrow. Bye.”

3. Phrases to Accompany Your Goodbye

There are various phrases that Thai people say together with สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii). Some of these phrases are similar to their English counterparts, which should give you a healthy head-start! 

1 – ขอตัวก่อน

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw-dtuua-gàawn
English translation: “I have to go.”

You can use this phrase in formal situations, such as in business meetings or when you speak to elders. You should say this phrase before saying สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii).

หลังจากนี้ ผมมีนัดลูกค้าอีกท่านไว้ ต้องขอตัวก่อนครับ สวัสดีครับ
lǎng-jàak-níi phǒm-mii-nát-lûuk-kháa-ìik-thâan-wái dtâawng-khǎaw-dtuua-gàawn-khráp sà-wàt-dii- khráp
“I have an appointment with another customer after this. I have to go now. Goodbye.”

Man and Woman Chatting each Other

I have an appointment with another customer after this. I have to go now. Goodbye.

2 – ขอตัวกลับก่อน / กลับแล้ว

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw-dtuua-glàp-gàawn / glàp-láaeo
English translation: “I’m heading home.”

This phrase is suitable for specific situations, namely when you’re about to leave for home. You should say it before สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii) or บ๊าย บาย (báai-baai). The difference between the two phrases is that ขอตัวกลับก่อน (khǎaw-dtuua-glàp-gàawn) is used in formal situations, while กลับแล้ว (glàp-láaeo) is used in casual situations.

Example 1:
วันนี้ฉันรู้สึกไม่ค่อยดี ต้องขอตัวกลับก่อน สวัสดีค่ะ
wan-níi-chǎn-rúu-sùk-mâi-khâauy-dii dtâawng-khǎaw-dtuua-glàp-gâawn sà-wàt-dii-khà
“I’m not feeling well today. I’m heading home. Goodbye.”

Example 2:
กลับแล้วนะ จะรีบไปดูละคร บ๊าย บาย
glàp-láaeo-ná jà-rîip-bpai-duu-lá-khaawn báai-baai
“I’m heading home now, as I want to get back in time for the TV drama. Bye.”

3 – ขอตัวไปก่อน / ไปแล้ว

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw-dtuua-bpai-gàawn / bpai-láaeo
English translation: “I have to go.”

Despite having the same meaning as ขอตัวก่อน (khǎaw-dtuua-gàawn), these phrases are used in different situations. You should say them before สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii) when you’re leaving to go somewhere (but not to your place). The difference between the two phrases is that ขอตัวไปก่อน (khǎaw-dtuua-bpai-gàawn) is used in formal situations, while ไปแล้ว (bpai-láaeo) is used in casual situations.

Example 1:
ครูคะ หนูขอตัวไปก่อนนะคะ สวัสดีค่ะ
khruu-khá nǔu-khǎaw-dtuua-bpai-gâawn-ná-khá sà-wàt-dii-khà
“I have to go. Goodbye.” [Talking to your teacher]

Example 2:
ไปแล้วนะ เดี๋ยวออกสายแล้วรถติด บ๊าย บาย
bpai-láaeo-ná dǐiao-àawk-sǎai-láaeo-rót-dtìt báai-baai
“I have to go now or else the traffic will be really bad. Bye.”

4 – แล้วเจอกัน

Thai pronunciation: láaeo-jooe-gan
English translation: “See you.”

You say this phrase before saying สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii) or บ๊าย บาย (báai-baai).

ต้องไปแล้วนะ แล้วเจอกันพรุ่งนี้ บ๊าย บาย
dtâawng-bpai-láaeo-ná láaeo-jooe-gan-phrûng-níi báai-baai
“I have to go now. See you tomorrow. Bye.”

5 – แล้วจะมาใหม่

Thai pronunciation: láaeo-jà-maa-mài
English translation: “I will come back again.”

You say this phrase before saying สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii) or บ๊าย บาย (báai-baai).

ยายขา หนูกลับแล้วนะคะ แล้วจะมาเยี่ยมใหม่ค่ะ สวัสดีค่ะ
yaai-khǎa nǔu-glap-láaeo-ná-khá láaeo-jà-maa-yîiam-mâi sà-wàt-dii-khà
“I am going home now, but I will come back to visit you again. Goodbye.” [Talking to your grandmother]

6 – ขอลาไปก่อน / ขอลาไปแต่เพียงเท่านี้

Thai pronunciation: khǎaw-laa-bpai-gàawn / khǎaw-laa-bpai-dtàae-phiiang-thâo-níi
English translation: “This is the end of the show.” (Not literal translation)

This phrase is used only in TV shows or news channels before the words สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dii). 

Example 1:
ช่วงนี้ฝนตก ท่านผู้ชมระวังรักษาสุขภาพด้วย ต้องขอลาไปแต่เพียงเท่านี้ สวัสดีครับ
chûuang-níi-fǒn-dtòk thâan-phûu-chom-rá-wang-rák-sǎa-sùk-khà-phâap-dûuai dtâawng-khǎaw-laa- bpai-dtàae-phiiang-thâo-níi sà-wàt-dii-khráp
“It has been raining a lot recently, so please take care of your health. This is the end of the show. Goodbye.”

Example 2:
ขอขอบคุณแขกรับเชิญทุกท่าน ขอลาไปก่อน สวัสดีค่ะ
khǎaw-khàawp-khun-khàaek-ráp-chooen-thúk-thâan khǎaw-laa-bpai-gàawn sà-wàt-dii-khà
“Thank you to all the guests today. This is the end of the show. Goodbye.”

A Camera Man Doing His Job

Thank you to all the guests today. This is the end of the show. Goodbye.

7 – เดินทางปลอดภัย / เดินทางดี ๆ นะ

Thai pronunciation: dooen-thaang-bplàawt-phai / dooen-thaang-dii-dii-ná
English translation: “Have a safe trip.”

Thai people often wish or bless other parties to have a safe trip when saying goodbye. The difference between the two phrases is that เดินทางปลอดภัย (dooen-thaang-bplàawt-phai) is used in formal situations, while เดินทางดี ๆ นะ (dooen-thaang-dii-dii-ná) is used in casual situations.

Example 1:  
ดึกแล้ว เดินทางดี ๆ นะ บ๊าย บาย
dùek-láaeo dooen-thaang-dii-dii-ná báai-baai
“It is late at night now, so I hope you have a safe trip. Bye.”

Example 2:  
ขอบคุณที่ใช้บริการ ขอให้ทุกท่านเดินทางปลอดภัย สวัสดีค่ะ
khàawp-khun-thîi-chái-baaw-rí-gaan khǎaw-hâi-thúk-thâan-dooen-thanng-bplàawt-phai sà-wàt-dii- khà
“Thank you for using our service. We hope you have a safe trip. Goodbye.”

8 – ขอบคุณสำหรับ…

Thai pronunciation: khàawp-khun-sǎm-ràp-wan-níi
English translation: “Thanks for ___.”

Thai people say this phrase to show that they’re thankful for something the other party did or offered to do.

ขอบคุณสำหรับอาหารเย็นวันนี้ อร่อยมากค่ะ ตอนนี้ต้องขอตัวกลับก่อน สวัสดีค่ะ
khàawp-khun-sǎm-ràp-aa-hǎan-yen-wan-níi a-ràauy-mâak-khà dtaawn-níi-dtâawng-khǎaw-dtuua- glàp-gàawn sà-wàt-dii-khà
“Thanks for the dinner today. It was delicious. Now, I have to go back home. Goodbye.”

9 – ดูแลตัวเองดี ๆ นะ

Thai pronunciation: duu-laae-dtuua-eeng-dii-dii-ná
English translation: “Take good care of yourself.”

This is what Thai people say to show that they care about the other party.

พรุ่งนี้เดินทางไปญี่ปุ่นคนเดียว ดูแลตัวเองดี ๆ นะ บ๊าย บาย
phrûng-níi-dooen-thaang-bpai-yîi-bphùn-khon-diiao duu-laae-dtuua-eeng-dii-dii-ná báai-baai
“Tomorrow, you have to go to Japan alone, so take good care of yourself. Bye.”

10 – ดูแลสุขภาพด้วย / รักษาสุขภาพด้วย

Thai pronunciation: duu-laae-sùk-khà-phâap-dûuai / rák-sǎa-sùk-khà-phâap-dûuai
English translation: “Take good care of your health.”

Thai people use these two phrases with people they care about. There’s no difference between these two phrases, and they’re completely interchangeable.

Example 1:  
ตอนนี้ไข้หวัดกำลังระบาด คุณตาดูแลสุขภาพด้วยนะคะ สวัสดีค่ะ
dtaawn-níi-khâi-whàt-gam-lang-rá-bàat khun-dtaa-duu-laae-sùk-khà-phâap-dûuai-ná-khá sà-wàt-dii- khà
“This is the flu season, so you have to take good care of your health. Goodbye.” [Talking to your grandfather]

Example 2:  
หน้าฝนแล้ว รักษาสุขภาพด้วย สวัสดีค่ะ
nâa-fǒn-láaeo rák-sǎa-sùk-khà-phâap-dûuai sà-wàt-dii-khà
“It is the rainy season now, so take care of your health. Goodbye.”

11 – โชคดีนะ

Thai pronunciation: chôok-dii-ná
English translation: “Good luck.”

This is another phrase to show you care.

ขอให้โชคดีในการสอบนะ บ๊าย บาย
khǎaw-hâi-chôok-dii-nai-gaan-sàawp-ná báai-baai
Good luck on your test. Bye.”

12 – หายเร็ว ๆ นะ

Thai pronunciation: hǎai-reo-reo-ná
English translation: “Get well soon.”

Thai people usually say this phrase after visiting someone they know in the hospital.

ขอให้คุณน้าหายเร็ว ๆ นะคะ หนูขอตัวก่อน สวัสดีค่ะ
khǎaw-hâi-khun-náa-hǎai-reo-reo-ná-khá nǔu-khǎaw-dtuua-gàawn sà-wat-dii-khà
“I hope you get well soon. I have to go now. Goodbye.”

4. Actions Thai People Do When Saying Goodbye

There are a few specific actions Thai people do when saying goodbye to someone. Here are the most popular ones:

1 – ไหว้ (wâi)

As mentioned earlier, a common action that Thai people normally do when saying goodbye is ไหว้ (wâi). This action can be done when saying hello or goodbye in a formal environment. If you’re going to live in Thailand, it’s good to learn how to ไหว้ (wâi), as you’ll want to use it pretty often.

Two Women Smiling Each Other

สวัสดี [sà-wàt-dii]

2 – Hug

Thai people who are close to each other may also hug before saying goodbye.

3 – Wave

In informal situations, such as among friends, Thai people also wave while saying บ๊าย บาย (báai-baai).

A Group of Friends Waving Goodbye

See you tomorrow.

5. Conclusion

Now you know how to say goodbye in Thai! After reading this article, you should never be at a loss for words when it’s time to part ways. 

How do you say goodbye in your country? Is there much difference? Let us know in the comments below.

And as usual, if you’re not sure where to go next on, we have some suggestions: 

We hope you enjoyed this lesson. สวัสดี (sà-wat-dii)!

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